Why Republicans are blowing their chance at the Senate


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
4 reasons Democrats are hopeful about holding the Senate - The Week

Political forecasters have long said that Republicans were strongly favored to pick up four seats in November and regain control of the Senate, where Democrats now have a slim 53-47 majority. But now, says Nate Silver at The New York Times, "polls show key races shifting decisively toward the Democrats, with the Republican position deteriorating almost by the day

1. Romney is dragging down Republicans in key races
The GOP's hopes of seizing the Senate have "dwindled dramatically" at the precise moment that Romney's campaign has tanked

2. The GOP picked several weak nominees
The GOP's Senate hopes began unraveling months ago, Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) was the longest serving senator in his state's history, and a pretty safe bet to win re-election — until he was ousted in the primary by Tea Party-backed state Treasurer Richard Mourdock

3. Far-right candidates are hurting the party's brand
Akin didn't just hurt himself with his inflammatory remarks. He also likely damaged the whole party's reputation by reinforcing the perception that the GOP is too conservative on social issues for mainstream tastes.

4. There aren't enough vulnerable Dems... but wait until 2014
The GOP had a few legitimate shots at pick-ups this year, but after Akin's implosion, polling shifts in Massachusetts, Virginia, and Wisconsin were enough to dim their hopes. Still, Republicans shouldn't get too discouraged. If they "don't pull it off in 2012, watch out in 2014." Twenty Democrats will face re-election in two years — and six are from red states
Before I comment on your article RightWinger I'd like to ask you a question.

What do you think of Julian Assange? Guilty? Not Guilty?
Before I comment on your article RightWinger I'd like to ask you a question.

What do you think of Julian Assange? Guilty? Not Guilty?


On topic, yeah, it's looking like the Senate is blown. I expect the GOP will hold the House. Unless Romney starts to get some traction, I'd predict an Obama win there.

I'd imagine though that you'll see a big turn over in 2014. An Obama re-election will re-motivate the TEA party and you'll see House and Senate gains, maybe even Senate control for the GOP. And with Biden as the VP I'm expecting that the GOP will stand a good chance at the White House in 2016.
Of what crime?

Rape or passing secrets?

Not sure of the rape charge...it may be trumped up

As far as passing secret information....Guilty as charged
Ok, so you think he's guilty. Do you know who the Founder of "The Week" magazine is?

I ask because Lefties are always ripping on FoxNews because they're partially owned by the Saudis. But that's a different story.

Have you looked into who owns that Mag you referenced?
Before I comment on your article RightWinger I'd like to ask you a question.

What do you think of Julian Assange? Guilty? Not Guilty?


On topic, yeah, it's looking like the Senate is blown. I expect the GOP will hold the House. Unless Romney starts to get some traction, I'd predict an Obama win there.

I'd imagine though that you'll see a big turn over in 2014. An Obama re-election will re-motivate the TEA party and you'll see House and Senate gains, maybe even Senate control for the GOP. And with Biden as the VP I'm expecting that the GOP will stand a good chance at the White House in 2016.

Three months ago, it looked like Republicans would easily take the Senate with Dems defending the most seats

With recent Republican blunders, new Tea Party candidates and Romney stumbling it looks like the Dems will once again hold the Senate.

I'm guessing 50-50 with Biden as the tie breaker
Before I comment on your article RightWinger I'd like to ask you a question.

What do you think of Julian Assange? Guilty? Not Guilty?


On topic, yeah, it's looking like the Senate is blown. I expect the GOP will hold the House. Unless Romney starts to get some traction, I'd predict an Obama win there.

I'd imagine though that you'll see a big turn over in 2014. An Obama re-election will re-motivate the TEA party and you'll see House and Senate gains, maybe even Senate control for the GOP. And with Biden as the VP I'm expecting that the GOP will stand a good chance at the White House in 2016.

Three months ago, it looked like Republicans would easily take the Senate with Dems defending the most seats

With recent Republican blunders, new Tea Party candidates and Romney stumbling it looks like the Dems will once again hold the Senate.

I'm guessing 50-50 with Biden as the tie breaker

It's possible. I'm thinking that it'll be Democrats 50-52, but we will see.

The GOP should be very upset at Skin in Missouri. He really has cost them the Senate by not dropping out of this.

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