Why to impeach Obama

Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

My take? Anyone who would start a conversation on an internet forum with the convoluted phrase...

"Why to impeach Obama"

Should be forever banned from discussing politics and banished to an uneducated third world country who's residents also muddle through life with a second grade education.
Conservatives need to come back to the real world and mingle with normal Americans for awhile;

you've become demented just from spending too much time being yes-men for each other.

This has been asked earlier in this thread and in scores of other such threads, and to date not one rightist has cited an actual 'crime' the president has committed.

For example, previous articles of impeachment have cited obstruction of justice and perjury as crimes justifying impeachment and a trial in the Senate, these are the same crimes any other American might commit and are not unique to the presidency.

Being 'incompetent' and 'doing a bad job' are not 'crimes' justifying impeachment as perceived by partisan rightwing hacks.
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

Just the mere threat of using the IRS to punish critics was the 1st article of impeachment of Richard Nixon. Obozo's actually used them.

Nixon was never impeached.
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress. he hasn't abused any executive power
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda. he hasn't implemented andy Amnest to anyone
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.Obama never used the Irs to attack the tea party
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights. Obama never attacked any states rights
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press. Obama never attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press of anyone
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East. another republican that can stand the heat
9.5 percent -- Obamacare. even now 76% of republicans like Obama care that would be another reason that repubklicans will lose this next election if they continue their bull shit...

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

the only reason these republicans won't hold impeachment proceedings is becasue of their polling ... 78% of the voting public say they will vote against any republican in their state if they try to impeach obama... that's the only reason...

isn't it odd every time republicans don't get their way they try to impeach a dem president
first Clinton now obama ... sounds like a lot of sour grapes to me

But it's fine to do it when Republican Presidents break the law.

Both parties always make a great argument for impeachment, but neither deliver.

It just goes to show that the government is a dysfunctional cluster that no longer is capable of justice in any form or capacity.

Each succeeding regime seems to get worse and worse.
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

Just the mere threat of using the IRS to punish critics was the 1st article of impeachment of Richard Nixon.


Articles of Impeachment:

RESOLVED, That Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following articles of impeachment to be exhibited to the Senate:


Article 1: Obstruction of Justice.

In his conduct of the office of the President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that: On June 17, 1972, and prior thereto, agents of the Committee for the Re-Election of the President committed unlawful entry of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, District of Columbia, for the purpose of securing political intelligence.

And don't forget BBWWH....Being Black while in the White House.

Race Card! Race Card!

Mentioning that certain conservative still can't stand a black man in the White House is not allowed

Note how the Obama family has been noticeably missing from photo ops in the last few years. You rarely see them together coming and going from AF One and Marine One anymore. It's just not worth the hate mail.

What you will NEVER see is a conservative in a photo-op with the president. If they have to take a picture, watch the scowl. Look what they did to Christie
Race Card! Race Card!

Mentioning that certain conservative still can't stand a black man in the White House is not allowed

Note how the Obama family has been noticeably missing from photo ops in the last few years. You rarely see them together coming and going from AF One and Marine One anymore. It's just not worth the hate mail.

What you will NEVER see is a conservative in a photo-op with the president. If they have to take a picture, watch the scowl. Look what they did to Christie

Look at what it did to who?

do the morons on the board actually think the Republicans have been doing nothing but TALKING impeachment rather than taking ACTION against Obama ?

helpful hints for idiots..


get it?
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress. he hasn't abused any executive power
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda. he hasn't implemented andy Amnest to anyone
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.Obama never used the Irs to attack the tea party
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights. Obama never attacked any states rights
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press. Obama never attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press of anyone
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East. another republican that can stand the heat
9.5 percent -- Obamacare. even now 76% of republicans like Obama care that would be another reason that repubklicans will lose this next election if they continue their bull shit...

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

the only reason these republicans won't hold impeachment proceedings is becasue of their polling ... 78% of the voting public say they will vote against any republican in their state if they try to impeach obama... that's the only reason...

isn't it odd every time republicans don't get their way they try to impeach a dem president
first Clinton now obama ... sounds like a lot of sour grapes to me

But it's fine to do it when Republican Presidents break the law.

we aren't speaking about republicans we are talking about dems.... no dem congress has ever sued a sitting president... no dem has ever tried to impeach any republican prersident... only you republicans have done this you imply that obama has broke a law ... please tell us what law did he break ??? ...that would be he hasn't broke any law
Conservatives need to come back to the real world and mingle with normal Americans for awhile;

you've become demented just from spending too much time being yes-men for each other.
you know you are right... these republicans have lost all sence of reality
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

Just the mere threat of using the IRS to punish critics was the 1st article of impeachment of Richard Nixon. Obozo's actually used them.

Nixon was never impeached.

don't tell these republie-tards this they'll lose their minds ... after all they do say the stupidest shit ... thats wahy they're republicans...
Oh, God in heaven ... make it stop

I hope our next prez has an R next to his name so I don't have to listen to this shit anymore.

But those on the left were clamoring about the same thing with "W". The call was to impeach him for lying about the war.

I suspect the level of corruption will only grow worse the more people talk about it and do nothing about it.

Make no mistake, all of these guys are dirty. It's just that the more powerful they become and the more corrupt they become, the more obvious it becomes.

Nixon was the last to be forced to leave office for breaking the law. What's funny is that Obama can't even follow his own law. :lol:
do the morons on the board actually think the Republicans have been doing nothing but TALKING impeachment rather than taking ACTION against Obama ?

helpful hints for idiots..


get it?

It's not just Republicans. Dennis Kucinich said Obama should be impeached for violating the War Powers Act by not consulting Congress. Obama's defense was to say that the war in Libya was not really a war.

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