Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
More importantly, if some are so upset at this idea they will work REALLY hard to fix the problem and support Trumps efforts in doing so.

He is calling out the hypocrisy obviously and you can be sure those citizens living in these Sanctuary Cities will take a vastly different perspective of this and their elected leaders if they see the numbers increase.

I don't think it's a bad or unjust choice at all. Trump has to outplay and expose those who won't support the policies he was elected on. Can you imagine Hollywood fools rethinking their position when there are tents outside their mansions?

Also, when someone says "we are a nation of immigrants", it's so disingenuous. Of course you are, but they didn't enter illegally. You controlled who entered and who could be emigrate. Many legal immigrants are probably asking themselves, "why did I go through the hassle?". Some probably still in the long process who have resentment for those who enter your country illegally.
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Because the basic premise of Sanctuary Cities is ILLEGAL and the violates Federal Law. Yes, the cities should welcome Illegal Aliens or look like HYPOCRITES, and if they don't they should give up the Sanctuary City label, and cooperate with the Feds under existing law.
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?

You ever see what Mexicans do to their own people ? The only reason Mexico even exists is so rich white politicians don’t have to fly all the way to Tailand to screw children.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
SC, we can always count on you for a well thought out position and post. You are absolutely correct. Before too long we may even see that these Sanctuary cities calling out the loudest for a permanent wall to stop this chaos at the border.
Trump first sought to defund Sanctuary Cities in different parts of their budget to hit them where it hurts and the Democrats fought that. Now, Trump has flipped it 180 degrees the other way and Pelosi leading the charge calling it despicable.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.
Most of the state is uninhabitable with zero infrastructure you dope.
Send them right to the sanctuary liberal enclaves by the thousands.
Those that support this shit can break their own budgets.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.

No. They need to be shipped immediately, and with no quarantine, to Sanctuary Cities in CA
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.

The cities will just ship bus them to the White House.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.

No. They need to be shipped immediately, and with no quarantine, to Sanctuary Cities in CA
You think they would want to show how giving, and caring they are by putting them in the economic powerhouse that they claim California is. Share the wealth and all that crap.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.

No. They need to be shipped immediately, and with no quarantine, to Sanctuary Cities in CA
You think they would want to show how giving, and caring they are by putting them in the economic powerhouse that they claim California is. Share the wealth and all that crap.
CA has the resources to absorb these democrat voters
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.

The cities will just ship bus them to the White House.
Do the sanctuary cities get federal money?

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