Why "some" Republicans Are Sooo Stupid!!! ("cupcakes" And Michele Obama)


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
My biggest disappointment with republicans on this board is the subject of "cupcakes" and Michele Obama's take on it.

I understand some people have no information on this subject, so they are acting the way they are acting: siding with "junk food companies" against their own kids.

Well, here is cutting edge science, telling how they are raping our kids. This will make you informed on this subject and you will understand why we should not allow "junk food companies" anywhere near our schools.

After watching this video (pfff, like any of you wil...), if you still siding with these companies rather than your kids, than you are not doing it because you are IGNORANT anymore, but because you are STUPID.

For those of you (I should have said 99% of you); this is a class in Stanford University talking about the latest finds in the connection between our minds and the food we are eating. It is talking about how junk food companies spending billions of dollars to find the magic recipe to hack into our brains and make us all addicted to their junk.

Allowing these companies anywhere in a school full of innocent and defenseless pupils is simply an act against HUMANITY, nothing less...
Michelle has tired to ban home baked goodies for the sake of obesity as if that is the ticket to leaner youth. When did she claim it was about corp. raping (drama much) and brainwashing our kids?
Raping our kids? Can you even go for more emotional appeal? As far as food goes, it used to be parents that taught that kind of stuff. I hear some still do. Libs, of course, are too stupid to raise their own children so it's somebody else's duty.
My biggest disappointment with republicans on this board is the subject of "cupcakes" and Michele Obama's take on it.

I understand some people have no information on this subject, so they are acting the way they are acting: siding with "junk food companies" against their own kids.

Well, here is cutting edge science, telling how they are raping our kids. This will make you informed on this subject and you will understand why we should not allow "junk food companies" anywhere near our schools.

After watching this video (pfff, like any of you wil...), if you still siding with these companies rather than your kids, than you are not doing it because you are IGNORANT anymore, but because you are STUPID.

For those of you (I should have said 99% of you); this is a class in Stanford University talking about the latest finds in the connection between our minds and the food we are eating. It is talking about how junk food companies spending billions of dollars to find the magic recipe to hack into our brains and make us all addicted to their junk.

Allowing these companies anywhere in a school full of innocent and defenseless pupils is simply an act against HUMANITY, nothing less...

The only food kids should be eating in school is food that they brought from home. If they forgot their lunch they will be very hungry that day and won't make that mistake again. Or a parent can let them not learn a lesson and bring the forgotten lunch to school.

No vending machines, no soda machines, no cafeterias, no nothing. Water fountains are ok, as is bottled from home.
My biggest disappointment with republicans on this board is the subject of "cupcakes" and Michele Obama's take on it.

I understand some people have no information on this subject, so they are acting the way they are acting: siding with "junk food companies" against their own kids.

Well, here is cutting edge science, telling how they are raping our kids. This will make you informed on this subject and you will understand why we should not allow "junk food companies" anywhere near our schools.

After watching this video (pfff, like any of you wil...), if you still siding with these companies rather than your kids, than you are not doing it because you are IGNORANT anymore, but because you are STUPID.

For those of you (I should have said 99% of you); this is a class in Stanford University talking about the latest finds in the connection between our minds and the food we are eating. It is talking about how junk food companies spending billions of dollars to find the magic recipe to hack into our brains and make us all addicted to their junk.

Allowing these companies anywhere in a school full of innocent and defenseless pupils is simply an act against HUMANITY, nothing less...

I agree 100% , let's ban people on SNAP from buying junk food. They are the people who can least afford anything which makes them dumber than they already are.
No vending machines, no soda machines, no cafeterias, no nothing. Water fountains are ok, as is bottled from home.
The argument is that about half of parents can't afford to feed their children. Apparently after buying big screen TVs and SUVs there isn't enough money left for junior.
My biggest disappointment with republicans on this board is the subject of "cupcakes" and Michele Obama's take on it.

I understand some people have no information on this subject, so they are acting the way they are acting: siding with "junk food companies" against their own kids.

Well, here is cutting edge science, telling how they are raping our kids. This will make you informed on this subject and you will understand why we should not allow "junk food companies" anywhere near our schools.

After watching this video (pfff, like any of you wil...), if you still siding with these companies rather than your kids, than you are not doing it because you are IGNORANT anymore, but because you are STUPID.

For those of you (I should have said 99% of you); this is a class in Stanford University talking about the latest finds in the connection between our minds and the food we are eating. It is talking about how junk food companies spending billions of dollars to find the magic recipe to hack into our brains and make us all addicted to their junk.

Allowing these companies anywhere in a school full of innocent and defenseless pupils is simply an act against HUMANITY, nothing less...

I agree 100% , let's ban people on SNAP from buying junk food. They are the people who can least afford anything which makes them dumber than they already are.

Are you the Food Dictator Now.......................ROLL TIDE!
No vending machines, no soda machines, no cafeterias, no nothing. Water fountains are ok, as is bottled from home.
The argument is that about half of parents can't afford to feed their children. Apparently after buying big screen TVs and SUVs there isn't enough money left for junior.

And those who can't afford to feed their kids are the ones receiving everything from uncle to boot.
Michelle has tired to ban home baked goodies for the sake of obesity as if that is the ticket to leaner youth. When did she claim it was about corp. raping (drama much) and brainwashing our kids?

"This past week, Michelle Obama gathered 100 food industry representatives, academic experts and public-health advocates for a “summit” at the White House to discuss junk food marketing to children."

The Wrong Obama Gives Tough Talk on Junk Food Marketing to Kids Food Safety News

Apparently the junk food industry didn't like what Michele had to tell them, and they started a campaign against the junk food free school environment project.

I mean; think about it, just think... What if I am right???

Did you ever consider this?
Raping our kids? Can you even go for more emotional appeal? As far as food goes, it used to be parents that taught that kind of stuff. I hear some still do. Libs, of course, are too stupid to raise their own children so it's somebody else's duty.

This is about allowing food corp into our schools or not.

Do you have any say on this one?

What do you think about a junk food vending machine sitting right next to your kids locker?

Would you like that?

You think that would be good for your kid?

How about a cocaine machine right next to your kids locker?

How would you like that?

I bet you wouldn't...

The only reason you don't see the connection between, is simply because you are ignorant. The brightest minds on this planet did look into human-body-food connection, did a lot of experiments, a lot of research which most were funded by your tax dollars, and find out; junk food effects human brain just like how cocaine does. And the effects on children are much more devastating...

Maybe you don't even have any kids... That's why, YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN...like most of the people out here...
Who knew when you elected Obambam you elected his WIFE to be your children's MOMMY?

bow down to her if you want. some of you seem to have that need
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Michelle has tired to ban home baked goodies for the sake of obesity as if that is the ticket to leaner youth. When did she claim it was about corp. raping (drama much) and brainwashing our kids?

"This past week, Michelle Obama gathered 100 food industry representatives, academic experts and public-health advocates for a “summit” at the White House to discuss junk food marketing to children."

The Wrong Obama Gives Tough Talk on Junk Food Marketing to Kids Food Safety News

Apparently the junk food industry didn't like what Michele had to tell them, and they started a campaign against the junk food free school environment project.

I mean; think about it, just think... What if I am right???

Did you ever consider this?
But you're not right. Her claim is to be concerend about little fat kids. Her reasoning is parents are weak, stupid, and inept. And kids are spoiled, stupid and in need of govt interention to know better eating habits.

"What if our nation’s leader told the executives of food and media corporations to stop undermining parents?" No corp. has even undermined any parent. Why not try addressing bad parenting? Because its the progresive agenda to govern every aspect of everyones life and the progressive welfare state utopia is partly responsible creating the fat kids.
Raping our kids? Can you even go for more emotional appeal? As far as food goes, it used to be parents that taught that kind of stuff. I hear some still do. Libs, of course, are too stupid to raise their own children so it's somebody else's duty.

This is about allowing food corp into our schools or not.

Do you have any say on this one?

What do you think about a junk food vending machine sitting right next to your kids locker?

Would you like that?

You think that would be good for your kid?

How about a cocaine machine right next to your kids locker?

How would you like that?

I bet you wouldn't...

The only reason you don't see the connection between, is simply because you are ignorant. The brightest minds on this planet did look into human-body-food connection, did a lot of experiments, a lot of research which most were funded by your tax dollars, and find out; junk food effects human brain just like how cocaine does. And the effects on children are much more devastating...

Maybe you don't even have any kids... That's why, YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN...like most of the people out here...
Most folks don't like their money wasted on greedy government types leeching off of the system, yours is a good case in point. No, junk food isn't like cocaine, you're a moron.

Did we really need a study to demonstrate junk food is bad? How much did we spend on that? And you bet, all taxpayers should have a say in how our money is spent, why wouldn't we?

I'd rather see kids bring their own food to school to prepare them for the real world. Lunch boxes were a common sight when I was a kid. Almost every kid had one. And I don't see a huge difference between letting corporations in or union slackers. I's lean towards the corporations since they would have some performance concerns.
Raping our kids? Can you even go for more emotional appeal? As far as food goes, it used to be parents that taught that kind of stuff. I hear some still do. Libs, of course, are too stupid to raise their own children so it's somebody else's duty.

This is about allowing food corp into our schools or not.

Do you have any say on this one?

What do you think about a junk food vending machine sitting right next to your kids locker?

Would you like that?

You think that would be good for your kid?

How about a cocaine machine right next to your kids locker?

How would you like that?

I bet you wouldn't...

The only reason you don't see the connection between, is simply because you are ignorant. The brightest minds on this planet did look into human-body-food connection, did a lot of experiments, a lot of research which most were funded by your tax dollars, and find out; junk food effects human brain just like how cocaine does. And the effects on children are much more devastating...

Maybe you don't even have any kids... That's why, YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN...like most of the people out here...
Most folks don't like their money wasted on greedy government types leeching off of the system, yours is a good case in point. No, junk food isn't like cocaine, you're a moron.

Did we really need a study to demonstrate junk food is bad? How much did we spend on that? And you bet, all taxpayers should have a say in how our money is spent, why wouldn't we?

I'd rather see kids bring their own food to school to prepare them for the real world. Lunch boxes were a common sight when I was a kid. Almost every kid had one. And I don't see a huge difference between letting corporations in or union slackers. I's lean towards the corporations since they would have some performance concerns.

"Did we really need a study to demonstrate junk food is bad?"

You have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

You know nothing about human brain, biological nor psychological perspective.

You know nothing about chemistry of the brain, nothing about chemistry of the junk food, and especially refined sugar and its use and effects.

And yet, you are sooo comfortable to come to any conclusions. :)

No informing yourself, no assessing the subject, no analytical thinking, but just...... concluding.

So to people on this board, here is the situation;

There are REAL people, with REAL credibility, putting REAL time on this subject, researching and experimenting for years, concluding to us: "JUNK FOOD IS LIKE COCAINE"

And on the other hand, there is you, Iceweasel from Washington, concluding the otherwise :)

This is funny :)
Michelle has tired to ban home baked goodies for the sake of obesity as if that is the ticket to leaner youth. When did she claim it was about corp. raping (drama much) and brainwashing our kids?

"This past week, Michelle Obama gathered 100 food industry representatives, academic experts and public-health advocates for a “summit” at the White House to discuss junk food marketing to children."

The Wrong Obama Gives Tough Talk on Junk Food Marketing to Kids Food Safety News

Apparently the junk food industry didn't like what Michele had to tell them, and they started a campaign against the junk food free school environment project.

I mean; think about it, just think... What if I am right???

Did you ever consider this?
But you're not right. Her claim is to be concerend about little fat kids. Her reasoning is parents are weak, stupid, and inept. And kids are spoiled, stupid and in need of govt interention to know better eating habits.

"What if our nation’s leader told the executives of food and media corporations to stop undermining parents?" No corp. has even undermined any parent. Why not try addressing bad parenting? Because its the progresive agenda to govern every aspect of everyones life and the progressive welfare state utopia is partly responsible creating the fat kids.

What do you mean "But you are not right"?

How did you come up with that, I really wonder?

I bet it was just that, "you didn't feel like it", not?

I have proof to show you that junk food is like illegal drugs we ban our children from use. And you don't even consider looking into it, but trying to lecture me here.

I am the good guy, trying to show you what is going on in reality. Food corp spending billions of dollars to create the ultimate drug food, in which, you get addicted in time. And there are millions of victims to this drug. Fat kids did not fall from the sky, they are made here on this planet, by these corps.

Yes, some parents are stupid, weak and inept, I totally agree with you on this one. Like the ones here supporting junk food vending machines in schools....
Michelle Obama is not discussing what you are, you two are not on the same page.

I think you are both wrong for very different reasons.

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