WI Teachers Union: Making You an Offer You Can't Refuse


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Video here: Was WEAC-Fox Valley Letter Seeking Support or Threatening Boycot - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News

News accounts reveal that the Fox Valley chapter of WEAC has e-mailed local businesses, asking them to show their support for collective bargaining privileges by putting a poster in their business’ window. The union’s e-mail suggests the posters will help members with “substantially less discretionary money to spend” know where to shop.


This behavior is unworthy of teachers who are entrusted with educating Wisconsin’s children. They might as well be demanding protection money, just like Al Capone.

(Union) Gangs of Wisconsin - Kyle Olson - Townhall Conservative
The flipside, boycotting businesses that refuse to line up with your views, has been popular for literally decades with religious and Conservative groups. No laws broken here, despite the fervent wish of the OP.
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

Good idea as long as the GOP supporting businesses hang portraits of Leona Helmsley, Martin Harty, Max Blanck and Isaac Harris (look them up) in their windows.

Better yet include a list of how much collective bargaining is going to cost folks in tax dollars.
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

Good idea as long as the GOP supporting businesses hang portraits of Leona Helmsley, Martin Harty, Max Blanck and Isaac Harris (look them up) in their windows.

GOP people weren't e-mailing a veiled boycott threat...WEAC goons were.
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

If a consumer refuses to go to a shop unless their demands are met, then the shop owner has a decision to make, doesn't he? I've been to churches that actually published directories of "Christian Businesses" for their members to do business with, along with standards the businesses had to meet to make that directory. Heck, one of the local churches actually invited in local business owners to address the congregation, provided their conduct and business dealings met the church in question's views.

Short story: If you support Capitalism, and if you support Free Speech and Free Assembly, this is what you get. If you don't like this, you're free to hike it over to some other country where this kind of behavior isn't legal.

And the whole association of communism with folks you disagree with has been out of style since the 1950's. Get a new trick.
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

Good idea as long as the GOP supporting businesses hang portraits of Leona Helmsley, Martin Harty, Max Blanck and Isaac Harris (look them up) in their windows.

GOP people weren't e-mailing a veiled boycott threat...WEAC goons were.

False comparison. You're purposely structuring that sentance to imply that WEAC represents all of the Democrats.

My question is this: Are you trying to claim that Right Wing leaning organizations never ever threaten boycotts? Because if that's your claim, you're clearly wrong.
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Private funds vs Public funds, the unions are threatening taxpaying citizens with boycotts using the taxpers own money. It's wrong and it's thuggery.

As I understand it, the question is one of the Union members using their own money to decide whether or not to shop at a business. Once a person is paid for the job, it stops being the taxpayer's money. Otherwise EVERYONE's money really belongs to the Feds, as its the Feds that print the money and put it into circulation via loans, government programs, etc.
Good idea as long as the GOP supporting businesses hang portraits of Leona Helmsley, Martin Harty, Max Blanck and Isaac Harris (look them up) in their windows.

GOP people weren't e-mailing a veiled boycott threat...WEAC goons were.

False comparison. You're purposely structuring that sentance to imply that WEAC represents all of the Democrats.

My question is this: Are you trying to claim that Right Wing leaning organizations never ever threaten boycotts? Because if that's your claim, you're clearly wrong.
I didn't make the comparison....WEAC goons are goons, no matter their political affiliation, as are all protection racketeers.

That said, why make with the passive-aggressive veiled threat, if a boycott is what you're angling for?...Why not just say; "stick dis in you window, iff'n youse knows what's good for ya"?
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

If a consumer refuses to go to a shop unless their demands are met, then the shop owner has a decision to make, doesn't he? I've been to churches that actually published directories of "Christian Businesses" for their members to do business with, along with standards the businesses had to meet to make that directory. Heck, one of the local churches actually invited in local business owners to address the congregation, provided their conduct and business dealings met the church in question's views.

Short story: If you support Capitalism, and if you support Free Speech and Free Assembly, this is what you get. If you don't like this, you're free to hike it over to some other country where this kind of behavior isn't legal.

And the whole association of communism with folks you disagree with has been out of style since the 1950's. Get a new trick.
Why not just ask shopkeepers to tattoo WEAC on their foreheads? :rolleyes:
Why not just ask shopkeepers to tattoo WEAC on their foreheads? :rolleyes:

If the shopkeeper is totally dependent on WEAC supporters for his livelyhood, then he'd best look up the number for a good tatoo artist.

What you're missing, is that organizations have been making demands of business for just this side of forever, both political and religious. And here's the thing: In a free market economy the Consumers have the right to make demands.

It doesn't matter if the shop owner likes the consumer or agrees with him. What matters is whether or not the shop owner wants the consumer's business. If he does, he'll cave. If he doesn't, he's free to run his business as he sees fit.

I'm kinda curious, how did you feel about the whole Southern Baptists boycotting Disney a while back? Because that isn't any different from this.
Yeah?...And where is the implied right of the shopkeeper to remain neutral in all of this?

Is there an instruction for them to hang a special "I'm not taking sides" sign in their shops, along with the implied approval from the union thugs for such neutrality?

I guess the battle cry of "you're either with us or against us" is only childish when it's spouted by douchebags with that (R) by their name, huh?
The flipside, boycotting businesses that refuse to line up with your views, has been popular for literally decades with religious and Conservative groups. No laws broken here, despite the fervent wish of the OP.

no one said a law was broken. do try to keep up.

were the california grape and lettuce boycotts organized by the birchers?

I'm 100% anti public unions.

But I fail to see how there's anything wrong with this whatsover.

Whenever anyone buys anything don't we essentially go through the same process of "meet my demands as a consumer or you won't get my business"?

So what if it's a threat, if a restaurant doesn't keep making a steak I like I'll stop coming, that's a threat, so what?
I'm 100% anti public unions.

But I fail to see how there's anything wrong with this whatsover.

Whenever anyone buys anything don't we essentially go through the same process of "meet my demands as a consumer or you won't get my business"?

So what if it's a threat, if a restaurant doesn't keep making a steak I like I'll stop coming, that's a threat, so what?

thanks for sharing
I'm 100% anti public unions.

But I fail to see how there's anything wrong with this whatsover.

Whenever anyone buys anything don't we essentially go through the same process of "meet my demands as a consumer or you won't get my business"?

So what if it's a threat, if a restaurant doesn't keep making a steak I like I'll stop coming, that's a threat, so what?

thanks for sharing

Thanks for the counter points.

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