Why Trump Was "A Candidate Putin Could Like" _ "Putin's Revenge" |


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Sep 3, 2017
do you agree with PBSfrontline ? Why Trump is so in love with granddad Putler?

Why Trump Was "A Candidate Putin Could Like" | "Putin's Revenge"

Thirty years ago Gorbey was the darling of the American left. Even though Reagan's policies brought down the Berlin Wall the crazy left credited the Russian Premier who presided over the deaths of innocent Germans, shot in the back for trying to get to the other side of the city. Today the incoherent American left hates the Russian president but they hate the U.S. President too.
Thirty years ago Gorbey was the darling of the American left. Even though Reagan's policies brought down the Berlin Wall the crazy left credited the Russian Premier who presided over the deaths of innocent Germans, shot in the back for trying to get to the other side of the city. Today the incoherent American left hates the Russian president but they hate the U.S. President too.
you mean czar? McCain , the all leaders of Republicans in congress are the left as well?

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