Why will Putin invade Ukraine; How shall NATO respond?

Speaking as a U.S. citizen, I don't support any action that would directly threaten Russia's military in THIS SITUATION. In fact, I think that even economic sanctions should be measured. Rather than try to rub his nose in it on the global stage... all of our efforts should go into building a VERY credible defensive posture in Poland and the Czech Republic as well as strengthening our assets in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Ukraine is a very corrupt nation and more importantly, it sits directly on Russia's border. If Xi or Vlad decided to build a potentially aggressive force posture in Mexico, we wouldn't accept it and he shouldn't be expected to sit quietly while NATO does that to Russia. A pissing contest with a nuclear-armed leader with "short man's syndrome" is something we'd be wise to avoid if possible.
That is not only about Ukraine. Have you read Putin's demands sent to the US and Nato in the December. Basically, the Russians want to dictate what troops and arms can be stationed in European Nato countries and where that can be done.
Basically, the Russians want to dictate what troops and arms can be stationed in European Nato countries and where that can be done.

Russia has been saying that for 70 years.

They can say what they want. It's up to use to ignore them or concede to their demands.
You are utterly misinformed, beyond repair.








These images are evidence enough for everything.
The second image from above depicts a pro-Russian volunteer who sits on a vehicle with the sign 'To Kiev' under the Russian Empire's flag.
The second one from the bottom seems to be a photoshop.

Choose your photos more thoroughly, stooge.
Russia has been saying that for 70 years.

They can say what they want. It's up to use to ignore them or concede to their demands.
Yes, and a significant number of people seem to prefer the latter variant.
Yes, very scary. Biggest threat to UN-era democracy and international human rights since WW II.
If Putin succeeds, Taiwan is next!
What can be a threat to what actually doesn't exist? Americans voted Trump but miraculously Biden got "elected ", how is that a democracy?
Yes, and a significant number of people seem to prefer the latter variant.
I assume you implying democrats would agree.
What a hate filled ignorant prick you are.
Why would loyal patriotic Americans want that?
You're so full of hate.
I assume you implying democrats would agree.
What a hate filled ignorant prick you are.
Why would loyal patriotic Americans want that?
You're so full of hate.
Hate? I don't hate anyone. I base my assumption on what I have been reading on this board. And of course, I didn't want to target specifically the Democrats.
The second image from above depicts a pro-Russian volunteer who sits on a vehicle with the sign 'To Kiev' under the Russian Empire's flag.
Checked and correct. Old image though, no link to current events. No link to the Russian government, either.

The second one from the bottom seems to be a photoshop.
Check it for us.

Choose your photos more thoroughly, stooge.
The other images are not questionable. So who is here the stooge?
Checked and correct. Old image though, no link to current events. No link to the Russian government, either
Are you kidding? Obviously, the photo on the vehicle was taken at the times of pro-Russian uprising.

it for us
No, thanks. You can do it yourself.

The other images are not questionable. So who is here the stooge?
No one ever seriously denied far-right activists and battalions taking part in the fight against pro-Russian forces, stooge. But I am not going to discuss it over and over again here. Move to Russian forums for such entertainment.
It looks likely that Putin's Russia will invade a sovereign nation on its border, again. What is his REAL motive?
I'm sure he wants Ukraine's resources (future military slaves) and its geography for strategic advantage (like Crimea). He wants POWER.
OBVIOUSLY, he's afraid of NATO and wants to preserve his Czars-like authoritarianism to secure his wealth.

What shall NATO do?
I think NATO should assist Ukraine to the max and threaten Russia's military as well as economy.
Agree? Why not?
And you are a drunk liberal or incredibly stupid. Take your pick.

I am 61 years old and there is nothing fraudulent about me!

What else ya got?
You're a babbling old fool jerk off. I'm almost a decade older than you but you sound like someone from a nursing home.
Oh, he's a drunk alright! When he gets hammered, he can't type, spell or even but a sentence together!

IF you catch him early in the day, he sounds sober. About 3 pm, he is so hammered he can't think straight.
OK ya old fart

Post examples...maybe the nurses can help

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