Why that memo is a big deal


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
First, it shines a light on what's been going on at the top of certain federal agencies that are supposed to be impartial but apparently are not, at least in some cases. In recent years we've had too many scandals in too many federal agencies, from Fast and Furious (ATF) to Lois Lerner (IRS) to Benghazi (State) to this latest mess (FBI/DOJ). Too many times we've seen what appears to be politics involved with activities and decisions made that were ideologically driven. And that shit has to stop, there's too many people in these United States that do not trust their own gov't and with good reason because even the appearance of impropriety cannot be tolerated and yet it happens. So this memo has opened up fierce dialogue about the situation and that's gotta be a good thing. Let's find out WTF was going on, let's see what the Dems say, what the Senate Judiciary Committee report says, and what the FBI/DOJ says in the coming days and weeks. Is they also an IG report too? Dunno, but let's see that too and then the Mueller investigation findings.

Here's the big deal in this particular case: some people aligned with the Obama Administration wanted to spy on their political opponents, that's what it boils down to. They knew that the Steele dossier was funded by the Democrats and was unverified, yet they used it anyway to justify the FISA warrant -- without telling the courts that Democrats paid for it and the intelligence community didn't create the document. They knew that Steele hated Trump and wanted to see him lose and yet didn't tell the court he was the source. Then, to get additional justification, they used news stories that journalists wrote where they just repeated information from Steele as if it were true.

Is all of that true? So what exactly was the FISA judge told? Anything less that EVERYTHING having to do with that dossier or with Mr Steele is unacceptable. Don't tell me what a judge assumes in litigation, this isn't litigation where one side has their say and then the other side has it's turn. In the FISA Court there's only the gov't presenting it's case, and IMHO it is incumbent on them to withhold NOTHING. To do so is to attempt to violate our civil rights and nobody should be allowing that, much less senior officials at the FBI or DOJ. If you can't get the warrant without telling the whole truth then you shouldn't get the warrant at all. And there is evidence that McCabe did testify that the FBI/DOJ wouldn't have even tried to get the FISA warrant without the Steele dossier. Some say that's not true but others say it's on the record, so we'll see.

This cannot be condoned, if even partly true. When the gov't goes to the FISA Court to get a warrant to
surveil anybody - you, me, anybody - our civil rights are at stake and that isn't a minor thing. I don't care whether the information in that dossier was true or not, and there's quite a bit of doubt about that since to this day at least parts of it remain unverified. To me, we can stop right there. I don't think the GOP memo was made up out of thin air, they got all that stuff from documents provided by the FBI/DOJ. The Dems say it's inaccurate and part's of it are not true. OK, show me; I got time. Maybe I'm wrong, won't be the 1st time. But the Dems are also starting out poorly if they want to convince anybody that the truth is on their side; after all, they already lied about that memo having any risks to national security in it. There's nothing there that compromises a damn thing, every intelligence agency in the world today already knows everything that was in the memo.
If you think you can shame liberals by exposing their corruption, bias, and lawless actions you are wrong. They fully embrace this and more, anything to win and push their agenda.
If you think you can shame liberals by exposing their corruption, bias, and lawless actions you are wrong. They fully embrace this and more, anything to win and push their agenda.

Some yes, others no. I'd like to think that most lib/dems do not support the actions that I described in the OP if true. Most do seem to support Sanctuary cities and states though, and that is lawlessness.
If you think you can shame liberals by exposing their corruption, bias, and lawless actions you are wrong. They fully embrace this and more, anything to win and push their agenda.

Some yes, others no. I'd like to think that most lib/dems do not support the actions that I described in the OP if true. Most do seem to support Sanctuary cities and states though, and that is lawlessness.

Most support unconstitutional laws, most support ignoring or breaking laws they happen to disagree with. Many are dumb as a post.
First, it shines a light on what's been going on at the top of certain federal agencies that are supposed to be impartial but apparently are not, at least in some cases. In recent years we've had too many scandals in too many federal agencies, from Fast and Furious (ATF) to Lois Lerner (IRS) to Benghazi (State) to this latest mess (FBI/DOJ). Too many times we've seen what appears to be politics involved with activities and decisions made that were ideologically driven. And that shit has to stop, there's too many people in these United States that do not trust their own gov't and with good reason because even the appearance of impropriety cannot be tolerated and yet it happens. So this memo has opened up fierce dialogue about the situation and that's gotta be a good thing. Let's find out WTF was going on, let's see what the Dems say, what the Senate Judiciary Committee report says, and what the FBI/DOJ says in the coming days and weeks. Is they also an IG report too? Dunno, but let's see that too and then the Mueller investigation findings.

Here's the big deal in this particular case: some people aligned with the Obama Administration wanted to spy on their political opponents, that's what it boils down to. They knew that the Steele dossier was funded by the Democrats and was unverified, yet they used it anyway to justify the FISA warrant -- without telling the courts that Democrats paid for it and the intelligence community didn't create the document. They knew that Steele hated Trump and wanted to see him lose and yet didn't tell the court he was the source. Then, to get additional justification, they used news stories that journalists wrote where they just repeated information from Steele as if it were true.

Is all of that true? So what exactly was the FISA judge told? Anything less that EVERYTHING having to do with that dossier or with Mr Steele is unacceptable. Don't tell me what a judge assumes in litigation, this isn't litigation where one side has their say and then the other side has it's turn. In the FISA Court there's only the gov't presenting it's case, and IMHO it is incumbent on them to withhold NOTHING. To do so is to attempt to violate our civil rights and nobody should be allowing that, much less senior officials at the FBI or DOJ. If you can't get the warrant without telling the whole truth then you shouldn't get the warrant at all. And there is evidence that McCabe did testify that the FBI/DOJ wouldn't have even tried to get the FISA warrant without the Steele dossier. Some say that's not true but others say it's on the record, so we'll see.

This cannot be condoned, if even partly true. When the gov't goes to the FISA Court to get a warrant to
surveil anybody - you, me, anybody - our civil rights are at stake and that isn't a minor thing. I don't care whether the information in that dossier was true or not, and there's quite a bit of doubt about that since to this day at least parts of it remain unverified. To me, we can stop right there. I don't think the GOP memo was made up out of thin air, they got all that stuff from documents provided by the FBI/DOJ. The Dems say it's inaccurate and part's of it are not true. OK, show me; I got time. Maybe I'm wrong, won't be the 1st time. But the Dems are also starting out poorly if they want to convince anybody that the truth is on their side; after all, they already lied about that memo having any risks to national security in it. There's nothing there that compromises a damn thing, every intelligence agency in the world today already knows everything that was in the memo.

You could be right if it wasn't just a cherry picked half description of what happened. I'll wait a few days until the rest of the story is released before I make up my mind.
The memo is just not a big deal. It contains no evidence of any of its implications (real or imagined), nor does it vindicate anyone.
what is a big deal is when two branches of our government and gang up on the intelligence branch of our government for no other reason than partisan politics then present a weak display of making their case credible.

the entire planet is laughing their ass off at the FOOLS.

stupid fuck Republicans attacking the intelligence of our country - oh the iorny.
what is a big deal is when two branches of our government and gang up on the third branch of our government for no other reason than partisan politics then present a weak display of making their case credible.

the entire planet is laughing their ass off at the FOOLS.
Wrong. The entire world knows Trump is an abomination and, frankly, are laughing at the inability of our impotent government to rid itself of this anomalous turd.
what is a big deal is when two branches of our government and gang up on the third branch of our government for no other reason than partisan politics then present a weak display of making their case credible.

the entire planet is laughing their ass off at the FOOLS.
Wrong. The entire world knows Trump is an abomination and, frankly, are laughing at the inability of our impotent government to rid itself of this anomalous turd.

We don't "rid" ourselves of Presidents just because some are upset that their candidate lost.
Yes Comrade Good Work! You make Mother Russia Proud and The KGB’s Work Easy!

what is a big deal is when two branches of our government and gang up on the third branch of our government for no other reason than partisan politics then present a weak display of making their case credible.

the entire planet is laughing their ass off at the FOOLS.
Wrong. The entire world knows Trump is an abomination and, frankly, are laughing at the inability of our impotent government to rid itself of this anomalous turd.
what is a big deal is when two branches of our government and gang up on the third branch of our government for no other reason than partisan politics then present a weak display of making their case credible.

the entire planet is laughing their ass off at the FOOLS.
Wrong. The entire world knows Trump is an abomination and, frankly, are laughing at the inability of our impotent government to rid itself of this anomalous turd.

We don't "rid" ourselves of Presidents just because some are upset that their candidate lost.
I agree, we don't. We require quite a burden to be met in order to do such a thing. That is part of our rule of law and peaceful transition of power.

Nevertheless, what I said is true.
what is a big deal is when two branches of our government and gang up on the third branch of our government for no other reason than partisan politics then present a weak display of making their case credible.

the entire planet is laughing their ass off at the FOOLS.
Wrong. The entire world knows Trump is an abomination and, frankly, are laughing at the inability of our impotent government to rid itself of this anomalous turd.

We don't "rid" ourselves of Presidents just because some are upset that their candidate lost.

No. We "rid" ourselves of presidents who are disgusting people and are unqualified and think they are above the law. See Nixon.------ OK. Now you will say "BUT OBAMA" ------ Obama could still easily beat Trump in an election today, if he could run again.
tl;dr But I can say it isn't really important, leastways as a document entered in court, as evidence to support a claim of trump innocence.
what is a big deal is when two branches of our government and gang up on the third branch of our government for no other reason than partisan politics then present a weak display of making their case credible.

the entire planet is laughing their ass off at the FOOLS.
Wrong. The entire world knows Trump is an abomination and, frankly, are laughing at the inability of our impotent government to rid itself of this anomalous turd.

It's actually this attitude that got Trump elected. :)
The entire world does not think he is. Israel loves him, several European countries that rely on Russian gas do right now, by waiting on the sanctions Russia passed by congress.
He is letting those European countries get legal policies in place that ensures gas production from Russia's gas pipelines.
They would freeze to death without it.
what is a big deal is when two branches of our government and gang up on the third branch of our government for no other reason than partisan politics then present a weak display of making their case credible.

the entire planet is laughing their ass off at the FOOLS.
Wrong. The entire world knows Trump is an abomination and, frankly, are laughing at the inability of our impotent government to rid itself of this anomalous turd.

It's actually this attitude that got Trump elected. :)
The entire world does not think he is. Israel loves him, several European countries that rely on Russian gas do right now, by waiting on the sanctions Russia passed by congress.
He is letting those European countries get legal policies in place that ensures gas production from Russia's gas pipelines.
They would freeze to death without it.

No shortage of gas right now. They can buy it somewhere else.
what is a big deal is when two branches of our government and gang up on the third branch of our government for no other reason than partisan politics then present a weak display of making their case credible.

the entire planet is laughing their ass off at the FOOLS.
Wrong. The entire world knows Trump is an abomination and, frankly, are laughing at the inability of our impotent government to rid itself of this anomalous turd.

It's actually this attitude that got Trump elected. :)
The entire world does not think he is. Israel loves him, several European countries that rely on Russian gas do right now, by waiting on the sanctions Russia passed by congress.
He is letting those European countries get legal policies in place that ensures gas production from Russia's gas pipelines.
They would freeze to death without it.

No shortage of gas right now. They can buy it somewhere else.

They have no somewhere else.

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