Why The Dems Are Totally Fluxored In 2016


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
The toxic identity politics of the Dems is reaching its Reductio Ad Absurdum as displayed by the Nutroots-Black Lives Matter fracas. As this youtube shows, the Dem leadership is terrified of and held hostage by the extreme leftwing fringe. This particular version with a backdrop of burning Ferguson will send voters to the GOP.

Tis rather fittin' that the Left reaps what it has sown with Hillary as its figurehead.

Republicans are eating each other alive and you think the democrats are in trouble? That really is a laugh.
While it's too early to tell for sure, the Republicans are a mess at this moment. If they don't do something soon, it's gonna be a bloodbath in 2016 (figuratively speaking).
The toxic identity politics of the Dems is reaching its Reductio Ad Absurdum as displayed by the Nutroots-Black Lives Matter fracas. As this youtube shows, the Dem leadership is terrified of and held hostage by the extreme leftwing fringe. This particular version with a backdrop of burning Ferguson will send voters to the GOP.
Tis rather fittin' that the Left reaps what it has sown with Hillary as its figurehead.
Democrats have been lying, faking, and hiding behind a compliant media for years. And people are finally realizing that they never deliver what they promise. So they're abandoning the party in droves, and no longer believe what the desperate leftists are shoveling.
Republicans are eating each other alive and you think the democrats are in trouble? That really is a laugh.
TRANSLATION: No! You have to listen to our established talking points, not to what the voters are actually doing and saying! Please!!!
My words need no translation, republicans are in terrible trouble, apparently you are the only one who does not see it, the GOP can damned sure see what an unstable situation they are in.
You just have to wonder if the thought ever crosses their mind that maybe if we stopped breaking the law we'd stop dying at the hands of the authorities?

But but but...White Privilege made them do it.
Republicans are eating each other alive and you think the democrats are in trouble? That really is a laugh.
TRANSLATION: No! You have to listen to our established talking points, not to what the voters are actually doing and saying! Please!!!
My words need no translation, republicans are in terrible trouble, apparently you are the only one who does not see it, the GOP can damned sure see what an unstable situation they are in.
The GOP is not in trouble the democrats are. Another 4x offender ILLEGAL killed yesterday. And EVERY ILLEGAL that kills costs democrats.
Netroots isn't representative of the average Democratic voter anymore than CPAC is for the average Republican voter.

Netroots is quite literally a conference for crazy activists, not for "voters". I used to go pretty regularly, until I decided it was a waste of time and money.
This is what I find hilarious...

You just have to wonder if the thought ever crosses their mind that maybe if we stopped breaking the law we'd stop dying at the hands of the authorities?

But but but...White Privilege made them do it.

LOL...it's crazy though,almost without fail these people are to blame for their own demise or trouble with the law.
And yet we still end up with Hands up don't shoot,Black lives matter and a host of other catch phrases that are based on lies and misinformation.
Black lives matter does not seem to have an objective. Until they are willing to sit down with someone, they are pretty aimless.

However, the Republicans are composed of several factions with vying agendas. The leading presidential candidate is not part of any faction but has a bad habit of stirring the pot.

I rather have the Democrats problem. It does not have the structural instability that the GOP has.
The toxic identity politics of the Dems is reaching its Reductio Ad Absurdum as displayed by the Nutroots-Black Lives Matter fracas. As this youtube shows, the Dem leadership is terrified of and held hostage by the extreme leftwing fringe. This particular version with a backdrop of burning Ferguson will send voters to the GOP.

Tis rather fittin' that the Left reaps what it has sown with Hillary as its figurehead.

Hey, c'mon now...

Like the POS in Baltimore said recently...

They just need a little space to destroy, right?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but I"m damned-glad that January 20, 2017, is right around the corner now.

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