Wikileak'd video shows eager-to-kill troops firing on Reuters reporters and children

That's the awesome thing about American military presence.

You may think you're standing around in your own neighborhood in your own country or driving down your main street to take your kids to their tutor.

But when the military of the invading, occupying nation decides they're gonna show up there that day, now it's a battlefield and you're an idiot who deserves to die for having the gall to live there.

Nonelitist, you're a liar. And having a gun in Iraq does not make you an insurgent anymore than having a gun in America does. Gun ownership is even more widespread among the Iraqi civilian population than the American civilian population, for obvious reasons. Do you suggest Iraqis are not allowed to protect themselves and their families without becoming fair game for assholes in gunships?

Weapons were seen from the air and when they got to the scene.

Even the editor of the website where the video was posted admits "it is likely" they had weapons.

And no... the possession of an RPG in the streets of Iraq is going to eventually get you killed.

Yes, some of the men had AK47s, as is extremely common among Iraqi civilians.

Gun ownership is legal and widespread in Iraq, as in America. Mere possession of a gun does not permit or warrant a death sentence.

No one had any RPGs, they went to the scene afterward and discovered no RPGs. The guy in the chopper thought he saw one, he was wrong. You can't just keep repeating the lie that there really were RPGs hoping it'll eventually become true. You're welcome to your own opinion but not your own facts.

First of all retard... you admit the pilot thought there was an RPG. With American troops in the vicinity was he supposed to not do anything?

Secondly, they most certainly did find RPGS. - Military Raises Questions About Credibility of Leaked Iraq Shooting Video

"Hanzlik said images gathered during a military investigation of the incident show multiple weapons around the dead bodies in the courtyard, including at least three RPGs. "

Get your facts straight. Until then you maggot infested hater of the United States, sit down and shut your pathetic uninformed bastard mouth.
☭proletarian☭;2183339 said:
How would you expect a soldier to act in the commission of his duties?
With honour.

Of course, that went out around the same time they let all the gangbangers back in and American street gangs started popping up in Baghdad.

Yeah, we would all like to think like that. But war ain't a movie. :cool:
☭proletarian☭;2183339 said:
How would you expect a soldier to act in the commission of his duties?
With honour.

Of course, that went out around the same time they let all the gangbangers back in and American street gangs started popping up in Baghdad.

Yeah, we would all like to think like that. But war ain't a movie. :cool:
Nor is America a liberator, but people love their fiction.
Crimson White's "armchair warrior" defines her perfectly. She'll talk a big game, but that's about it.

I was referring to you and the other idiots trying to Monday morning quarterback actions that you know jack shit about.

Sweetie, I know. But the fact is, that applies much better to Terry than to any of 'us.' None of 'us' really want to go into a war zone and shoot up bunch of kids. However Terry here doesn't see anything wrong with it.

And thanks to the guys you like to shit on, you don't have to go into a war zone, and you don't have to worry about it ever coming to you.

Piece of shit.
So let's summarize:
Eots: WTF? They said they were kids- why'd they fire
Righties: It's their own fucking fault, you sack of shit
Everyone else: For being born in the wrong country and being the wrong colour?
Alli: Damned, straight, you sacks of shit
Lesson to our enemies, leave your kids at home.

He wasn't an enemy. He was an innocent family man taking his kids to their tutor who saw a wounded man dying in the street and went to pick him up and take him to the hospital.

He was unarmed, not with anyone dangerous, and had no way of knowing the helicopter hundreds of meters away was targeting him or would have any reason to.

Just because we killed someone doesn't automatically make them "our enemies." Did you watch none of the video and read none of the subsequent posts?

What a disrespectful thing to say about an innocent civilian killed in the process of being a Good Samaritan.
First of all retard... you admit the pilot thought there was an RPG. With American troops in the vicinity was he supposed to not do anything?

Secondly, they most certainly did find RPGS. - Military Raises Questions About Credibility of Leaked Iraq Shooting Video

"Hanzlik said images gathered during a military investigation of the incident show multiple weapons around the dead bodies in the courtyard, including at least three RPGs. "

Get your facts straight. Until then you maggot infested hater of the United States, sit down and shut your pathetic uninformed bastard mouth.

Yeah, he thought he saw an RPG and he was mistaken. As a result of his mistake, 11 people needlessly died, 2 children were left fatherless and bullet-ridden. The gunner should have confirmed that the guys who were not engaging anyone did in fact have some malicious intent before he lit up the men and everyone in their vicinity, including the journalists.

You can hear it in the audio, they basically talk each other into believing the people on the ground pose a threat despite them doing absolutely nothing from the moment the helicopter arrived until they were murdered that looks threatening.

You should watch who you call uninformed, because you continue to have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh my God, you mean now that the military has been caught red-handed having murdered journalists and a Good Samaritan they're trying to cover their asses and claim it was justified using Fox News as their uncritical outlet? No way! That is just so incredible. I guess I better believe it then, because it's not like it hasn't been proven twice this week that they've lied and covered up incidents just like this even when faced with evidence that wholly discredits their claims.

A Washington Post journalist was there on the scene later that day with the soldiers who surveyed the area, he reported on it in his book which came out long before this video. There were no RPGs. The military's own investigation, also concluded long before this video came out, found the same. No RPGs, it was a telephoto lens.

Collateral Murder - WikiLeaks exposes classified military malfeasance

They claim to have encountered armed insurgents including six people with AK-47s and one with a rocket-propelled grenade. In reality only one man appears to be carrying a rifle at his side, which is common in Iraq. A military investigation later claimed that it was a long-range photo lens that was confused for the RPG, and a camera that looked like an AK-47.

Sorry, but that looked to me like a successful engagement of insurgents. It sucks that the reporter was killed and it sucks even worse that they were trying to remove bodies and weapons in a hot zone with kids in the car. But when you bring your kids to war, what do you expect?

I feel for the guys that had to pull the trigger. They laughed in the video, but keep in mind where their adrenaline level was at that moment. They were pumped up. They have to be to pull the trigger. The problems start when they come down. I feel for these guys for they had to do. It is despicable, yes, but necessary.

BTW, I bet that douchenozzle armchair warrior in your video has the high score on Call of Duty 4.

Necessary? Do you really believe that or is that what you say to try and justify this fuxxing bullshit? This is why sick fuks like you are a part of the problem and not the solution. You're smart enough to admit it's a nasty situation but too arrogant or apathetic (maybe both?) to also admit that is exactly why war should not be treated like it is a video game. There is nothing "necessary" about how we are abusing our troops nor causing the completely avoidable calamities of our occupations.

Wake the fuk up.
Yes...we should allow the measured, sane people like curveblight to make the really important decisions about safety and security.

What a fucking loon.
☭proletarian☭;2186232 said:
Second: The Pilots for not knowing Children were in there before shooting the Van.
Did you watch the videos? They specifically ID's them as children before firing.

Actually it was someone on the ground that ID'd the kids.

Doesn't matter. The perception is any and all unknowns are a potential threat. There are layers of sadness surrounding this but one of the most frustrating aspects is people will look at this and fail to realize it is why we cannot earn the trust of a nation under a foreign military occupation. Those of us who have been in similar situations also know these horrible situations and killing of innocents happens more than is reported or admitted.

This is why war should never be reduced to political experiments or a superbowl event.
Story is unraveling for you idiot liberals...

"Julian Assange, a WikiLeaks editor, acknowledged to Fox News in an interview Tuesday evening that "it's likely some of the individuals seen in the video were carrying weapons."

"... images gathered during a military investigation of the incident show multiple weapons around the dead bodies in the courtyard, including at least three RPGs."

"the military says that because the van had no visible markings to suggest it was an ambulance or a protected vehicle, it was fair game under Army rules."

"Hanzlik called the death of the Reuters photographers "incredibly unfortunate." That sad part is, he said, they weren't wearing any markings or jerseys that would have signaled to U.S. forces they were members of the media." - Military Raises Questions About Credibility of Leaked Iraq Shooting Video

Nothing is unravelling except a lot of piss-weak excuses...
War is a bitch at times.

Yes, war is a bitch, actual combat is a mother fucker.

Lesson to our enemies, leave your kids at home.

Lesson to reporters, don't walk down the street with our enemies.

You should become a defense attorney.

"Your Honor, my client did nothing but shoot his enemies."

"What evidence are you prepared to offer to prove this?"

"My client shot them."

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