Why Ted Cruz must be defeated


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
That is the only thing that will stop the inevitable decline of our nation. All democracy in history have followed a similar life cycle. Without returning to the ideas of our founding fathers, we are doomed to repeat this history. I am not a Cruz fan but this would be a huge reason to support the man. You had better come up with something better than this as you are just convincing me to vote for the guy.

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Troll thread. Cruz is rehearsed and canned much like rubio. Trump is much more constitutional than cooky Cruz.
Troll thread. Cruz is rehearsed and canned much like rubio. Trump is much more constitutional than cooky Cruz.

Cruz is no winner either, but Trump has an amazing amount of exposure on his stance on the 5th Amendment.

As a Seminole, it is my plan to gather together the chiefs of the Five Civilized Tribes once again and re-establish the confederacy we once had and await the collapse of this government which I believe will occur within five years should either Democrat candidate be elected as President.

We will move the people who are not Tribal members onto reservations somewhere in Death Valley and in other vacant lands and plow under and reforest the Detroits of America. We will clean up the streams, rivers, and waterways. We will inherit again out lands that have become polluted and waste.
Any of those Koch supported scary candidates should not be elected , Soro's on the Dem side either...Jerks think that they can run the country with their money.

The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.
Troll thread. Cruz is rehearsed and canned much like rubio. Trump is much more constitutional than cooky Cruz.

Conservatives have an insane notion that limited government is a better government. In reality, personal freedom is our biggest adversary. Social justice and true happiness can only be obtained with Big government takes away our freedoms.

We drink too much so they need to pass laws banning biggie sodas, we drive cars that are too big and heat and cool houses that are too big, which increases our carbon footprint so we need cap and trade so that the higher taxes will make us stop. We need our guns taken away so everyone will be "safer". We need to ignore illegal immigration laws like Obama does because they are bigoted and "bad". People who make a lot of money don't spend enough of it and don't give enough away to charity. Health care can only improve once we are all forced to be taxed more with a single health care program, etc.

Instead, these radical fringe extremists want to drag us back to a bunch of fanatical ideas of a limited government where people laid dying in the streets for well over a century before Progressives came to their rescue.
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

All Christians are insane, which is why they are often conservative.

They want children to be taught that their is a thing called morality in public schools, when really children should only be taught how to read and write so they can figure it out for themselves. They want mothers to be forced, not only to give birth to their children, but also care for them afterwards. They just want us all to return to the oppressive theocracy started with the Founding Fathers where they insisted on praying before each Congressional meeting.

Sickos. I think society is much better today. Things are look'in up!
trump yelling.jpg
Troll thread. Cruz is rehearsed and canned much like rubio. Trump is much more constitutional than cooky Cruz.

Name one time Trump has mentioned the Constitution.

I remember Trump being asked if he were FDR, would he have locked up Japanese Americans. Much to my amazement, he said that he could not answer that. Instead, he could only answer that if he were in his shoes.
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.

So you're speaking for establishment politicians in both parties now, good job.
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

All Christians are insane, which is why they are often conservative.

They want children to be taught that their is a thing called morality in public schools, when really children should only be taught how to read and write so they can figure it out for themselves. They want mothers to be forced, not only to give birth to their children, but also care for them afterwards. They just want us all to return to the oppressive theocracy started with the Founding Fathers where they insisted on praying before each Congressional meeting.

Sickos. I think society is much better today. Things are look'in up! View attachment 62722
Stop being an asshole. I do ALL of those things you mentioned and guess what. NOT A CHRISTIAN! Your religion doesn't dictate how you raise kids or whether or not you have morals.
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

That is just stupid nonsense. He is guided by the constitution and the constitution would not allow a theocracy.
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

All Christians are insane, which is why they are often conservative.

They want children to be taught that their is a thing called morality in public schools, when really children should only be taught how to read and write so they can figure it out for themselves. They want mothers to be forced, not only to give birth to their children, but also care for them afterwards. They just want us all to return to the oppressive theocracy started with the Founding Fathers where they insisted on praying before each Congressional meeting.

Sickos. I think society is much better today. Things are look'in up! View attachment 62722
Stop being an asshole. I do ALL of those things you mentioned and guess what. NOT A CHRISTIAN! Your religion doesn't dictate how you raise kids or whether or not you have morals.

Secular humanist asshats like yourself have brought us two terms of Obama, so get bent.

What, not enough shootings in public schools for you? Being ranked 48th in the world in math and science in public schools is not low enough for you?

The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

That is just stupid nonsense. He is guided by the constitution and the constitution would not allow a theocracy.

Don't look now, but SCOTUS is about to give Obama a rubber stamp of approval for all of his overreaching powers.

Supreme Court to render a verdict on Obama's use of executive authority

This way these mindless Obamabots can rule that his actions are Constitutional, putting to rest forever the notion that Executive powers should be limited.
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

That is just stupid nonsense. He is guided by the constitution and the constitution would not allow a theocracy.
Yeah we have seen what that asinine constitution has brought us. ANY person running for president should be an AMERICAN first and foremost and their religion a DISTANT 2nd. Hell Cruz isn't even an American so.
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

All Christians are insane, which is why they are often conservative.

They want children to be taught that their is a thing called morality in public schools, when really children should only be taught how to read and write so they can figure it out for themselves. They want mothers to be forced, not only to give birth to their children, but also care for them afterwards. They just want us all to return to the oppressive theocracy started with the Founding Fathers where they insisted on praying before each Congressional meeting.

Sickos. I think society is much better today. Things are look'in up! View attachment 62722
Stop being an asshole. I do ALL of those things you mentioned and guess what. NOT A CHRISTIAN! Your religion doesn't dictate how you raise kids or whether or not you have morals.

Secular humanist asshats like yourself have brought us two terms of Obama, so get bent.
Not a secular humanist my race is my religion. Look up The Creativity Movement. I NEVER voted for Obama and sure in the hell didn't vote for the RINO's running against him. So grow a set of balls and stop crying over spilled milk.
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.

Did I miss something and we weren't a Constitutional Republic?
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.

Did I miss something and we weren't a Constitutional Republic?

You missed about an entire century of Progressive rule.

For example, did you know that a federal income tax was struck down by SCOTUS before the turn of the 20th century? So they just added the Unconstitutional tax to the Constitution.

On May 21, 1895, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a direct tax on personal income was unconstitutional as a result of the case of Pollock v. Farmers‘ Loan and Trust Company. The lawsuit had been precipitated by the 1894 Income Tax Act. The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision stated that a “direct tax” on the “income of real and of personal property” was “unconstitutional and void.”

You never were taught that in the government owned and Federally micromanaged public school? The hell you say. Maybe it's because you missed Common Core or the No Child Left Behind legislation.
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The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

That is just stupid nonsense. He is guided by the constitution and the constitution would not allow a theocracy.
Yeah we have seen what that asinine constitution has brought us. ANY person running for president should be an AMERICAN first and foremost and their religion a DISTANT 2nd. Hell Cruz isn't even an American so.
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

All Christians are insane, which is why they are often conservative.

They want children to be taught that their is a thing called morality in public schools, when really children should only be taught how to read and write so they can figure it out for themselves. They want mothers to be forced, not only to give birth to their children, but also care for them afterwards. They just want us all to return to the oppressive theocracy started with the Founding Fathers where they insisted on praying before each Congressional meeting.

Sickos. I think society is much better today. Things are look'in up! View attachment 62722
Stop being an asshole. I do ALL of those things you mentioned and guess what. NOT A CHRISTIAN! Your religion doesn't dictate how you raise kids or whether or not you have morals.

Secular humanist asshats like yourself have brought us two terms of Obama, so get bent.
Not a secular humanist my race is my religion. Look up The Creativity Movement. I NEVER voted for Obama and sure in the hell didn't vote for the RINO's running against him. So grow a set of balls and stop crying over spilled milk.

So you are a skinhead? Why didn't you just say so?
The reason why Ted Cruz is such a threat is simple, he wants to return the country back into an antiquated Constitutional Republic.

He is a menace and must be stopped.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

That is just stupid nonsense. He is guided by the constitution and the constitution would not allow a theocracy.
Yeah we have seen what that asinine constitution has brought us. ANY person running for president should be an AMERICAN first and foremost and their religion a DISTANT 2nd. Hell Cruz isn't even an American so.
Cruz wants a theocracy. Any crazy SOB that declares he is a christian first and American second has NO BUSINESS running nor being president of this country.

All Christians are insane, which is why they are often conservative.

They want children to be taught that their is a thing called morality in public schools, when really children should only be taught how to read and write so they can figure it out for themselves. They want mothers to be forced, not only to give birth to their children, but also care for them afterwards. They just want us all to return to the oppressive theocracy started with the Founding Fathers where they insisted on praying before each Congressional meeting.

Sickos. I think society is much better today. Things are look'in up! View attachment 62722
Stop being an asshole. I do ALL of those things you mentioned and guess what. NOT A CHRISTIAN! Your religion doesn't dictate how you raise kids or whether or not you have morals.

Secular humanist asshats like yourself have brought us two terms of Obama, so get bent.
Not a secular humanist my race is my religion. Look up The Creativity Movement. I NEVER voted for Obama and sure in the hell didn't vote for the RINO's running against him. So grow a set of balls and stop crying over spilled milk.

So you are a skinhead? Why didn't you just say so?
Nope. Never been a skinhead never will be. Try googling what I posted.

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