Will Democrats run on the truth and their record…Or will they be able to sucker enough feelings people with ‘I’m not Trump’ again?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Could they win again if they ran on:
“We killed more Covid patients than Trump did”
“We forced you to stop working and pursuing happiness”
“We forced you to take experimental medicine you didn’t want to take”
“We’ll give tens of billions of dollars of your money to a nation that’s not an ally and that brings nothing to the table but a possible war with Russia”
“We gave you record high inflation”
“We gave you record high fuel prices”
“We let a record number of illegals in to phuck you over”
“We lost control of the world through perceived weakness”
“We made home ownership nearly impossible with super high interest rates”
“We’ll attack evil straight whitey every chance we get to stoke division amongst the people”
“We hate the Constitution and SCOTUS rulings”

Remember, the Republicans will run of their record:
Lower taxes
Low interest rates
Low fuel costs
Low inflation
A closed border
Eradication of illegals
Command of the world
Could they win again if they ran on:
Running on Biden's good economy will do. How much people hate pro-life antiliberty policies, that's just icing on the cake.

It's good to be a Democrat. We can run on issues, while Republicans have to run from issues. That's why they're all deflecting by screeching about Hunter Biden and how they want to kill transpeople.

See ya in 2024, loser.
Hell of a question coming from Cult 45
Can you explain?

Remember, the Republicans will run of their record:
Lower taxes
Low interest rates
Low fuel costs
Low inflation
A closed border
Eradication of illegals
Command of the world
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The Democrats have morphed into an unrecognizable hollowed out shell of a communist delivery system.

Even if you were smarter than me years ago and always hated them, they're devastatingly worse now than they've ever been.

To the acute detriment of us all.
Running on Biden's good economy will do. How much people hate pro-life antiliberty policies, that's just icing on the cake.
hahaha…”good economy” for who….the elites you proclaim to detest?
It's good to be a Democrat. We can run on issues, while Republicans have to run from issues.
hahaha…yeah…”issues”……like the white supremacy that doesn’t exist, threats to Democracy that doesn’t exist and rights for the .000002 percentile / chicks with dicks?
That's why they're all deflecting by screeching about Hunter Biden and how they want to kill transpeople.
hahaha…Hunter is simply the gateway to Almost Dead Joe…..you know this.
Could they win again if they ran on:
“We killed more Covid patients than Trump did”
“We forced you to stop working and pursuing happiness”
“We forced you to take experimental medicine you didn’t want to take”
“We’ll give tens of billions of dollars of your money to a nation that’s not an ally and that brings nothing to the table but a possible war with Russia”
“We gave you record high inflation”
“We gave you record high fuel prices”
“We let a record number of illegals in to phuck you over”
“We lost control of the world through perceived weakness”
“We made home ownership nearly impossible with super high interest rates”
“We’ll attack evil straight whitey every chance we get to stoke division amongst the people”
“We hate the Constitution and SCOTUS rulings”

Remember, the Republicans will run of their record:
Lower taxes
Low interest rates
Low fuel costs
Low inflation
A closed border
Eradication of illegals
Command of the world
None of the above is relevant.

Blue states will vote Blue.

Red states will vote Red.

A half dozen swing states will decide the election.

It will come down to how successful the Democrats are in suppressing 3rd party candidates in these states.

The End
Could they win again if they ran on:
“We killed more Covid patients than Trump did”
“We forced you to stop working and pursuing happiness”
“We forced you to take experimental medicine you didn’t want to take”
“We’ll give tens of billions of dollars of your money to a nation that’s not an ally and that brings nothing to the table but a possible war with Russia”
“We gave you record high inflation”
“We gave you record high fuel prices”
“We let a record number of illegals in to phuck you over”
“We lost control of the world through perceived weakness”
“We made home ownership nearly impossible with super high interest rates”
“We’ll attack evil straight whitey every chance we get to stoke division amongst the people”
“We hate the Constitution and SCOTUS rulings”

Remember, the Republicans will run of their record:
Lower taxes
Low interest rates
Low fuel costs
Low inflation
A closed border
Eradication of illegals
Command of the world
They have their own truths and the media helps them push them.

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