Will Hillary take the VP JOB?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Biden steps in it again. There's no way he can debate Ryan. He's going to be thrown under the bus. So who's going to be the next VP in line?

HILLARY! We all know there's no love there still, but will she take it? Will she save Obama's butt? I can see her and Bill huddling in the corner now. There talking about all the dirty politicking Obama did against her last election cycle and how he ran the race card against Bil in NC. Does she want the lazy title of VP now?

I say no...she'll let him hang. What say you?
The way you used the Word Will in your Title for a min I thought I had missed something Serious. Should say Would she, since she has not been offered it as of yet. :)

I don't think she would, She probably would have 4 years ago if Obama had asked, But now after 4 Years of Obama leading I really do not think she wants to Tie her Chances to win in 4 years to him. I think she is going to Resign from her Position shortly after this Election if Obama wins, and start Distancing herself from Obama for her Run in 4 years.
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The way you used the Word Will in your Title for a min I thought I had missed something Serious. Should say Would she, since she has not been offered it as of yet. :)

I don't think she would, She probably would have 4 years ago if Obama had asked, But now after 4 Years Obama leading I really do not think she wants to Tie her Chances to win in 4 years to him. I think she is going to Resign from her Position shortly after this Election if Obama wins, and start Distancing herself from Obama for her Run in 4 years.

Although I think she has said that wasn't her plan, I agree with you. Sorry about my wording, Charles.
It would make the Obama campaign look pretty inept at this point. They would have to fake some story about his health or having to be with family or maybe they would really get rid of him Chicago style. Whichever way it was, no one would buy it and it would be a win for Romney.
Biden steps in it again. There's no way he can debate Ryan. He's going to be thrown under the bus. So who's going to be the next VP in line?

HILLARY! We all know there's no love there still, but will she take it? Will she save Obama's butt? I can see her and Bill huddling in the corner now. There talking about all the dirty politicking Obama did against her last election cycle and how he ran the race card against Bil in NC. Does she want the lazy title of VP now?

I say no...she'll let him hang. What say you?

I'm guessing she has already been offered the position and turned it down.
She can run in 2016 and all the liberals that had buyers remorse about 2008 can vote for her.
If it comes to that Jackson, I too believe Hilary will let Obama hang. She's got her sights set on 2016 and having her brand splashed all around between now and then is NOT going to help her in that regard.

I do however believe Obama has wished for quite some time that he has a right hand man/woman other than Biden. Ryan being added to the Romney ticket only drives that fact further home to Obama.
I've been thinking obama might ditch biden a bit lately. I can't see clinton taking the spot though.
Republicans would have a field day with obama's lack of loyalty. I kind of think now that obama is stuck with Uncle Joe.
I've been thinking obama might ditch biden a bit lately. I can't see clinton taking the spot though.
Republicans would have a field day with obama's lack of loyalty. I kind of think now that obama is stuck with Uncle Joe.

It will certainly be difficult to dump Joe and save any face at this late point in the game.

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