wikileaks show that turkey supported AQ in iraq while it supported seperatists

Why does our Government insist on our kids in our Military staying in nations whose people clearly don't want us there? I'm sure they have a lot of answers but i'm not buying any of them. The Turkish People don't even like Americans and frankly we don't like them either. So them supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq shouldn't surprise anyone. We should get our kids out of Turkey immediately. Ditch that base there. Foreign Interventionism is way way over-rated.
The fucking Turkish muzzies should be expelled from NATO and nuked.

The Turkish bastards deserve what the USA is going to do to it.

Long live Hindus, christians and Jews in their hunting down and extermination of the terrorists.
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Fuck so-called Tukish "usage rights" LOL

Turkey is a muzzie terrorist hell hole which hates Israel and USA and so should be nuked, after expulsion from NATO.

Turkish muzzies hate the USA and Israel.

Muzzies who hate us are THE enemy! NUKE the fuckers!!!!!!

Just because you haven't seen the footage,doesn't mean it didn't happen. I have seen the footage of Turks spitting on our U.S. Soldiers. They are also becoming radicalized as Islamization takes hold there. They don't want us there. We should immediately close that Base and move on. We should not force our kids to stay somewhere they're not welcome. It's time to get out of Turkey once and for all.

:eusa_angel: at your footage.

Incirlik is a 3-part facility, serving NATO, US Airforce and Turkish Airforce at same time. Nothing gets 'closed', but you're free to piss off. US Airforce has usage rights, which are granted and renewed by Turkish Parliament. For offensive operations out of Incirlik again Parliament approval is required, which is why the base is mainly operating as a logistics hub.
For NATO, nuclear-bombs are stationed there under NATO's nuclear-sharing agreement.

If USA 'redeploys' from Incirlik or we don't renew usage rights, the facility won't be closed, but still used by Turkish Airforce and NATO.
But I doubt, the USA ever will redeploy. Soon, the base will be covered by the coming NATO missile shield, and it's on Turkey's territory and Turkey does not have enemies in form of nation-states in the region. There is no nation-state around that attacks Turkish territory independent of the meteorological conditions the US is facing in the region.

Incirlik Air Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The fucking Turkish muzzies should be expelled from NATO and nuked.

The Turkish bastards deserve what the USA is going to do to it.

Long live Hindus, christians and Jews in their hunting down and extermination of the terrorists.
i'm having a really hard time believing you are actually Hindu
The Turks have been known as double-dealers for the last, oh, thousand years or so. Thsi is why the western world has consistently supported Greece since that country's struggle for freedom.
Turkey can go fuck itself. Whatever westernizing was done by Attaturk is long gone and they are deteriorating into another shitty little middle eastern country.

If this is the way conservatives look at NATO allies..who have long shown their loyalty to this country's aims..

It explains alot. Like why we are so screwed, internationally.

If i recall bush supported the admission of turkey to the EU.....;rolleyes:
As long as Muslims fuck other Muslims ...... that's honky dory with me.

More of that the better it is.

The trick is not to get caught.

If one does......well, so sorry.

Shit happens.

This is the EXACT reason the WTC was destoryed and 3000 people died in NYC and over 100 people died in Washington.


You fuck with other people..they will respond.

Hey Callow, you Anti-American POS:

I said: "AS long as MUSLIMS fuck other MUSLIMS etc....

I realize that you're probably a Mid Eastern Arsehole (IOW, the ENEMY WITHIN).....or simply an arsehole behaving like one but if you had a nanogram of a brain AND KNEW HOW TO READ.... you'd realize that what I'm saying is that THIS IS BETWEEN FUCKING MUSLIMS !!!



As far as we are concerned, these Muslim shitheads are like scorpions fighting between each other......we simply apply civilized behaviour to those WHO DO LESS HARM TO US than the other.

And, if we get caught siding with those who mean less harm to us than the other.......AND THESE OTHER MUSLIM ARSEHOLES ATTACK US......then if we Americans were smart.....WE, AMERICANS, WOULD ANNIHILATE THEM for even DREAMING about something like 9/11.

Instead, we pussyfoot with these Muslim Arseholes and get criticized by these fucking Muslims .....or MuslimArselickers like you....... instead of just OBLITERATING YOU !!!!

Geddit, you fucking Anti-American POS ??? now wishing for "limited government" is Anti-American in your eyes?

Got it.

And I don't lick anyone's "arse"...I kick em.

Got a fucking problem with that? Let me know.
I've always thought the PKK was funded by the Bush administration to weaken Iran (no, there is no way to prove this definitively). But like some many stupid things carried out by this had some unintended consequences.

Does not matter.
You can't control terrorist organizations. It was a big story for english-speaking community when Seymour Hersh from New Yorker revealed how USA is creating a sister-organization (PJAK) out of PKK.
Terrorist organizations are outlaws following no rules of law. You can not tell exact same organization: "Bomb Iran, but not Turkey.". They will do as they like.

Military to Military breakpoint was the so-called 'Hood event'
Hood event - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please read that Wikipedia entry. All for a fabricated war.

tempest in a tea pot and your use of such is hypercritical my friend.
U.S. briefs allies on new documents leak: WikiLeaks - Yahoo! News

this is going to be incredibly juicy... coming out tomorrow. the blowback could be immense

You make me sick. That 'blowback' that sends such a thrill up your leg, puts our troops and our citizens around the world at even greater risk... along with our friends - like the Brits... You're a sick freak, blu.

Oh my! Coming from someone who wants TRANSPARENCY!!!!!!!!!!!! Your fascist leanings of the veil of secrecy you enjoyed under Bush is starting to show.

Those words of "sensitive" , "embarrassing" , "awkward" , etc. are glaring out warning signs to you!!! LMAO!! You made me puke in your mess kit.:eusa_angel:
So ? We supported Sadam while he gassed Iranians.

As long as Muslims fuck other Muslims ...... that's honky dory with me.

More of that the better it is.

The trick is not to get caught.

If one does......well, so sorry.

Shit happens.

This is the EXACT reason the WTC was destoryed and 3000 people died in NYC and over 100 people died in Washington.


You fuck with other people..they will respond.
They're still pissed off about the crusades. That alone is provocation from those assholes.
The Traitor...


Bottom line is this guy will be tried, and if found guilty he should be executed for treason.:evil:
HinduPatriot said:
Fuck so-called Tukish "usage rights" LOL

The US has been ruled 8 years by people, wanting to begin an 'American Century' and who wanted to force Turkey into a role as Islamic model-state, which simply means executing instructions in the US's grand scheme of transforming the Greater Middle East - it's no peaceful transformation. Within NATO you can not compare Germany/France to Turkey, as Turkey directly borders this region. If any country was put under pressure from the Neo-Cons, then it was Turkey.

So, it came to a split between US's and Turkey's Middle-East strategy.
There is no reason to participate in the war-machinery at the expense of Turkey's relations with the populations of its immediate neighbors and other parts of the world. Especially not in a pointless and useless war, which was justified on fabricated facts.

The international system after WW2 (mainly Cold-War) which led to close relations between USA and Turkey has changed.
The Cold-War is over and it needs to be understood that Turkey has a bigger role to play then just being an Aircraft Carrier for the US Army. We have interest in peaceful relations with our neighbors, increasing trade-relations for the benefit of the people who live here.

All peace-loving Americans should appreciate the role Turkey has played when the Neo-Cons were in power. Had Turkey buckled down, then Iraq would not have become such a mess and Neo-Cons would be confident enough to launch an attack on Syria/Iran. They wanted to transform the whole area. Turkey's participation in the war-machinery would have been a game-changer.
HinduPatriot said:
Fuck so-called Tukish "usage rights" LOL

The US has been ruled 8 years by people, wanting to begin an 'American Century' and who wanted to force Turkey into a role as Islamic model-state, which simply means executing instructions in the US's grand scheme of transforming the Greater Middle East - it's no peaceful transformation. Within NATO you can not compare Germany/France to Turkey, as Turkey directly borders this region. If any country was put under pressure from the Neo-Cons, then it was Turkey.

So, it came to a split between US's and Turkey's Middle-East strategy.
There is no reason to participate in the war-machinery at the expense of Turkey's relations with the populations of its immediate neighbors and other parts of the world. Especially not in a pointless and useless war, which was justified on fabricated facts.

The international system after WW2 (mainly Cold-War) which led to close relations between USA and Turkey has changed.
The Cold-War is over and it needs to be understood that Turkey has a bigger role to play then just being an Aircraft Carrier for the US Army. We have interest in peaceful relations with our neighbors, increasing trade-relations for the benefit of the people who live here.

All peace-loving Americans should appreciate the role Turkey has played when the Neo-Cons were in power. Had Turkey buckled down, then Iraq would not have become such a mess and Neo-Cons would be confident enough to launch an attack on Syria/Iran. They wanted to transform the whole area. Turkey's participation in the war-machinery would have been a game-changer.
Like the weapons of mass destruction that were later discovered to be there, and thus were not fabricated facts. Also Saddam should have be ousted during the first gulf war, never understood the insane decision of fighting a war and leaving the loser in power. :eusa_eh:
Turkey helps AQ, does war games with China and is a muzzie country.

Turkey should be expelled from NATO and bombed hard, very hard.
Turkey helps AQ, does war games with China and is a muzzie country.

Turkey should be expelled from NATO and bombed hard, very hard.


At the end of the day, it comes all down to economy.
I also don't care if you like Turkey's emergence or not, the region is receptive for improved relationship with Turkey and there are a lot of nations around seeking for improved relations with Turkey on all fronts (economical, political, social).

Rest is of no interest. Bear with it.
Turkey is undergoing Islamic Radicalization as we speak. Today's Turkey is not yesterday's Turkey. They are quickly descending into radical Muslim chaos. We shouldn't have our Soldiers there. Most Turkish Citizens despise Americans. Our Government should stop forcing our kids in our Military to stay in nations whose People don't want them there. It's just not fair to them. Turkey helping Al Qaeda in Iraq? I'm not surprised. Fuck em,lets get our Soldiers out of that Hell-Hole immediately.
Turkey helps AQ, does war games with China and is a muzzie country.

Turkey should be expelled from NATO and bombed hard, very hard.


At the end of the day, it comes all down to economy.
I also don't care if you like Turkey's emergence or not, the region is receptive for improved relationship with Turkey and there are a lot of nations around seeking for improved relations with Turkey on all fronts (economical, political, social).

Rest is of no interest. Bear with it.

I don't give a fuck about Turkish economics. If it supports our muzzie enemies, it is gonna be bombed. Period !!
Turkey helps AQ, does war games with China and is a muzzie country.

Turkey should be expelled from NATO and bombed hard, very hard.


At the end of the day, it comes all down to economy.
I also don't care if you like Turkey's emergence or not, the region is receptive for improved relationship with Turkey and there are a lot of nations around seeking for improved relations with Turkey on all fronts (economical, political, social).

Rest is of no interest. Bear with it.

Everyone wants a big enough piece of the pie so no one else can fuck with them.
It's ALL about amassing resources.
The Turkish People don't want our Soldiers there,yet we stay. Just more stupid Interventionist policies. How much do we pay for our Soldiers to be in Turkey? I'm pretty sure it's a whole lot of cash. As Turkey becomes more radicalized,they will become more Anti-American. This is currently happening. This is why i'm against Empire policies. We have to pay a country like Turkey whose people hate us,to keep our Soldiers there. We do this all over the World. So what's the cost of maintaining an Empire?...Money & Dignity. Bring our kids home.

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