Why they are called a "gaggle"...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The other day I heard reference to the White House press corps as a "gaggle" and after reading this I understand why. The MSM and even Fox news repeats exactly what all the other members repeat. See exactly what all the others see. And never seem to have any effort to say "What the F***?

This is a good illustration and then I'll follow with several perfect examples where this "gaggle" deserve this term!

Another example of the "Gaggle" mentality of the MSM.
St Petersburg Fl is banning straws... all based on a 9 year old KID's study done in 2011 and BASED on how many straws were MADE... NOT consumed!
Do any of these people actually have any common sense? Seriously getting laws banning a substance that contributes less than 2/10ths of 1% to plastics? Seriously?
They don't have more important issues!
St. Petersburg City Council to vote Thursday on banning plastic straws
Remember all the newspapers/etc. base the number 500 million on this 9 year old kid who contacted not all but a few straw makers!
Another example of the BIASED MSM "gaggle" mentality...
"Trump anti-immigrant" meme.

How many people reading any of the below articles that I found just moments ago based on again a BIASED Google search of the term "Trump ant-immigrant" including
LEGAL immigrants are lead to believe TRUMP hates all IMMIGRANTS?
How many people that believe Trump anti-immigrant KNOW:
A) His grandmother was a Legal immigrant!
B) His wife is a "Legal immigrant"
C) His in-laws are "Legal immigrants"...
D) over 100 million Americans like me either are "LEGaL immigrants or have relatives AND we are lumped as hating immigrants because we support Trump?
How crazy the MSM must be to totally alienate over 100 million people like me!
But 109,000 articles all telling people "Trump-Anti-Immigrant"..."Rhetoric".."Enlistment"...Trump's "AD"!
GEEZ these MSM people are truly members of a "GAGGLE" flying in formation not thinking at all for themselves!

Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at 11.05.43 AM.png
The other day I heard reference to the White House press corps as a "gaggle" and after reading this I understand why. The MSM and even Fox news repeats exactly what all the other members repeat. See exactly what all the others see. And never seem to have any effort to say "What the F***?

This is a good illustration and then I'll follow with several perfect examples where this "gaggle" deserve this term!

View attachment 234471
You've obviously never heard a gaggle of geese before.
The other day I heard reference to the White House press corps as a "gaggle" and after reading this I understand why. The MSM and even Fox news repeats exactly what all the other members repeat. See exactly what all the others see. And never seem to have any effort to say "What the F***?

This is a good illustration and then I'll follow with several perfect examples where this "gaggle" deserve this term!

View attachment 234471
You've obviously never heard a gaggle of geese before.

Looks like the White House press room.

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