Why voters are not buying bidenomics

Despite numerous bright and shining prognostications by the current administration most median income households have suffered loss in the past two years.

You can fool people about a lot of things, but you're not gonna fool them about their money.

This is how stupid the Biden administration is, they think they can gaslight people about their own money....
People still believe the person shining a seat with his ass in the oval office can somehow control the economy.

Yeah.... truthfully the white house is a minor player and always has been. Economic growth is defined differently by different people. Sure there's a lot of consumer spending right now but it's being done on the back of credit card debt and equity loans. That kind of spending is not real spending because it comes with a hook.
My income has increased the last two years and I am happy with it, although Biden had nothing to do with it.
Yeah... One of the big items missing from the article is personal responsibility. A lot of what happens to us has to do with our own decisions.
You can fool people about a lot of things, but you're not gonna fool them about their money.

This is how stupid the Biden administration is, they think they can gaslight people about their own money....
The cash register tells all.
People still believe the person shining a seat with his ass in the oval office can somehow control the economy.

They control the regulatory agencies. They march at POTUS's orders.

I suspect half the cost of a new vehicle is compliance related.

Anything the .gov mandates costs the middle-class out the ass.
Despite numerous bright and shining prognostications by the current administration most median income households have suffered loss in the past two years.

All I bought today was the $4.10 per gallon gas at Chevron. And that was the cheap stuff. Bidenomics is theft in the form of inflation.
All I bought today was the $4.10 per gallon gas at Chevron. And that was the cheap stuff. Bidenomics is theft in the form of inflation.
Much more so than they admit. I don't buy the statistics that exclude gas and food. If you think about it there's really no way to exclude gas or fuel because everything at the supermarket has a fuel price written into it. This is why people scoff at the official numbers.
Yeah, never ever hold a corporation responsible for price gouging blame someone not associated with it.
It's an interesting point that you bring up. I don't know how often the prices go up due to gouging but I'm sure it's often enough. That is the nature of a corporation unfortunately.
People still believe the person shining a seat with his ass in the oval office can somehow control the economy.

/----/ Of course he can, you dolt.
Not really.

regulations are laws the president cannot unilaterally change
No? Every new "rule" made by a regulatory agency is a change in regulatory law passed by congress that congress did not approve to be changed.

Those rule changes are often made at the behest of POTUS, neither of which have the power to do so on their own hook. It's congress's job to change the law.

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