Why we moved all-in with Sharon Angle and O'Donnell


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I hate to educate Liberals/Progressives/Democrats/Marxists/Jake Starkeys but I'll make an exception and show you why this election is different.

The reason for The Surge of the Tea Party is because the stakes are so high and we're committed. The fundamental principle in hold em is that if the pot is very large, say like a Trillion annual deficit, and all it cost is one bet (or one candidate or one election) to take a chance at winning, then you MUST move all in because the odds of winning are well worth whatever the cost of your bet.

Thanks to a lifetime of Progressive abuse we now have annual Trillion deficits, we have ObamaCare that is already an Epic Fail in record time, we have 10% unemployment; in short, we have a government that needs to be brought back under control.

The Pot is Too Big. That's why we moved all in, even with people like Sharon Angle, and O'Donnell. Whatever their "problems" are they pale in comparison with what's at stake.

We're committed and we have the commitment of a samurai.

Mock all you want. Make fun all you want. Sure, we're not pretty and well organized, but we're committed and we fully intend to bring this government back under control, and you won't be able to stop us

We're all in.

Sure, you might be a little more educated now, but I have no doubt that you'll still provide me endless laughs listening to your "ideas"
I hate to educate Liberals/Progressives/Democrats/Marxists/Jake Starkeys but I'll make an exception and show you why this election is different.

The reason for The Surge of the Tea Party is because the stakes are so high and we're committed. The fundamental principle in hold em is that if the pot is very large, say like a Trillion annual deficit, and all it cost is one bet (or one candidate or one election) to take a chance at winning, then you MUST move all in because the odds of winning are well worth whatever the cost of your bet.

Thanks to a lifetime of Progressive abuse we now have annual Trillion deficits, we have ObamaCare that is already an Epic Fail in record time, we have 10% unemployment; in short, we have a government that needs to be brought back under control.

The Pot is Too Big. That's why we moved all in, even with people like Sharon Angle, and O'Donnell. Whatever their "problems" are they pale in comparison with what's at stake.

We're committed and we have the commitment of a samurai.

Mock all you want. Make fun all you want. Sure, we're not pretty and well organized, but we're committed and we fully intend to bring this government back under control, and you won't be able to stop us

We're all in.

Sure, you might be a little more educated now, but I have no doubt that you'll still provide me endless laughs listening to your "ideas"

Good point. What these people fail to get, other than we do not care about party first, is that Republicans can not do anything to reverse course with a 1 vote majority when you have a handful of Rinos who will side with the Democrats half the time.

In fact I guess that is why they are really so up set over this. Those Liberal republicans they would counting on to give them a shadow Majority are dropping like flies.
I hate to educate Liberals/Progressives/Democrats/Marxists/Jake Starkeys but I'll make an exception and show you why this election is different.

The reason for The Surge of the Tea Party is because the stakes are so high and we're committed. The fundamental principle in hold em is that if the pot is very large, say like a Trillion annual deficit, and all it cost is one bet (or one candidate or one election) to take a chance at winning, then you MUST move all in because the odds of winning are well worth whatever the cost of your bet.

Thanks to a lifetime of Progressive abuse we now have annual Trillion deficits, we have ObamaCare that is already an Epic Fail in record time, we have 10% unemployment; in short, we have a government that needs to be brought back under control.

The Pot is Too Big. That's why we moved all in, even with people like Sharon Angle, and O'Donnell. Whatever their "problems" are they pale in comparison with what's at stake.

We're committed and we have the commitment of a samurai.

Mock all you want. Make fun all you want. Sure, we're not pretty and well organized, but we're committed and we fully intend to bring this government back under control, and you won't be able to stop us

We're all in.

Sure, you might be a little more educated now, but I have no doubt that you'll still provide me endless laughs listening to your "ideas"

Very good. Now let's put those Teabaggers in front of a mike at every oppertunity.
I hate to educate Liberals/Progressives/Democrats/Marxists/Jake Starkeys but I'll make an exception and show you why this election is different.

The reason for The Surge of the Tea Party is because the stakes are so high and we're committed. The fundamental principle in hold em is that if the pot is very large, say like a Trillion annual deficit, and all it cost is one bet (or one candidate or one election) to take a chance at winning, then you MUST move all in because the odds of winning are well worth whatever the cost of your bet.

Thanks to a lifetime of Progressive abuse we now have annual Trillion deficits, we have ObamaCare that is already an Epic Fail in record time, we have 10% unemployment; in short, we have a government that needs to be brought back under control.

The Pot is Too Big. That's why we moved all in, even with people like Sharon Angle, and O'Donnell. Whatever their "problems" are they pale in comparison with what's at stake.

We're committed and we have the commitment of a samurai.

Mock all you want. Make fun all you want. Sure, we're not pretty and well organized, but we're committed and we fully intend to bring this government back under control, and you won't be able to stop us

We're all in.

Aw, isn't that cute...:lol:
I hate to educate Liberals/Progressives/Democrats/Marxists/Jake Starkeys but I'll make an exception and show you why this election is different.

The reason for The Surge of the Tea Party is because the stakes are so high and we're committed. The fundamental principle in hold em is that if the pot is very large, say like a Trillion annual deficit, and all it cost is one bet (or one candidate or one election) to take a chance at winning, then you MUST move all in because the odds of winning are well worth whatever the cost of your bet.

Riiiiiiight.........considering that Bush Jr. had a surplus, but with his war being left off the books, as well as the Wall St. deregulation, combined with his piss poor judgment (remember......he lost money everywhere he went, that's why Daddy Bush made him president), and those idiotic tax cuts (which are going to expire becuase it was passed on a HOPE that it would happen, rather than reality), I'd say that the debt in the "pot" is strictly on the heads of the GOP.

Thanks to a lifetime of Progressive abuse we now have annual Trillion deficits, we have ObamaCare that is already an Epic Fail in record time, we have 10% unemployment; in short, we have a government that needs to be brought back under control.

Actually, Obama care went into effect last week, and not only that, but many things aren't going to be implemented until 2014. And, FWIW, the unemployment rate ISN'T 10 percent, it's 9.6. If you're gonna rail against something, at least get the facts straight. By the way.......a "lifetime of progressive abuse"? How old are you, 4?

The Pot is Too Big. That's why we moved all in, even with people like Sharon Angle, and O'Donnell. Whatever their "problems" are they pale in comparison with what's at stake.

So.........when the shit hits the fan, send in the crazy people to take the shots first? Pretty piss poor cannon fodder, as well as a fucking idiotic choice for someone that is supposed to run this government. Quick question for you idiot, do you want someone like Angle or O'Donnell in YOUR workspace as your supervisor? I don't, because I'm smarter than you.

We're committed and we have the commitment of a samurai.

You mean......you should be committed and that the tea baggers are fixing to commit seppoku.

Mock all you want. Make fun all you want. Sure, we're not pretty and well organized, but we're committed and we fully intend to bring this government back under control, and you won't be able to stop us

Not pretty? Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell may have something to say about that. Remember......the reason they were chosen is because they ARE pretty. By the way sportcheck, would YOU want the high school prom queen running your finances? Especially if she's a bimbo?

We're all in.

All in? Is that how far you've stuck your skull up Palins ass?

Sure, you might be a little more educated now, but I have no doubt that you'll still provide me endless laughs listening to your "ideas"

Educated? Not really. Amused? A bit, because your batshittery knows no bounds.
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I hate to educate Liberals/Progressives/Democrats/Marxists/Jake Starkeys but I'll make an exception and show you why this election is different.

The reason for The Surge of the Tea Party is because the stakes are so high and we're committed. The fundamental principle in hold em is that if the pot is very large, say like a Trillion annual deficit, and all it cost is one bet (or one candidate or one election) to take a chance at winning, then you MUST move all in because the odds of winning are well worth whatever the cost of your bet.

Thanks to a lifetime of Progressive abuse we now have annual Trillion deficits, we have ObamaCare that is already an Epic Fail in record time, we have 10% unemployment; in short, we have a government that needs to be brought back under control.

The Pot is Too Big. That's why we moved all in, even with people like Sharon Angle, and O'Donnell. Whatever their "problems" are they pale in comparison with what's at stake.

We're committed and we have the commitment of a samurai.

Mock all you want. Make fun all you want. Sure, we're not pretty and well organized, but we're committed and we fully intend to bring this government back under control, and you won't be able to stop us

We're all in.

Sure, you might be a little more educated now, but I have no doubt that you'll still provide me endless laughs listening to your "ideas"

I think kamikazee was the Japanese metaphor you were looking for, not samurai.
My question is: If both these women are guarenteed losers, why are the Democrats spending so much more money and effort to defeat them? I mean shouldnt their money be going toward races that they might have a more difficult time?
I'm still wondering why Crusted Turd the Skank (Crusader Frank) said that the teabaggers AIN'T pretty?

Palin and O'Donnell were chosen mainly because they look hot and are willing to wink at the men.
My question is: If both these women are guarenteed losers, why are the Democrats spending so much more money and effort to defeat them? I mean shouldnt their money be going toward races that they might have a more difficult time?

Who in the who's who of the Democratic Party is referring to them as 'guarenteed (sic) losers'?

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