Why Republicans win


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Aug 27, 2010
100 million Americans do not vote. In 2010, "Fifty-four percent of non-voters this year identify themselves as Democrats, compared to just 30 percent who align with Republicans, the Pew survey found. Non-voters are also overwhelmingly more likely to profess ignorance of the Tea Party than their likely voter peers."

"Statistics show non-voters tend to be younger, less educated, less affluent than their voting peers and more likely to be a member of a minority group."

So when the republicans crush their little social programs and leave them setting on the corner, they will have no one to blame but themselves, for the most part, in my opinion.
Republicans win for the same reason Democrats win. Because the populace has been blinded, mainly by their own selves, into the myth of a left-right paradigm which pits them against each other rather than against the true perpetrators of violence and injustice in this world.
Republicans win for the same reason Democrats win. Because the populace has been blinded, mainly by their own selves, into the myth of a left-right paradigm which pits them against each other rather than against the true perpetrators of violence and injustice in this world.

And it stems from their inner selves...and LACK of Historical knowledge.
You may dispense with the GREEN SMILEY to *BAIT* people...

*WE* know where you stand.

*STEPP OFF* Poseur.

You & the turd in your pocket know nothing when squeezed together. Eat mah shorts!
Republicans win for the same reason Democrats win. Because the populace has been blinded, mainly by their own selves, into the myth of a left-right paradigm which pits them against each other rather than against the true perpetrators of violence and injustice in this world.

And it stems from their inner selves...and LACK of Historical knowledge.

"LACK of Historical knowledge."

Republicans win for the same reason Democrats win. Because the populace has been blinded, mainly by their own selves, into the myth of a left-right paradigm which pits them against each other rather than against the true perpetrators of violence and injustice in this world.

Hmm, you must have missed the part where 1/3 of the population, that 100 million people do not vote, and the majority of them our democrats.:eusa_angel:
Republicans win for the same reason Democrats win. Because the populace has been blinded, mainly by their own selves, into the myth of a left-right paradigm which pits them against each other rather than against the true perpetrators of violence and injustice in this world.

Hmm, you must have missed the part where 1/3 of the population, that 100 million people do not vote, and the majority of them our democrats.:eusa_angel:

Apparently not very good ones.
Republicans win for the same reason Democrats win. Because the populace has been blinded, mainly by their own selves, into the myth of a left-right paradigm which pits them against each other rather than against the true perpetrators of violence and injustice in this world.

Hmm, you must have missed the part where 1/3 of the population, that 100 million people do not vote, and the majority of them our democrats.:eusa_angel:

And YOU show your PARTISAN *WILL*

"Our Democrats"...Gracie?

SHILL... Yes I am calling you out.
You & the turd in your pocket know nothing when squeezed together. Eat mah shorts!

Some refutation.

I am not only laughing NEAR YOU...but *AT* You.

Thought there was a foul smell in the air. Give it a flush.

Translation: "After 11 or 12 posts I am found out?


Yes we KNOW whom YOU are SHITHEAD...and your afilliations...You at least have been HONEST of that...
Republicans win for the same reason Democrats win. Because the populace has been blinded, mainly by their own selves, into the myth of a left-right paradigm which pits them against each other rather than against the true perpetrators of violence and injustice in this world.

Hmm, you must have missed the part where 1/3 of the population, that 100 million people do not vote, and the majority of them our democrats.:eusa_angel:

And YOU show your PARTISAN *WILL*

"Our Democrats"...Gracie?

SHILL... Yes I am calling you out.

I don't date fagots sweety, but go ahead and suck my cock while your calling.
Hide ya kids!

Hide ya wives!

And ESPECIALLY hide your husband


Tommy T is *BRINGING IT* to all you STATIST in HERE!
Hide ya kids!

Hide ya wives!

And ESPECIALLY hide your husband


Tommy T is *BRINGING IT* to all you STATIST in HERE!

*WHEN YOU DECIDE* to address the ISSUE? Let the rest of of know assclown...


Until then? *YOU* remain insignifigant.

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