Will rw's apologize for their lies?

Absolutely not. Right wingers are pussy bitches that never apologize for their lies and F ups, they just trying everything they can to blame someone else.

Why don't you defend your dear leader instead of bashing people who disagree with his actions? Is it really that hard to do? Come on there commie, defend the actions of your little priece of chicago gutter trash. 37 months and counting and the US will be rid of that POS.
Looks like damage control.

How do you explain the photo a little later where the Purple Gumby and Obie switched seats?

Gee, why don't you ask fux, lush or any of the other lying traitors on the right? You sure as hell don't want to actually READ what the photographer wrote.

You know I bet that photographer would MAKE a hell of lot more money as a MIND READER i.e. he knows Michelle wasn't pissed at the
childish juveniles sitting beside her! One of the few times I agree with her "body language"... i.e. "how can I get away from these really sophomoric kids that don't understand general heads of states are a little more respectful!"

But more important... it matters little what the photo meaning... the perception is VERY VERY telling.. we have a naive, joint toking President back at his chombing days..
Oh btw, in Britain the liberals are going after Cameron for the selfie. I'd say the criticisms are "bi partisan". :)

Like a group of giggling teenagers, they grinned as they bunched together, the Scandinavian blonde pulling Mr Cameron closer into shot, for a quick photograph taken on her smartphone.

During Prime Minister’s Questions today, Lib Dem MP Martin Horwood jokingly asked if Mr Cameron had found ‘the opportunity to discuss international mobile phone usage with any other European heads of government in the last day or so’.

David Cameron defends Mandela memorial service selfie | Mail Online
Anyone fighting over what Obama did at a man's funeral ought to look at themselves before passing judgement. Umbrellas? Handshakes? Selfies? Geez. I might be a conservative, but I'm politely asking my conservative friends to get over themselves. Does this stuff really matter in the grand scheme of things? If you want to get upset over something get upset over Obamacare.

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Anyone who got upset over this story undoubtedly lacks what are called "critical thinking skills".

It's a shame that people are losing - more and more - the ability to think for themselves. We must change this or our nation will become a nation of slaves. Sounds cliche, I suppose, but it's true.
Anyone who got upset over this story undoubtedly lacks what are called "critical thinking skills".

It's a shame that people are losing - more and more - the ability to think for themselves. We must change this or our nation will become a nation of slaves. Sounds cliche, I suppose, but it's true.

You keep harping about how Great pre civil war south was, what problem do you have with slaves?
Even the neighborhood teens who adore the art of creating "selfies" are shaking their heads in disgust. And these are the future voters The Democrat Party is counting on......

Alas, now even they are lost.

Yeah, they're so lost, they might not reelect Obama again.

And that would be such a travesty.
Anyone who got upset over this story undoubtedly lacks what are called "critical thinking skills".

It's a shame that people are losing - more and more - the ability to think for themselves. We must change this or our nation will become a nation of slaves. Sounds cliche, I suppose, but it's true.


Hardly. This is EXACTLY what I expect out of Obama. He's basically on the same level as Miley Cyrus.

Lady Gaga and Obama should do the VMA's.
Anyone who got upset over this story undoubtedly lacks what are called "critical thinking skills".

It's a shame that people are losing - more and more - the ability to think for themselves. We must change this or our nation will become a nation of slaves. Sounds cliche, I suppose, but it's true.

You keep harping about how Great pre civil war south was, what problem do you have with slaves?

I have absolutely no idea what you are referring to.

Hardly. This is EXACTLY what I expect out of Obama. He's basically on the same level as Miley Cyrus.

Lady Gaga and Obama should do the VMA's.

What, taking a picture?

Listen, I don't like Obama. I've started threads on how I don't like Obama. I've defended this position hundreds of times here.

But the guy was taking a picture with some people at a downtime during the memorial. You can see people smiling and talking in the background. Big f'cking deal. There is nothing to see here.

Really irrelevant OP. People on both the left and the right routinely make "stories" out of trivial, meaningless matters. Happens on all ends of the political spectrum, done by people of all ethnic backgrounds and social standings.

It's absolutely ridiculous to ask anyone to apologize for this.


Considering he is the Comander-in-Chief... but leaving all that aside, the fact you would choose the moment of a funeral to take a selfie pic? I don't know about you but any funeral I had attended, to use that moment to take a picture of yourself with someone while a family is coping with the loss of a loved one, I find to be very disrespectful. To merely shrug that off as trivial and really no big deal, says a lot about a person's character.
What, taking a picture?

Obama is a celebrity - and that is ALL he is.

Taking a "selfie" during the middle of a funeral is exactly what we should expect from a self-absorbed primadonna.

Listen, I don't like Obama. I've started threads on how I don't like Obama. I've defended this position hundreds of times here.

But the guy was taking a picture with some people at a downtime during the memorial. You can see people smiling and talking in the background. Big f'cking deal. There is nothing to see here.

Again, it's not a big deal, and EXACTLY what I expect from Obama.
When do they apologize for anything?

The Iraq War doesn't even bring them to admit that they've made mistakes. The Bush Recession? No apologies.

They learn nothing, know nothing, apologize for nothing.

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