Why would a 14 years old little girl kill herself at Christmas time ?

Anyone who shares such a clip online should be arrested for encouraging the act of suicide because that is exactly what they are guilty of.

God bless you always!!!

It is telling that the social media censors seem to miss these horrific video clips, but they quickly ban anything political they disagree with.
Teenage years are probably the most turbulent of times for many...since they lack the advantage of perspective in their limited years of living -- they think the most irrelevant things are all that matters.....

Prayers to her family
nope he made a life in the Air Force.....im sure his parents are disappointed he didnt become a priest....
Interesting.....I went into the Air Force also, and my parents thought it was going to be a bad idea, but after i got out, went overseas for 5 1/2 years and finally ended up in Maryland, my mother came up to me and said "You have made me very proud". I hugged her....
Interesting.....I went into the Air Force also, and my parents thought it was going to be a bad idea, but after i got out, went overseas for 5 1/2 years and finally ended up in Maryland, my mother came up to me and said "You have made me very proud". I hugged her....
,his dad was a fucking strange man,really dominant, and there is no way he would allow her to do that...if he knew he used to smoke pot with us he would have a shit hemorrhage....
i think we should go with accidental....
That way it can be marginalized instead of finding the root cause of her suicide, is that she has been preached to by many adults who have said "You are the reason the world is going to end", or "you cant make it in the world, because you are nothing but a non binary failure". Yeah, my kids would come home from school in tears because of teachers preaching that shit. I would give them hugs and tell them that they had lots to look forward to, then move my kids into private schools.

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