Why would a 14 years old little girl kill herself at Christmas time ?

why would you ask for a link? that is kinda cruel..i dont think he is lying about the death of a child...this is the time of year when people arent all happy etc

No link or it didn't happen.

Besides if you start letting people just say stuff happened without being able to prove then the forums devolve into a subreddit where people just make up shit as they please and we have enough of that nonsense on here as it is. We don't need more of it.
No link or it didn't happen.

Besides if you start letting people just say stuff happened without being able to prove then the forums devolve into a subreddit where people just make up shit as they please and we have enough of that nonsense on here as it is. We don't need more of it.
It's an on going police investigation at the time of the call no news has reported it.
I think that today's youth aren't really afforded the opportunity to enjoy life in the way that we did in previous generations.

Society has been thoroughly corrupted by the so-called ''intellectual community.'' And this generation of youth has basically been the target of those who sow the seeds of so much that is just wrong.

There's a part of me that still wants to believe that the family unity could overcome this. But the family unit is itself under constant assault by the same so-called ''intellectual community.''

Heck, a lot of modern parents are firm believers and trustees in it. It's a shame.

Fourteen years old is hard enough as is ... Social structure starts to become more evident.

But also, when you have been taught that you are a superstar, can do whatever you want to do in your life ...
You are special, and if everyone does what they are supposed to ... Everything will be awesome ...
Around fourteen years old, they figure out that is just a crock of shit.

At that point they think there is something seriously wrong with them ...
Or understand everyone they trust and respect has been lying to them.

Some young people cannot find that balance that allows them to start organizing reality with fiction.
When they find that too difficult ... It becomes an impenetrable wall.

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Fourteen years old is hard enough as is ... Social structure starts to become more evident.

But also, when you have been taught that you are a superstar, can do whatever you want to do in your life ...
You are special, and if everyone does what they are supposed to ... Everything will be awesome ...
Around fourteen years old, you figure out that is just a crock of shit.

At that point you think there is something seriously wrong with you ...
Or understand everyone you trust and respect has been lying to you.

Some young people cannot find that balance that allows them to start organizing reality with fiction.
When they find that too difficult ... It becomes an impenetrable wall.



That just about sums things up, as far as you went with it.

Perhaps one of the most valuable commodities in life is failure. It's how we learn to take that and build on it and learn and succeed and to flourish. Of course, that's just the cliff notes. They're being robbed of fundamental nature.
Why would a teenage girl want to kill herself? Lets go through a list.

Are the parents of the girl, very "Progressive"?
Is the teen living in a "Progressive state"
Is the teen going to a public school?
How much TV does the girl watch?
Does she have Tic Toc on her phone and is always on the phone?

I will add more later, but this is just a short list of possibly why she took her own life....

PS. Did she work as an intern for the Clintons?
mike many teen age kids who are in a very strict religious family kill themselves too....the one kid i knew whos folks were super strict religious, i would not have been surprised if he killed himself or shot his parents,he got away by joining the military.....
The main reason a young person commits suicide is hopelessness.

I seriously considered suicide more than once when I was a teenager because my situation was quite bad and it all felt hopeless.

I can't tell you why I ultimately didn't but I think it's because I didn't romanticize it because I actually saw the reality of it when I found my mother dead of an overdose.
yeah, when you are young and there arent many good things going on in your life, if you let it get to you, then that is when you want to find the easy way out. Just last night i watched again, the movie below, because it has a wonderful outcome and i recommend it to all people young and old.

mike many teen age kids who are in a very strict religious family kill themselves too....the one kid i knew whos folks were super strict religious, i would not have been surprised if he killed himself or shot his parents,he got away by joining the military.....
So that wonderful kid, who decided that living life was better than taking the easy way out, will probably end up one of the wealthiest people in the world. Now wealth isnt just about being rich, but how well you live your life.

Life was never meant to be easy, but hard and full of tribulations. During that time, good things and bad things will happen, that is just life.
So that wonderful kid, who decided that living life was better than taking the easy way out, will probably end up one of the wealthiest people in the world. Now wealth isnt just about being rich, but how well you live your life.

Life was never meant to be easy, but hard and full of tribulations. During that time, good things and bad things will happen, that is just life.
nope he made a life in the Air Force.....im sure his parents are disappointed he didnt become a priest....
The death of a child is always a terrible tragedy. I saw on a documentary the other day kids are finding suicide instructional videos on tik tok and instagram. The parents were explaining how their youngest daughter, also 14 hung herself after finding a video showing how to do it.
Anyone who shares such a clip online should be arrested for encouraging the act of suicide because that is exactly what they are guilty of.

God bless you always!!!

I think that today's youth aren't really afforded the opportunity to enjoy life in the way that we did in previous generations.

Society has been thoroughly corrupted by the so-called ''intellectual community.'' And this generation of youth has basically been the target of those who sow the seeds of so much that is just wrong.

There's a part of me that still wants to believe that the family unity could overcome this. But the family unit is itself under constant assault by the same so-called ''intellectual community.''

Heck, a lot of modern parents are firm believers and trustees in it. It's a shame.

Very well said. Thank you.

About 15 years ago when my wife was a Fire Dept. 911 dispatcher, she took a call where a 9 yr. old hung himself.

I suspect there is a genetic predisposition to suicide not discovered yet as many victims have someone in their family tree who killed themself.

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