Will Americans Put Up with Americans Being Trained to Attack Them?

Any affront to the US Constitution is possible when it is authorized by the mainstream media. The Japanese Internment during WW2. The federal government assassinated a woman holding an 18th month child in her arms because the federal police got away with rewriting the Constitution during George H. W. Bush administration. The same criminal element of federal law-enforcement burned 80 men women and children to death during the Clinton administration and as long as the media justified it it was fine.
Americans trained to kill Americans... we'll see how well that works out when and if it ever happens.

There is this thing called "Posse Comitatus."
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Wow, talk about missing the boat. But then it is prison planet....

As evidence mounts that the U.S. military is being trained to engage citizens domestically, the lack of outcry from the American people has been astounding.

No shit? Maybe because the US Military has been trained to handle domestic disturbances since time immortal. or at least since 1971 when I went through basic training........

But it would still have to be a lawful order to be followed..... IE, if I were told to fire on a crowd which was not a threat to me or any one else i would be obligated by that same training to disobey it.

Nothing to see here, it's just prison planet filling a space........
Americans trained to kill Americans... we'll see how well that works out when and if it ever happens.

There is this thing called "Posse Comitatus."

Ignored by Bush and Obama.

The states had better wake up !!!!
The American military has already engaged Americans:

Kent State shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You there! What the FUCK are you doing with a "Support Our Troops" magnetic sticker on your vehicle? Don't you know our troops are a bunch of baby killers coming for us any second? You should be SPITTING on them!!!

Whenever you see one of our troops, at the airport or the grocery store, spit on them and tell them Alex Jones sent you!

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The US military is 75% in the know.

It is the 25% Obamanoid Globalist types we need to worry about.
Is this what it is eventually going to come to? A civil war, americans against americans?
Personally, I hope that most of our troops think and feel as Ollie does. Better yet, that americans in the armed forces refuses to harm other americans because some idiot in the WH tells them to.
Americans trained to kill Americans... we'll see how well that works out when and if it ever happens.

There is this thing called "Posse Comitatus."

Ignored by Bush and Obama.

The states had better wake up !!!!

Around here, they all live somewhere, some asshole in some cop/military bull shit that starts shooting at people will come home that afternoon to find his house burned down. He might think twice before he tries that shit again. Same goes for everywhere.

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