Will an overcrowded GOP field hurt their 2016 chances?

simple no it will not,choice is a good thing,something that seems to escape so many on the left.

So why is the GOP going to such extremes to prevent most of them from joining their debates? They want to limit exposure of the crazy overload coming from the clown car.
I know that I am getting old, but I clearly remember when GOP candidates were not crazy. In fact, Bush 1 wasn't crazy.

Those were the good old days.
I know that I am getting old, but I clearly remember when GOP candidates were not crazy. In fact, Bush 1 wasn't crazy.

Those were the good old days.

That was back when the GOP had integrity. They consider that a weakness now.
Anyone else notice that the GOP has more Black and Hispanic candidates running for president than do the democrats, and as many women?
I want to see all 21 candidates on stage during the debates. That should be a lot of fun.

Hmmm...21 candidates in 60 minutes?

Less than 3 minutes each?

They are barely going to have time for elevator speeches let alone have a debate.
I want to see all 21 candidates on stage during the debates. That should be a lot of fun.

Hmmm...21 candidates in 60 minutes?

Less than 3 minutes each?

They are barely going to have time for elevator speeches let alone have a debate.

Look at the bright side ...

Repubs usually run from questions and this will save them a whole lotta running away.
Yeah and the Dem's debates will be two old geezers debating if Metumucil will help them shit regular
Carly Fiorina is in the race.

She did a fine job at HP and could no doubt do equally as well fucking up the US economy.

Oh but, isn't Fiorina known for creating lots and lots of jobs?

She was on Bill Maher a couple weeks ago and came across as pretty dim. Stubbornly dim.

She is well known for creating tens of thousands of job SEEKERS who were formerly gainfully employed by HP.
This is one of the more ridiculous myths propagated by the right, that corporate executives possess some sort of 'special abilities' to be president, and that government can be 'run like a business,' when in fact both are completely unfounded and untrue.
Carly Fiorina is in the race.

She did a fine job at HP and could no doubt do equally as well fucking up the US economy.

Oh but, isn't Fiorina known for creating lots and lots of jobs?

She was on Bill Maher a couple weeks ago and came across as pretty dim. Stubbornly dim.

She is well known for creating tens of thousands of job SEEKERS who were formerly gainfully employed by HP.
This is one of the more ridiculous myths propagated by the right, that corporate executives possess some sort of 'special abilities' to be president, and that government can be 'run like a business,' when in fact both are completely unfounded and untrue.

CEO's have more in common with dictators than democratically elected leaders. But it speaks to the Libertarian mindset that they want to be ruled by rich despots rather than by We the People.
Fiorina laying off 30K makes her a winner to RWs.

They don't like those who create jobs.
We are barely out of the gate and the GOP already has a few confirmed candidates, and more are sure to announce their run. Is this a good thing for the GOP? How different are any of their stances? In my opinion, an overcrowded GOP field will be a detriment. They will spend the primaries destroying each other, and come the general elections the nominee will be damaged goods to independents and more than a few GOP voters. In recent years it seems the GOP has thrown out too many candidates at one time.

This will surprise perhaps you and many others, but having a crowded field within the opposition party is pretty much in line with electoral history. It's happened more within the Democratic Party in the last 50 years, but before then, it was absolutely part and parcel for the GOP as well.

The problem is not the number of candidates. And the problem is not of quality. Some of them are going to bring interesting resumes with to the table.

The problem is the crazy-assed stuff they are practically forced to say to an ultra-right-of-right base just to get nominated, stuff that then becomes a poison pill in the General election.

But there is no doubt that the GOP is making history thus far, not just with a declared black and female candidates - they had that in 2012. but also with two Latino candidates. One of those candidates is having a very hard time getting traction, especially among Latinos themselves: Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio, on the other hand, could wage a surprisingly strong candidacy.

So, on the whole, I don't think it's a detriment, Aaron. After 8 years of being out of power, the opposition party needs to find itself, decide where it stands, and then field the best possible ticket. And since 2016 is going to be a open cycle, and since open cycles usually bring surprises with them, I am pretty sure that some surprises are heading our way.

Currently (in chronological order), Cruz, Paul, Rubio, Fiorina and Carson have announced.

It is assumed that Huckabee announces tomorrow. That makes six.

And then there are the two HUGE elephants in the room: Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. That will likely make eight.

And then there is Graham, who has said he is 90% sure he is making a go of it. And John Kasich is giving stronger signals with every day. That would be 10.

Christie? Hmmmmmm, don't know, with Bridgegate blowing up in his face. That could theoretically be 11

4 Moderates: Bush, Walker, Christie and Kasich, with appeal in the NE, Acela and Rust-belt states

5 Southerners: Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Huckabee and Graham - but with a different "clientele"

2 "rogues": Carson and Fiorina

With so many candidates, if their regional appeal stays and no one really breaks away from the pack after the Florida and Michigan primaries (WTA, I believe), then it could be a very long primary season.

I look forward to watching it.



PS: I forgot frothy-mix Santorum. He may run again, too.
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