Why Would He Say Such Things?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
This board is regularly spattered with posts about the abuse Israel heaps on her non-Jewish citizens. Invariably their arguments are destroyed by more knowledgeable people but the article below was authored by a self-described "Arab-Muslim-Palestinian" citizen of Israel.
Should we believe the venonmous camel crap of those who spew their hate for Israel and Jews here or Mr. Toameh? The choice is yours. :D

Ask the Arabs of East Jerusalem: Should Jerusalem Be Redivided? :: Gatestone Institute

Ask the Arabs of East Jerusalem: Should Jerusalem Be Redivided?
by Khaled Abu Toameh

"...In addition, the negotiators must concede the possibility of asking the Arab residents of the city about their preferences. There is no reason why more than 200,000 Arabs in Jerusalem should be denied the right to voice their opinion on a matter that has a direct affect on their lives and future.

This can be done through a referendum where the Arab residents would be asked if they would like to live in a divided city under the rule of the Palestinian Authority or Hamas. Most likely, a majority of the Arab residents would say that they prefer the status quo to the other options.

Most Arabs in the city prefer to live under Israeli rule for a number of reasons. First, because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy. They include freedom of movement and social, economic, health and education services that Israeli citizens are entitled to.

Redividing Jerusalem means bringing either the Palestinian Authority of Hamas into the city. The Arab residents of Jerusalem have seen what happened in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past 16 years and are not keen to live under a corrupt authority or a radical Islamist entity..."
"because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy."

This is why arabs would want to live under Israeli rule. That and the fact that a play for arab independence will bring the IDF to their house to bulldoze it. So it's basically out of fear.
Indeed, partition has been a bad idea since 1937.

Khartoum has something like that to say about Sudan----- and for obvious reasons---tinnie ---agrees

----as to the millions who died in Biafra------the fact is that they could have been saved by an enforced partition-----but to the delight of tinni-types-------more than a million babies starved to death or were thrown into bonfires
"because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy."

This is why arabs would want to live under Israeli rule. That and the fact that a play for arab independence will bring the IDF to their house to bulldoze it. So it's basically out of fear.
Not Israel's fault most countries under Muslim rule are cesspools of corruption, oppression, and hate. No wonder the Arabs want to live under Israeli rule.
This board is regularly spattered with posts about the abuse Israel heaps on her non-Jewish citizens. Invariably their arguments are destroyed by more knowledgeable people but the article below was authored by a self-described "Arab-Muslim-Palestinian" citizen of Israel.
Should we believe the venonmous camel crap of those who spew their hate for Israel and Jews here or Mr. Toameh? The choice is yours. :D

Ask the Arabs of East Jerusalem: Should Jerusalem Be Redivided? :: Gatestone Institute

Ask the Arabs of East Jerusalem: Should Jerusalem Be Redivided?
by Khaled Abu Toameh

"...In addition, the negotiators must concede the possibility of asking the Arab residents of the city about their preferences. There is no reason why more than 200,000 Arabs in Jerusalem should be denied the right to voice their opinion on a matter that has a direct affect on their lives and future.

This can be done through a referendum where the Arab residents would be asked if they would like to live in a divided city under the rule of the Palestinian Authority or Hamas. Most likely, a majority of the Arab residents would say that they prefer the status quo to the other options.

Most Arabs in the city prefer to live under Israeli rule for a number of reasons. First, because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy. They include freedom of movement and social, economic, health and education services that Israeli citizens are entitled to.

Redividing Jerusalem means bringing either the Palestinian Authority of Hamas into the city. The Arab residents of Jerusalem have seen what happened in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past 16 years and are not keen to live under a corrupt authority or a radical Islamist entity..."

This immediatly brings up the question, if a REFERENDUM was held and the Arabs decided that they wanted to devide the city would and should Israel Honor the referendum . I would like Hoss, Say-it, and MJB to reply, thank you.
pat supports referedums----between conflicting parties as to their respective survival ---how fascinating what a marvelous idea-------put south sudan again Lets ask all the muslims and chritians of sudan-----"SHOULD KHARTOUM CONTINUE TO CONTROL SOUTH SUDAN?

Auschwitz was un needed------Pat's hero could asked the Germans to vote on the question
SHOULD ALL JEWS COMMIT SUICIDE ------and leave to us all they possess?

If---in 1901----The residents of New York City were asked "should we allow Irish immigrants in or let those in stay" there would be no St Patrick's cathedral and no St Patrick's day PARADE---in New York City
pat supports referedums----between conflicting parties as to their respective survival ---how fascinating what a marvelous idea-------put south sudan again Lets ask all the muslims and chritians of sudan-----"SHOULD KHARTOUM CONTINUE TO CONTROL SOUTH SUDAN?

Auschwitz was un needed------Pat's hero could asked the Germans to vote on the question
SHOULD ALL JEWS COMMIT SUICIDE ------and leave to us all they possess?

If---in 1901----The residents of New York City were asked "should we allow Irish immigrants in or let those in stay" there would be no St Patrick's cathedral and no St Patrick's day PARADE---in New York City
Yeah, since there are more Arabs and Muslims like 1.2 billion of them, verses 6 million Israelis...let's have a referendum! Why not? Ha ha ha.
do not laugh roudy----pat has stated that if, in a world wide referendum on "should irish catholics live" ----he would comply with the outcome of the VOTE -------and Irish protestants called that MARY chick "bloody mary"
The above two posts by irosie and Roudy are typical nonsense from two of the board idiots !!! The referendum I was referring to was the one referred to by Say-it in the op and copied by me in my post. I would suggest to both of them that if they are going to open their mouths they should try to know what the subject is about. IDIOTS
The subject was the fact that many of the arabs now living in east jerusalem -----and who have citizen ID's would prefer Israel to retain Jerusalem. and that is it-----It is just as silly to throw in the REFERENDUM idea as it would have been to ask ALL OF SUDAN to vote on the issue of partition

I have an interesting idea---how about asking all of the muslims now living in Egypt----"SHOULD COPTS HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS WITH MUSLIMS"? DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOULD THEIR BE CHURCHES IN EGYPT? DEMOCRACY

ok ----getting back to reality----lets have a vote on that mosque ----at ground zero
The subject was the fact that many of the arabs now living in east jerusalem -----and who have citizen ID's would prefer Israel to retain Jerusalem. and that is it-----It is just as silly to throw in the REFERENDUM idea as it would have been to ask ALL OF SUDAN to vote on the issue of partition

I have an interesting idea---how about asking all of the muslims now living in Egypt----"SHOULD COPTS HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS WITH MUSLIMS"? DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOULD THEIR BE CHURCHES IN EGYPT? DEMOCRACY

ok ----getting back to reality----lets have a vote on that mosque ----at ground zero

Read the OP the subject of the referendum was brought up by the author of the article that Say-it was quoting Idiot
Oh!!! my error------you have expressed your "REFERENDUM" concept-----(Oh world of nazis and muslims----should jews be allowed to live???) for JEWS ONLY why not leave it to ISABELLA?
Oh!!! my error------you have expressed your "REFERENDUM" concept-----(Oh world of nazis and muslims----should jews be allowed to live???) for JEWS ONLY why not leave it to ISABELLA?

I have about had it with you irosie come back with some sort of intelligent answer that is not filled with hate and I may respond to you untill then GET STUFFED !!!
typical response-----Pat is stumped again

I am not stumped by anything you say just by your idiocy

I challenge you to prove any of the following assertions that you have made on this thread,
otherwise be shown for the lying bitch that you are !!!

pat supports referedums----between conflicting parties as to their respective survival ---how fascinating what a marvelous idea-------put south sudan again Lets ask all the muslims and chritians of sudan-----"SHOULD KHARTOUM CONTINUE TO CONTROL SOUTH SUDAN?

Auschwitz was un needed------Pat's hero could asked the Germans to vote on the question
SHOULD ALL JEWS COMMIT SUICIDE ------and leave to us all they possess?

If---in 1901----The residents of New York City were asked "should we allow Irish immigrants in or let those in stay" there would be no St Patrick's cathedral and no St Patrick's day PARADE---in New York City

do not laugh roudy----pat has stated that if, in a world wide referendum on "should irish catholics live" ----he would comply with the outcome of the VOTE -------and Irish protestants called that MARY chick "bloody mary"

Oh!!! my error------you have expressed your "REFERENDUM" concept-----(Oh world of nazis and muslims----should jews be allowed to live???) for JEWS ONLY why not leave it to ISABELLA?

typical response-----Pat is stumped again
This board is regularly spattered with posts about the abuse Israel heaps on her non-Jewish citizens. Invariably their arguments are destroyed by more knowledgeable people but the article below was authored by a self-described "Arab-Muslim-Palestinian" citizen of Israel.
Should we believe the venonmous camel crap of those who spew their hate for Israel and Jews here or Mr. Toameh? The choice is yours. :D

Ask the Arabs of East Jerusalem: Should Jerusalem Be Redivided? :: Gatestone Institute

Ask the Arabs of East Jerusalem: Should Jerusalem Be Redivided?
by Khaled Abu Toameh

"...In addition, the negotiators must concede the possibility of asking the Arab residents of the city about their preferences. There is no reason why more than 200,000 Arabs in Jerusalem should be denied the right to voice their opinion on a matter that has a direct affect on their lives and future.

This can be done through a referendum where the Arab residents would be asked if they would like to live in a divided city under the rule of the Palestinian Authority or Hamas. Most likely, a majority of the Arab residents would say that they prefer the status quo to the other options.

Most Arabs in the city prefer to live under Israeli rule for a number of reasons. First, because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy. They include freedom of movement and social, economic, health and education services that Israeli citizens are entitled to.

Redividing Jerusalem means bringing either the Palestinian Authority of Hamas into the city. The Arab residents of Jerusalem have seen what happened in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past 16 years and are not keen to live under a corrupt authority or a radical Islamist entity..."

This immediatly brings up the question, if a REFERENDUM was held and the Arabs decided that they wanted to devide the city would and should Israel Honor the referendum . I would like Hoss, Say-it, and MJB to reply, thank you.

Yup but only as part of a negotiated settlement of the conflict. :D
BTW, you completely ignored the point of my post. Given the constant drivel here about Israel's mistreatment of her Arab minority, why would Mr. Toameh say such things and are they true?
The above two posts by irosie and Roudy are typical nonsense from two of the board idiots !!! The referendum I was referring to was the one referred to by Say-it in the op and copied by me in my post. I would suggest to both of them that if they are going to open their mouths they should try to know what the subject is about. IDIOTS

Speaking of which, you completely ignored the subject matter of this thread. How is it that the opinion of a self-described "Arab-Muslim-Palestinian" - who is also an Israeli citizen and resident of Jerusalem - totally contradicts yours regarding Israel's treatment of her Arab citizens? :D

This immediatly brings up the question, if a REFERENDUM was held and the Arabs decided that they wanted to devide the city would and should Israel Honor the referendum . I would like Hoss, Say-it, and MJB to reply, thank you.

Yup but only as part of a negotiated settlement of the conflict. :D
BTW, you completely ignored the point of my post. Given the constant drivel here about Israel's mistreatment of her Arab minority, why would Mr. Toameh say such things and are they true?

Was the question: Would you rather live in Israel or live in Palestine under Israeli occupation?

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