Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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CNN is very fake news.....

That's the best you got?
So...yes, you do think Obamas Russian spies were deployed.....huh.....

Here was the setup.

Fake Russian Hacking Story of The DNC Server.
That Lie was used to justify wire tapping of The Trump Campaign.
Once a Wire Tap was installed, Obama would send Russian Ambassador Kislyak to The Targets.

It matters not that each target conducted themselves with honor, and did nothing illicit or illegal.
The entire purpose of the illegal wire taps were to undermine and discredit as many Trump Campaign Staff Members as they could.

This is The Biggest Scandal in US History. It is Watergate on Steroids.

The Obama Administration, DNC, & The Clinton Campaign were working with Russia to impact and affect US Elections!

The Dems always accuse others of what they themselves are doing in the shadows. And it's about time America woke up to their seditious and evil ways before they put America and our intelligence community in serious danger, if they haven't already compromised it severely enough.
Fake news? Even Trump encouraged the hacking.

Don't ask for links to stuff you already know. That is childish.
We are enjoying your plantation ignorance.....we fought had over the last year...you are our reward....:lol:
GOP Hill leaders back away from Trump on wiretap allegations - CNNPolitics.com
CNN is very fake news.....

That's the best you got?
So...yes, you do think Obamas Russian spies were deployed.....huh.....

English please, hombre.
You mean Russian....you're a democrat....:lol:
CNN is very fake news.....

That's the best you got?
So...yes, you do think Obamas Russian spies were deployed.....huh.....

Here was the setup.

Fake Russian Hacking Story of The DNC Server.
That Lie was used to justify wire tapping of The Trump Campaign.
Once a Wire Tap was installed, Obama would send Russian Ambassador Kislyak to The Targets.

It matters not that each target conducted themselves with honor, and did nothing illicit or illegal.
The entire purpose of the illegal wire taps were to undermine and discredit as many Trump Campaign Staff Members as they could.

This is The Biggest Scandal in US History. It is Watergate on Steroids.

The Obama Administration, DNC, & The Clinton Campaign were working with Russia to impact and affect US Elections!

The Dems always accuse others of what they themselves are doing in the shadows. And it's about time America woke up to their seditious and evil ways before they put America and our intelligence community in serious danger, if they haven't already compromised it severely enough.
Fake news? Even Trump encouraged the hacking.
Sorry, I don't feed trolls. Go gnaw on someone else's ankles.
CNN is very fake news.....

That's the best you got?
So...yes, you do think Obamas Russian spies were deployed.....huh.....

Here was the setup.

Fake Russian Hacking Story of The DNC Server.
That Lie was used to justify wire tapping of The Trump Campaign.
Once a Wire Tap was installed, Obama would send Russian Ambassador Kislyak to The Targets.

It matters not that each target conducted themselves with honor, and did nothing illicit or illegal.
The entire purpose of the illegal wire taps were to undermine and discredit as many Trump Campaign Staff Members as they could.

This is The Biggest Scandal in US History. It is Watergate on Steroids.

The Obama Administration, DNC, & The Clinton Campaign were working with Russia to impact and affect US Elections!

The Dems always accuse others of what they themselves are doing in the shadows. And it's about time America woke up to their seditious and evil ways before they put America and our intelligence community in serious danger, if they haven't already compromised it severely enough.
Fake news? Even Trump encouraged the hacking.

Name the news sources you trust.
That's the best you got?
So...yes, you do think Obamas Russian spies were deployed.....huh.....

Here was the setup.

Fake Russian Hacking Story of The DNC Server.
That Lie was used to justify wire tapping of The Trump Campaign.
Once a Wire Tap was installed, Obama would send Russian Ambassador Kislyak to The Targets.

It matters not that each target conducted themselves with honor, and did nothing illicit or illegal.
The entire purpose of the illegal wire taps were to undermine and discredit as many Trump Campaign Staff Members as they could.

This is The Biggest Scandal in US History. It is Watergate on Steroids.

The Obama Administration, DNC, & The Clinton Campaign were working with Russia to impact and affect US Elections!

The Dems always accuse others of what they themselves are doing in the shadows. And it's about time America woke up to their seditious and evil ways before they put America and our intelligence community in serious danger, if they haven't already compromised it severely enough.
Fake news? Even Trump encouraged the hacking.
Sorry, I don't feed trolls. Go gnaw on someone else's ankles.
You running out of food stamps?
What hacking
Trump has a Russian collusion problem. He must deliver for Putin or be exposed for treason!!!
Where's the evidence, douche bag?
There's no need for name calling. However, tRUMP's Russian problem isn't going anywhere for the next 4 years. The evidence will be dripped out to where its ruins trumps "Stolen-Rigged Election.

It's odd that you want to beat the "Stolen-Rigged Election" drum when there's not a shred of evidence that Russia changed ONE vote or hacked ONE voting machine.
TRUMP hopes that red state voters looks at his Russia-Putin scandal the same way you and your ilk continue to look at it. However, The slow drip of russia-putin interferring in the 2016 election do damage the DNC, the worst it will get for Trump and the GOP.

I don't know...the more it's talked about, the less impact it seems to have.
That is illegal

How is that illegal.

It's not.

The Treatment of Flynn’s Phone Calls Complies with FISA Minimization Procedures
By David Kris
Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 5:02 PM

It is certainly true that U.S. intelligence services can get orders from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to monitor foreign officials. The Russian ambassador, simply by virtue of his nationality and official position, is an “agent of a foreign power” under FISA and hence a valid target for wiretapping. It is publicly known and acknowledged that the U.S. government uses FISA to wiretap foreign embassies and consulates. So, the Journal may be right that Flynn was picked up on a wiretap of the Russian ambassador.

So legal so far:

But a U.S. person’s name can be used when it is necessary to understand the foreign intelligence information in the report, and no serious argument can be made that Flynn’s identity was not necessary to understand the intelligence significance of his call with Ambassador Kislyak. The call is foreign intelligence information mainly because it involves Flynn.

In a related context, here is what FISA’s legislative history says about minimization rules and substitution of generic identifiers for U.S. person names when those U.S. persons are U.S. government officials (this passage is quoted in the chapter on minimization in my book on national security investigations and prosecutions):

One example [of a situation in which a U.S. person’s name could be disseminated in an intelligence report] would be the identity of a person who is the incumbent of an office of the executive branch of the U.S. Government having significant responsibility for the conduct of U.S. defense or foreign policy, such as the Secretary of State or the State Department country desk officer. The identifiers of such persons would frequently satisfy the “necessary to understand” requirement, especially when such person is referred to in the communications of foreign officials.

Flynn was not the incumbent at the time of the call, but the logic still applies. In short, this is not a close call.

Still legal. Flynn becane a national security risk because of his high national security position and he lied in public about his conversation with a Russian official. And Russians knew it and could use it.

Had Flynn not lied, it's likely nothing would of came from the legal wiretap on Amb Kislyak
although talking about sanction as a private citizen presented some kind of legal predicament.
Of course it's not illegal. That's why Rambunctious can't cite any U.S.
law stating that it is.

It's called the 4th Amendment, moron.

What's your 4th Amendment right if you call someone whose phone is being tapped via a legal warrant.
FISA warrants aren't legal.

Sent from my SM-G930U using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

You read it wrong. You're probably reciting the Mark Levin version of what the Times said.

I know you fascists seek to dominate the dialogue, but things are unraveling fast.

I suspect you are in far deeper trouble than you Fuhrer or his hate sites have led you to believe.
The GOP needs to just come to term with the reality that Trump's Russia problem will get worse.
You're mistaken, It's going to get worse for Obama and the Dims, not Trump.

Like what Bri?

Republican Senator Devin Nunes House Intelligence Committee Chairman cannot support Trump wiretapping fantasy.
How would he know? The NYT supports Trump's tweet about Obama's wiretaps.
what wire taps???????
Trump has a Russian collusion problem. He must deliver for Putin or be exposed for treason!!!
Where's the evidence, douche bag?
There's no need for name calling. However, tRUMP's Russian problem isn't going anywhere for the next 4 years. The evidence will be dripped out to where its ruins trumps "Stolen-Rigged Election.

It's odd that you want to beat the "Stolen-Rigged Election" drum when there's not a shred of evidence that Russia changed ONE vote or hacked ONE voting machine.
TRUMP hopes that red state voters looks at his Russia-Putin scandal the same way you and your ilk continue to look at it. However, The slow drip of russia-putin interferring in the 2016 election do damage the DNC, the worst it will get for Trump and the GOP.

I don't know...the more it's talked about, the less impact it seems to have.
Well that's Trump's plan. But its not working. Trump and the GOP realize you can only lie for so long.
No one tapped Flynn's phone
Not true, the call between General Flynn and the Russian ambassador was intercepted. Who did it and why? Why was it done without telling Clapper? Was it done without permission? Obama's administration has some questions to answer.

What is so unbelieveable that we have taps on the russians? And anybody stupid enough to call the Russian embassy is going to be recorded by the NSA. So they should be careful what they say.
What is unbelievable and in fact treasonous is that Democrats and their cronies in govt. agencies have allowed the world to know that Americans are actively spying and wiretapping diplomats, leaders , and representatives of other countries, friend or foe. Of course, this is all because crooked Hillary lost. Had she won last November none of these discussions or preplanned leaks would have occured.
Yeah, the Russians had no clue we spy on them until now. <smh>
Yeah, just like you snowflakes had no clue that the Russians hacked out political parties.

What a dumbass.
Calling names for the next 4 years won't stop Trumps impeachment.
Contumacious, post: 16751298
The FISA court may be the biggest bunch of lapdogs in the federal government. The court approved almost every one of the 15,000 search warrant requests the feds submitted between 1978 and 2002, and it continues to approve more than 99 percent of requests.

That's because law enforcement and intelligence services do their legal preparations and case building prior to applying fobs FISA Court warrant.

It's all very legal.

Lew Rockwell ? Come on!
Sorry, I don't feed trolls. Go gnaw on someone else's ankles.

If you don't feed trolls, you'll soon starve to death, fawn.

I'm just sayin
The GOP needs to just come to term with the reality that Trump's Russia problem will get worse.

The more Trump calls for investigations, example of the wiretapping of Trump tower, the more the NSA has to go through their archives of intercepted recordings.
Trump tower had a FISA and wire tapped because that's were the crooks and bad hombre's visited. This isn't going away any time soon. Trump and boys will need commit our military to a ground war somewhere in the world to get all the stink off him.
So you're admitting the Obama administration wire tapped Trump's home?
As P
The GOP needs to just come to term with the reality that Trump's Russia problem will get worse.

The more Trump calls for investigations, example of the wiretapping of Trump tower, the more the NSA has to go through their archives of intercepted recordings.
Trump tower had a FISA and wire tapped because that's were the crooks and bad hombre's visited. This isn't going away any time soon. Trump and boys will need commit our military to a ground war somewhere in the world to get all the stink off him.
So you're admitting the Obama administration wire tapped Trump's home?
As President Trump can go to courts and find out if he or who was wired taped! What is Trump waiting for?
I know you fascists seek to dominate the dialogue, but things are unraveling fast.

I suspect you are in far deeper trouble than you Fuhrer or his hate sites have led you to believe.
The GOP needs to just come to term with the reality that Trump's Russia problem will get worse.
You're mistaken, It's going to get worse for Obama and the Dims, not Trump.

Like what Bri?

Republican Senator Devin Nunes House Intelligence Committee Chairman cannot support Trump wiretapping fantasy.
How would he know? The NYT supports Trump's tweet about Obama's wiretaps.
what wire taps???????

The ones in Trump's home that the NYT discussed.
Not true, the call between General Flynn and the Russian ambassador was intercepted. Who did it and why? Why was it done without telling Clapper? Was it done without permission? Obama's administration has some questions to answer.

What is so unbelieveable that we have taps on the russians? And anybody stupid enough to call the Russian embassy is going to be recorded by the NSA. So they should be careful what they say.
What is unbelievable and in fact treasonous is that Democrats and their cronies in govt. agencies have allowed the world to know that Americans are actively spying and wiretapping diplomats, leaders , and representatives of other countries, friend or foe. Of course, this is all because crooked Hillary lost. Had she won last November none of these discussions or preplanned leaks would have occured.
Yeah, the Russians had no clue we spy on them until now. <smh>
Yeah, just like you snowflakes had no clue that the Russians hacked out political parties.

What a dumbass.
Calling names for the next 4 years won't stop Trumps impeachment.

Your wet dreams are entertaining, but no one is really interested in them.
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