Why Trump Wins The Presidency


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
The Right leaning population of the US have been watching with satisfaction as the Far Right in Europe is taking over power in response to the Socialists who are determined to alter the population base to ensure future Socialist governments by allowing millions of muslims to essentially take over these countries.
MAPPED: Shocking march of the far-right across Europe as migration fears reach fever pitch
Trump has tapped into the anger in the US over Obama's open border policy and to the LIB's Sanctuary City policies.
It isn't rocket science to know the LIB's intent has been to turn the US into a Socialist country like many in Europe. Saul Alinsky's wet dream and Obama's.
But Socialism does what Socialism has always done to countries: The ideology always fails the people.
Maggie Thatcher said "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money". Trump is riding the wave of anti-socialist anger. The American voter will do what European voters are doing all over Europe.
In 2012 conservatives here gave a long list of reasons why Romney would beat Obama easily. This, despite polls that showed pretty much the opposite.

Well, we know what happened there.

Predicting victory because your candidate should beat the other candidate merely because you agree with them on the issues is not exactly scientific.
In 2012 conservatives here gave a long list of reasons why Romney would beat Obama easily. This, despite polls that showed pretty much the opposite.

Well, we know what happened there.

Predicting victory because your candidate should beat the other candidate merely because you agree with them on the issues is not exactly scientific.
The anti Socialist anger spreading across Europe is catching fire in the US and Trump is the standard bearer.
People have had enough of governments manipulating their population bases to hold power in spite of how much their countries are being destroyed by millions of muslims intent on replacing Christian values with Islamofascism and all lunatic cult religion demands.
MAPPED: Shocking march of the far-right across Europe as migration fears reach fever pitch
The Right leaning population of the US have been watching with satisfaction as the Far Right in Europe is taking over power in response to the Socialists who are determined to alter the population base to ensure future Socialist governments by allowing millions of muslims to essentially take over these countries.

I'm afraid of a coming war between Muslim 'refuges' and native folks in Europa. Due to Merkel's invitation more as 1.5 million invaders are already there. All youth, strong, many former ISIS fighters with Syrian passes.Who can stop them if they attack for example Germany?Cowardly German 'police' which every week get beaten even in Muslim ghettos?
Small Army in few barracks?How unarmed Germans can fight against 1.5 Million ISIS admirers + 5 Millions Muslims who are already in Germany + 300000 or more German leftists ( so called ANTIFA etc. )The same situation can be in France, Britain, Scandinavia, Netherland etc.

Video: Container with aid for “refugees” was full of weapons and ammunition

Video: Container with aid for "refugees" was full of weapons and ammunition
I support Trump. Cruz is my 2nd pick. Bush my 3rd.

But honestly....right now...Trump won't beat Hilary. Too many dumb voters for one. And...voting Trump is kinda like a married man who flirts with his hot secretary and it escalates until she's undressing in his office....and he gets too scared to do it and backs off.

I see many moderate independents in a Trump vs Hilary race doing that. As tempting as the outsider is...we may end up too scared to rock the hell out of the cradle. Hilary is the stable pick. More of the same...for better or worse.

However....world events over the next 11 months may change that. A few more terror attacks. More Muslim "migration". A gun grab executive order.

Trump can't "win" 2016. But...he can be elected if certain things happen that piss voters off enough to go ahead and bang the hot secretary and risk the marriage.
The Right leaning population of the US have been watching with satisfaction as the Far Right in Europe is taking over power in response to the Socialists who are determined to alter the population base to ensure future Socialist governments by allowing millions of muslims to essentially take over these countries.
MAPPED: Shocking march of the far-right across Europe as migration fears reach fever pitch
Trump has tapped into the anger in the US over Obama's open border policy and to the LIB's Sanctuary City policies.
It isn't rocket science to know the LIB's intent has been to turn the US into a Socialist country like many in Europe. Saul Alinsky's wet dream and Obama's.
But Socialism does what Socialism has always done to countries: The ideology always fails the people.
Maggie Thatcher said "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money". Trump is riding the wave of anti-socialist anger. The American voter will do what European voters are doing all over Europe.
Le Pen lost.
Trump appeals to the daft and losers. Any vote for him is a sign of mental retardation

I disagree.

I don't like Trump, but he is tapping into legitimate grievances amongst a certain - and large - swath of society.

Bernie Sanders is tapping into the same thing.
The difference between Sander's supporters and Trump's supporters is not all Sander's supporters are going to switch to Hilary. There is a deep undercurrent of serious dislike and deep mistrust of Hillary. This could mean a lot of Sanders supporters are going to stay home on election day if Hillary is nominated.
The opposite is true of many strong DEM voters. Whoever wins the nomination every REP voter will turn out in support.
Millions of voters never want to see a Clinton in the White house again. They'd vote for Charlie Manson against Hillary.
Trump appeals to the daft and losers. Any vote for him is a sign of mental retardation

I disagree.

I don't like Trump, but he is tapping into legitimate grievances amongst a certain - and large - swath of society.

Bernie Sanders is tapping into the same thing.


I will believe that when he proposes a actual plan and not a cartoon or slogan.

If there is legit grievances in his constituency, the non daft and non retards of that group would want more from this cheap asshat.

I hope he or Cruz win. Hillary will get 400+ EVs against either. But he's doing the nation a dis-service.
In 2012 conservatives here gave a long list of reasons why Romney would beat Obama easily. This, despite polls that showed pretty much the opposite.

Well, we know what happened there.

Predicting victory because your candidate should beat the other candidate merely because you agree with them on the issues is not exactly scientific.
The anti Socialist anger spreading across Europe is catching fire in the US and Trump is the standard bearer.
People have had enough of governments manipulating their population bases to hold power in spite of how much their countries are being destroyed by millions of muslims intent on replacing Christian values with Islamofascism and all lunatic cult religion demands.
MAPPED: Shocking march of the far-right across Europe as migration fears reach fever pitch
You don't emanate any Christian values at all...
Trump appeals to the daft and losers. Any vote for him is a sign of mental retardation

I disagree.

I don't like Trump, but he is tapping into legitimate grievances amongst a certain - and large - swath of society.

Bernie Sanders is tapping into the same thing.
Yep, this is just a tad more nuanced than simplistic personal insults and name-calling.

As with most things.
If there is legit grievances in his constituency, the non daft and non retards of that group would want more from this cheap asshat.

The legitimate grievances are
  1. Washington is broken and corrupt
  2. The white working class - particularly men - have been left behind.
That Trump has been short on specifics doesn't really matter. When he rails against immigrants or talks about renegotiating trade deals, he is speaking to the group that has been hurt the most by both - immigrants compete for unskilled and semi-skilled labor and trade deals offshore jobs.

Hillary is part of the problem in #1. That's why Sanders is doing so well. She is very beatable. I don't think Trump can beat her, but I think Cruz might, and Rubio definitely can.
If there is legit grievances in his constituency, the non daft and non retards of that group would want more from this cheap asshat.

The legitimate grievances are
  1. Washington is broken and corrupt
  2. The white working class - particularly men - have been left behind.
That Trump has been short on specifics doesn't really matter. When he rails against immigrants or talks about renegotiating trade deals, he is speaking to the group that has been hurt the most by both - immigrants compete for labor and trade deals offshore jobs.

Hillary is part of the problem in #1. That's why Sanders is doing so well.

Oh please.

Had he not insulted every other person he comes across and done outrageous things like giving out personal phone numbers and mimicked a man with a disability, his "tapping into anger" would have him polling with Pataki.

Sanders has been lapped by Hillary in some polls and is doing well in NH because he's from a neighboring state.

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