Why will Putin invade Ukraine; How shall NATO respond?

"The responses of the United States and NATO to the Russian proposal for a Treaty guaranteeing freedom of movement [1].were revealed by the Spanish daily El País [2], allegedly thanks to a Ukrainian source who feared that his country would be turned into a theater of West-East confrontation.. . ."

Washington and London try to preserve their domination over Europe​

by Thierry Meyssan
Voltaire Network | Paris (France) | 8 February 2022
"Today, the best kept secrets are quickly revealed. They do not spread for all that. However, this week, confidential letters from the United States and NATO to Russia have leaked and have been widely read. While the front stage is dominated by Nato’s bootstraps, the Western backstage is the scene of feverish organization of allied surveillance networks by their American and British overlords. For Washington and London are convinced that Russia will not attack them, but will try to divert their allies."

". . . NATO’s response corresponds in every respect to the presentation made by its Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg. This is normal, since this text had been submitted to the 30 member states and could not remain secret for very long. On the one hand, the Alliance is proposing measures to reduce the risk of nuclear war, while on the other, it is questioning the right of peoples to self-determination in Transnistria (Moldova), Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Georgia) and finally in Crimea (Ukraine). In other words, the Allies reject international law. That is why they no longer refer to it, but say they are attached to "rules" that they alone set. They intended to remain under the protection of the United States, supported by the United Kingdom, but did not want to risk a World War. . . . "


". . . Eventually, at some point, this or that ally will stop kowtowing to Washington and London. The pro-Chinese statements of Polish President Andrzej Duda or the pro-Russian statements of Croatian President Zoran Milanović give a foretaste of what might happen. In 1966, the Allies were surprised when French President Charles de Gaulle denounced the stay-behind networks and expelled Nato forces from his country. Their reaction would be different today if, once again, a NATO member were to leave the integrated command without questioning the North Atlantic Treaty. The European leaders, who often behave like sheep, could follow this new model and leave en bloc.. . ."
You need to learn to read a fucking map! NATO is not in Ukraine. They are within their own countries for the most part.
I'm well aware.

. . . with that in mind, do you, or do you not think that if Ukraine launches an assault on the Donbas region, or if that assault were counter-supported by Russian air support, long range artillary from across the border or missile strikes, and the Ukrainian military then entered Crimea in response. . .

. . . do you think NATO forces would stay out of it?

I'm well aware.

. . . with that in mind, do you, or do you not think that if Ukraine launches an assault on the Donbas region, or if that assault were counter-supported by Russian air support, long range artillary from across the border or missile strikes, and the Ukrainian military then entered Crimea in response. . .

. . . do you think NATO forces would stay out of it?

Ukraine isn't going to launch an attack into Donbas...and if Putin tries to pretend they did it will be as big a fraud as Hitler claiming the Poles attacked a German radio station
Just pointing out the obvious
What. . . that you are a brain-washed idiot, that gets triggered by anyone writing or posting anything that doesn't toe the line of the think-tanks aligned with Washington or London, and if they do, the most creative response you have, is to call them "Russian Trolls?" :dunno:

What. . . that you are a brain-washed idiot, that gets triggered by anyone writing or posting anything that doesn't toe the line of the think-tanks aligned with Washington or London, and if they do, the most creative response you have, is to call them "Russian Trolls?" :dunno:

Dude...Putin is NOT getting his money's worth with you
Ukraine isn't going to launch an attack into Donbas...and if Putin tries to pretend they did it will be as big a fraud as Hitler claiming the Poles attacked a German radio station
Currently, they are at peace. Tensions can spark at any time.

Dude...Putin is NOT getting his money's worth with you

The Duma already wants the Kremlin to recognize them. . . why aren't you paying attention to what is going on. . . oh yeah, because you only pay attention to the shit you want to. . .


Ukraine isn't going to launch an attack into Donbas
The moment that the Duma gets the Kremlin to recognize their independence? I have no doubt that Ukraine will appeal to NATO for help and invade them. . . no doubt.
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It's a scary situation! Putin is 69, and maybe wants to make one big final play to reunite the old Soviet Union? Also, maybe he's just not thinking clearly. Maybe he has health issues. Regardless, he has painted himself into one hell of a corner. I don't see how he can save face if he doesn't invade Ukraine. I applaud President Biden for standing firm.

What are you babbling about...Putin has painted himself into a position where he only gains..Biden has already told him that he can invade.
What are you babbling about...Putin has painted himself into a position where he only gains..Biden has already told him that he can invade.
Yup. Should the Russian Parliament recognize the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic. . . if Ukraine is dumb enough, to try and stop Russia, I don't think they will be getting any help from NATO, as long as Russia stops there.

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