Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

Yanno..................I don't usually watch the GOP debates, because it's a bunch of people saying crap that I don't believe is good for this country, and pissing me off. And................since I like to be a happy person, I don't usually watch a whole bunch of Greedy Old People talking about what they think is good for the USA.


Because of Donald the Chump, I'm going to actually watch the GOP debates this year.

Looking forward to the first one. I'm waiting to see how many people on the stage with him he calls "stupid" and "idiots".
Yeah ... As far as inner-party debates ... I am not that sure the Democrat debates will be worth watching.
It would probably be more entertaining to condense the last 10 years of Nancy Pelosi clips into an hour long special ... And just have the candidates clap when they agree.

If they really wanted to spike the ratings ... They should stick with the Frist Lady aspect and put Michelle Obama in the race.
She accomplished some more substantial things as First Lady than Hillary ever did ... And I bet she would own Hillary within about 10 minutes.

That throw down might be worth watching.

Capitalism usually means making money with money.

That is not what capitalism is, stupid ass.
Capitalism is making money off other peoples money and work.

You don't have to start with other people's money and you don't have to have employees ... So that would be incorrect.

I could loan someone $150k and they could go to store and win the lottery or whatever for that matter ... As long as they pay the loan back with interest.
Now more responsible Capitalists will be more proactive with their activities ... But what they do isn't a requirement.

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Why has the right not advanced any business plan in Commerce (well regulated) to "earn" multibillion dollar bonuses for the People, merely to make Capital do the "heavy lifting" to make fun of socialists with a social "work ethic"?

I don't know why the Right does one thing or another ... Why don't you ask them?

It is true that one of the objects of Capitalism is to earn capital ... That is one of the reasons it is called Capitalism (I mean go figure ... Huh).
If you wonder why Socialists with a social work ethic aren't any better off ... Then I can pretty much assure you that they aren't actually interested in an answer ... They just want your money to invest in their own "ism".

Why not defend Capitalism even if you are not on the right instead of having nothing but diversion:

Why have the Capitalists on the right not advanced any business plan in Commerce (well regulated) to "earn" multibillion dollar bonuses for the People, merely to make Capital do the "heavy lifting" to make fun of socialists with a social "work ethic"?

Is a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with not enough for any Capitalist.

Good photographers can take Good pictures with even a pin-hole camera.
Why not defend Capitalism even if you are not on the right instead of having nothing but diversion:

Why have the Capitalists on the right not advanced any business plan in Commerce (well regulated) to "earn" multibillion dollar bonuses for the People, merely to make Capital do the "heavy lifting" to make fun of socialists with a social "work ethic"?

Is a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with not enough for any Capitalist.

Good photographers can take Good pictures with even a pin-hole camera.

Why do you keep asking me what Capitalists on the Right do ... I don't care what they do.
The fact that you choose to talk about Good Capitalists and think it has to be restricted to your dialog is not a "diversion".
It is an attempt on your part to pigeonhole the conversation.

I don't think being a Good Capitalist is in any way restricted to the Right ... Or your ideas on Capitalism.
You keep trying to make a point that Good Capitalists need the government for something ... When they don't.
If you don't want to do business with Good Capitalists ... They will do business with someone else.

Why not defend Capitalism even if you are not on the right instead of having nothing but diversion:

Why have the Capitalists on the right not advanced any business plan in Commerce (well regulated) to "earn" multibillion dollar bonuses for the People, merely to make Capital do the "heavy lifting" to make fun of socialists with a social "work ethic"?

Is a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with not enough for any Capitalist.

Good photographers can take Good pictures with even a pin-hole camera.

Why do you keep asking me what Capitalists on the Right do ... I don't care what they do.
The fact that you choose to talk about Good Capitalists and think it has to be restricted to your dialog is not a "diversion".
It is an attempt on your part to pigeonhole the conversation.

I don't think being a Good Capitalist is in any way restricted to the Right ... Or your ideas on Capitalism.
You keep trying to make a point that Good Capitalists need the government for something ... When they don't.
If you don't want to do business with Good Capitalists ... They will do business with someone else.

Thank you for not having enough confidence in Capitalism to have Capital plan.
Thank you for not having enough confidence in Capitalism to have Capital plan.

I have all the confidence in the world in Capitalism ... And having a Capital plan isn't a problem.
I think where you are coming up short is the fact that it just doesn't have to have anything to do political parties, governments or Socialism.

Kind of sucks you really don't have anything else to say about it doesn't it.
Probably why I wouldn't be taking any advice from you on being a Good Capitalist.

Thank you for not having enough confidence in Capitalism to have Capital plan.

I have all the confidence in the world in Capitalism ... And having a Capital plan isn't a problem.
I think where you are coming up short is the fact that it just doesn't have to have anything to do political parties, governments or Socialism.

Kind of sucks you really don't have anything else to say about it doesn't it.
Probably why I wouldn't be taking any advice from you on being a Good Capitalist.

Only Bad Capitalists have no Capital plan to make money.
Only Bad Capitalists have no Capital plan to make money.

All Capitalists have a Capital Plan ... Good or Bad ... Amazingly enough some don't even write it down.
The bad ones might even get thrown in jail if they did ... Good Capitalist can devise a Capital Plan while Brushing their teeth in the morning (they brush their teeth because they know it is a good investment in resources with or without a plan)

The Standard excuse of the Right; they are not paid enough to have a Capital clue and Capital Cause.

When you mentioned "Standard" ... Is it a typo or did you intentionally capitalize it in reference to some institution or source.
Something like maybe The Weekly Standard ... Or possibly Standard and Poors?
And why do you keep insisting that any additional amendments need to be made to anything ... That is not a requirement of Good Capitalism.

I am trying to keep it simple for the Right and the South, for the two for one special. :p

No you are just a troll and it was apparent by about the second post you made.

You pretend that capitalists are a right wing conspiracy or some shit. JeezLoooeeeez, grow the fuck up, retard.
I am trying to keep it simple for the Right and the South, for the two for one special. :p

No you are just a troll and it was apparent by about the second post you made.

You pretend that capitalists are a right wing conspiracy or some shit. JeezLoooeeeez, grow the fuck up, retard.
Dude, you don't have a clue or a Cause, or you would have more than fallacy to work with.
Capitalism usually means making money with money.

That is not what capitalism is, stupid ass.
Capitalism is making money off other peoples money and work.

You don't have to start with other people's money and you don't have to have employees ... So that would be incorrect.

I could loan someone $150k and they could go to store and win the lottery or whatever for that matter ... As long as they pay the loan back with interest.
Now more responsible Capitalists will be more proactive with their activities ... But what they do isn't a requirement.

A loan is someone elses money and I didnt say anything specifically about employees. I said other peoples work.
A loan is someone elses money and I didnt say anything specifically about employees. I said other peoples work.

Capitalism can exist within the context of one person ... And the activities they engage in with the resources they have and use.
It all depends on the investment they make and the effort they require to accomplish the desired return.

It isn't the most popular application but applicable just the same.

A loan is someone elses money and I didnt say anything specifically about employees. I said other peoples work.

Capitalism can exist within the context of one person ... And the activities they engage in with the resources they have and use.
It all depends on the investment they make and the effort they require to accomplish the desired return.

It isn't the most popular application but applicable just the same.

Not only is it the least popular way of practicing capitalism its unsustainable for long term growth.
Not only is it the least popular way of practicing capitalism its unsustainable for long term growth.

It is also the easiest way to participate ... And long-term growth is always at the discretion of the capitalist.

A capitalist who is interested in carrying a no-debt endeavor often limits growth.
They often have the tendency to sell all accumulated assets when debt and growth are required for expansion to meet growing production demands.
Then they take the proceeds and start the process over again compounding their personal wealth in the long-term.
Business incubators are awesome when you think about it ... And Good Capitalists often provide fledging operations with a solid foundation.

It really depends on whether or not they want to grow something for someone else or themselves.

Not only is it the least popular way of practicing capitalism its unsustainable for long term growth.

It is also the easiest way to participate ... And long-term growth is always at the discretion of the capitalist.

A capitalist who is interested in carrying a no-debt endeavor often limits growth.
They often have the tendency to sell all accumulated assets when debt and growth are required for expansion to meet growing production demands.
Then they take the proceeds and start the process over again compounding their personal wealth in the long-term.
Business incubators are awesome when you think about it ... And Good Capitalists often provide fledging operations with a solid foundation.

It really depends on whether or not they want to grow something for someone else or themselves.

Its only easy if you have the capital to get started. Hence, why the best way is to use other peoples money. Thats how I got my first 3 homes.

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