Why the West Has Lost The 'War on Terror'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Our enemies have a covert supply system that we cannot bomb or cut off. They are happy to die for their cause and go to their 42 virgins or whatever. So we cannot intimidate them into peace.

But they can bankrupt us by continuing a war we spend billions to fight our way while they fight spending thousands to fight it their way.

Do the math; we eventually lose our treasury, our morale and our political support for the war at home.

Our only hope was to convince enough moderate muslims to publicly denounce their jihadi rivals and form a social network among them that would shame them into dropping their war.

Two huge mistakes have destroyed any hope of setting up a bridge to moderate Muslims.

1) we stayed in IRaq and Afghanistan too long and we have them thinking we went their for the looting, especially the supporting corporations.

2) all the gay bullshit has driven a deep wedge between us and our moderate Muslim allies.

So without that bridge we are never going to get a negotiated settlement or agreement on what the details will be in ending the war.

Our loss is now inevitable.
Boy, a lot of whining but not much fact.

We went to Iraq for the oil and looting. The only "support" for war is from those who profit from that fact.

Guerrilla warfare is very effective. If you don't believe it, look at our own Revolution.

Blaming your own sexual problems is self defeating.

But this is the funniest part -

Our only hope was to convince enough moderate muslims to publicly denounce their jihadi rivals and form a social network among them that would shame them into dropping their war.

Careful ... That's a pretty idiotic statement but you're almost sounding like you support diplomacy over bombs.
Our enemies have a covert supply system that we cannot bomb or cut off. They are happy to die for their cause and go to their 42 virgins or whatever. So we cannot intimidate them into peace.

But they can bankrupt us by continuing a war we spend billions to fight our way while they fight spending thousands to fight it their way.

Do the math; we eventually lose our treasury, our morale and our political support for the war at home.

Our only hope was to convince enough moderate muslims to publicly denounce their jihadi rivals and form a social network among them that would shame them into dropping their war.

Two huge mistakes have destroyed any hope of setting up a bridge to moderate Muslims.

1) we stayed in IRaq and Afghanistan too long and we have them thinking we went their for the looting, especially the supporting corporations.

2) all the gay bullshit has driven a deep wedge between us and our moderate Muslim allies.

So without that bridge we are never going to get a negotiated settlement or agreement on what the details will be in ending the war.

Our loss is now inevitable.

I will say this..

You get some of it right.

But then you completely fuck it up by not understanding what you get right or why.
Boy, a lot of whining but not much fact.

We went to Iraq for the oil and looting. The only "support" for war is from those who profit from that fact.

Guerrilla warfare is very effective. If you don't believe it, look at our own Revolution.

Blaming your own sexual problems is self defeating.

But this is the funniest part -

Our only hope was to convince enough moderate muslims to publicly denounce their jihadi rivals and form a social network among them that would shame them into dropping their war.

Careful ... That's a pretty idiotic statement but you're almost sounding like you support diplomacy over bombs.

And you are calling it "idiotic"?

Really? :eek:
Boy, a lot of whining but not much fact.

We went to Iraq for the oil and looting. The only "support" for war is from those who profit from that fact.

Guerrilla warfare is very effective. If you don't believe it, look at our own Revolution.

Blaming your own sexual problems is self defeating.

But this is the funniest part -

Our only hope was to convince enough moderate muslims to publicly denounce their jihadi rivals and form a social network among them that would shame them into dropping their war.

Careful ... That's a pretty idiotic statement but you're almost sounding like you support diplomacy over bombs.

And you are calling it "idiotic"?

Really? :eek:

According to Nudley, anything said by anyone he disagrees with is ipso facto 'idiotic'.
Why the West Has Lost The 'War on Terror'

Obama switched sides. He backs the Muslim Brotherhood and stood with the murderers of Chris Stevens
Our enemies have a covert supply system that we cannot bomb or cut off. They are happy to die for their cause and go to their 42 virgins or whatever. So we cannot intimidate them into peace.

But they can bankrupt us by continuing a war we spend billions to fight our way while they fight spending thousands to fight it their way.

Do the math; we eventually lose our treasury, our morale and our political support for the war at home.

Our only hope was to convince enough moderate muslims to publicly denounce their jihadi rivals and form a social network among them that would shame them into dropping their war.

Two huge mistakes have destroyed any hope of setting up a bridge to moderate Muslims.

1) we stayed in IRaq and Afghanistan too long and we have them thinking we went their for the looting, especially the supporting corporations.

2) all the gay bullshit has driven a deep wedge between us and our moderate Muslim allies.

So without that bridge we are never going to get a negotiated settlement or agreement on what the details will be in ending the war.

Our loss is now inevitable.

I will say this..

You get some of it right.

But then you completely fuck it up by not understanding what you get right or why.

I know it is tough for you libtards, but this is the point in the discussion where you would say the points that support your summation. For example, you might say 'You got point A and B right but C is wrong and here is why.'

Making the summation without supporting statements is called an 'unwarranted assumption', and that is generally classified under the title of 'irrational thought/discussion.

Now this is me completely unsurprised, Swallow.

Why the West Has Lost The 'War on Terror'

Obama switched sides. He backs the Muslim Brotherhood and stood with the murderers of Chris Stevens

Frank, the uneasy anxiety you feel feeds your delusions.

At least Frank knows how to provide supporting facts when he makes a statement, something you refuse to do and speak like you were the World's Greatest Guru of Universal Truth.
Certainly we will ultimately lose. We have no concept of victory. Winning has been replaced with a bizarre hope that the enemy changes his mind.

This is a fatal flaw in liberal thinking. Muslims will wake up one day with a strong desire to legalize same sex marriage and increase welfare to blacks. All we have to do is hold them off until that day comes.

It's total nonsense of course. War is total annihilation.
Nothing is more emblematic of the liberal version of war than the attempted hash tag battle with Boko Haram. They kill people and we put up the first heifer with a silly sign and an appropriately phony frown face.

While that's ridiculous on its face, what really takes it to the absurd is the assumption that this is the way to win wars.

That's why we certainly can't win this one.

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