Putin's loving it.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Putin: Mueller Report Demonstrates "Crisis Of American Political System," Attack Against Legitimate President

and probably loving it even more when he watched the hearing 5-1-19, he witnessed the rule of law fly right out of the US.

Tramp is his man, he has divided the US and its just what Putin wants, and tramp knows it. He is conspiring with Putin to make the US like Russia.

Tramp is now above the law, Barr said so. Barr and Tramp are in love with each other. Move over Kim, tramp has a new man.

The division of the rich and poor is going to get larger. Only the middle class pays taxes.
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He's only saying something millions of people right here in the US have said and are saying about this silly crap perpetrated by the dems since Trump whipped Hillary's ass and they refused to accept the results of an election legitimately won.
Putin loves anything that causes dissension in the US
Putin: Mueller Report Demonstrates "Crisis Of American Political System," Attack Against Legitimate President

and probably loving it even more when he watched the hearing 5-1-19, he witnessed the rule of law fly right out of the US.

Tramp is his man, he has divided the US and its just what Putin wants, and tramp knows it. He is conspiring with Putin to make the US like Russia.

Tramp is now above the law, Barr said so. Barr and Tramp are in love with each other. Move over Kim, tramp has a new man.

The division of the rich and poor is going to get a larger. Only the middle class pays taxes.
You and your EVIL HORDE of Illegals, Drug Addicts, Welfare Queens, Tranvestites, Pedophiles, Atheists and Godless Academics and your "Dark Fuhrer" are who has divided America when you sold your souls to THE DEVIL and Tried to use RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA to Overthrow our Democracy and Overturn an Election you failed at Rigging.

Watch Live PD. Those are your people! Those are The Democrat Party, The Whores, The Pimps, Thieves, Liars, Prostitutes, Welfare Queens, Drug Addicts, and Homosexuals, Pedophiles, Human Traffickers, Drug Traffickers and Illegal Aliens sucking America Dry!

Quit giving Putin a Rim Job, and take responsibility for your being a Russian Mole and Useful Idiot!
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Putin: Mueller Report Demonstrates "Crisis Of American Political System," Attack Against Legitimate President

and probably loving it even more when he watched the hearing 5-1-19, he witnessed the rule of law fly right out of the US.

Tramp is his man, he has divided the US and its just what Putin wants, and tramp knows it. He is conspiring with Putin to make the US like Russia.

Tramp is now above the law, Barr said so. Barr and Tramp are in love with each other. Move over Kim, tramp has a new man.

The division of the rich and poor is going to get a larger. Only the middle class pays taxes.
You're seemingly too stupid to grasp your own role in this mess. Putin certainly achieved his goal of disrupting our system. He did it by sewing puppet strings to American Democrats.
He's only saying something millions of people right here in the US have said and are saying about this silly crap perpetrated by the dems since Trump whipped Hillary's ass and they refused to accept the results of an election legitimately won.

He won the electoral vote only by the skin of his teeth, with Russians help.
The People Busting Leftist Whores, Pimps, Thieves, Liars, Prostitutes, Welfare Queens, Drug Addicts, and Homosexuals, Pedophiles, Human Traffickers, Drug Traffickers and Illegal Aliens are OUR PEOPLE.

There are not enough jails in the world to lock up The Evil Hell Bound DemNazi whores, but we are going to try.

Honorable men and women in Law Enforcement and Border Patrol and ICE. People that believe in Equality via The Rule of Law.

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He's only saying something millions of people right here in the US have said and are saying about this silly crap perpetrated by the dems since Trump whipped Hillary's ass and they refused to accept the results of an election legitimately won.

He won the electoral vote only by the skin of his teeth, with Russians help.
You tell that to Satan while he is jabbing you in the Ass with his pitchfork and roasting you over the fire like a hot dog. Then ask yourself if it was worth it to spend every day of your life cursing God and hating truth and lying with your every God given breath.
Putin is right. Millions of American taxpayers' dollars waisted on witch hunting started by Democrats. Those crooks need to apologize to Mr. Trump and to return 35 million dollars back to American people.

Putin: 'Political schizophrenia' developing in US
(May, 2017) Now that political schizophrenia has reached incredible level.

The first of the Russian trolls to pile on about how great Putin is. The Democrats didn't start the Mueller Investigation, the Republicans did. Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, are all Republicans. Now Republicans are hiding behind Barr to back the corrupt President and pretend Mueller didn't find criminal behaviour on the part of the President, and behaviour most unbecoming of a man who is supposed to be acting the best interests of nation, not himself or the President.
Putin is right. Millions of American taxpayers' dollars waisted on witch hunting started by Democrats. Those crooks need to apologize to Mr. Trump and to return 35 million dollars back to American people.

Putin: 'Political schizophrenia' developing in US
(May, 2017) Now that political schizophrenia has reached incredible level.

The first of the Russian trolls to pile on about how great Putin is. The Democrats didn't start the Mueller Investigation, the Republicans did. Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, are all Republicans. Now Republicans are hiding behind Barr to back the corrupt President and pretend Mueller didn't find criminal behaviour on the part of the President, and behaviour most unbecoming of a man who is supposed to be acting the best interests of nation, not himself or the President.
Half the people on this Forum are Russian Trolls attacking President Trump and Promoting Russian Collusion, that NEVER OCCURRED!

Don't be a Dupe!
Putin: Mueller Report Demonstrates "Crisis Of American Political System," Attack Against Legitimate President

and probably loving it even more when he watched the hearing 5-1-19, he witnessed the rule of law fly right out of the US.

Tramp is his man, he has divided the US and its just what Putin wants, and tramp knows it. He is conspiring with Putin to make the US like Russia.

Tramp is now above the law, Barr said so. Barr and Tramp are in love with each other. Move over Kim, tramp has a new man.

The division of the rich and poor is going to get larger. Only the middle class pays taxes.
Yes Putin is loving the dissent and division in America since Donald Trump's election. He couldn't be more proud of his Democrat operatives sowing the dissent and division.
Putin is right. Millions of American taxpayers' dollars waisted on witch hunting started by Democrats. Those crooks need to apologize to Mr. Trump and to return 35 million dollars back to American people.

Putin: 'Political schizophrenia' developing in US
(May, 2017) Now that political schizophrenia has reached incredible level.

The first of the Russian trolls to pile on about how great Putin is. The Democrats didn't start the Mueller Investigation, the Republicans did. Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, are all Republicans. Now Republicans are hiding behind Barr to back the corrupt President and pretend Mueller didn't find criminal behaviour on the part of the President, and behaviour most unbecoming of a man who is supposed to be acting the best interests of nation, not himself or the President.
How in the fuck can you say with a straight face, "The Democrats didn't start The Witch Hunt?"

Even using your twisted useful idiot Russian Troll Logic you fail to make that case.

Comey Rosenstein and McCabe and Clinton are Obama and Putin Asshole Lickers VERIFIED. Party has nothing to do with any of this.

McCain was a registered Republican and is a Traitor to this country and his party. Same with Jeff Flake and all the other RINO assholes. They run as Republicans because that is what their base is. They are Liars and Fakes, like you and anyone who promotes RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

Are you a Paid Troll or Just a Russian Cocksucker?

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I'm surprised Putin didn't send Harry Reid a bouquet of floweqrs when he lied about Romney's taxes on the senate floor.

Romney was aware that Russia was going to be a problem, even if Obama didn't.

Putin is right. Millions of American taxpayers' dollars waisted on witch hunting started by Democrats. Those crooks need to apologize to Mr. Trump and to return 35 million dollars back to American people.

Putin: 'Political schizophrenia' developing in US
(May, 2017) Now that political schizophrenia has reached incredible level.

The first of the Russian trolls to pile on about how great Putin is. The Democrats didn't start the Mueller Investigation, the Republicans did. Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, are all Republicans. Now Republicans are hiding behind Barr to back the corrupt President and pretend Mueller didn't find criminal behaviour on the part of the President, and behaviour most unbecoming of a man who is supposed to be acting the best interests of nation, not himself or the President.
Half the people on this Forum are Russian Trolls attacking President Trump and Promoting Russian Collusion, that NEVER OCCURRED!

Don't be a Dupe!
Dear Original Tree, I agree with many of your posts. But when it comes to Russia/Putin you are the one who keeps promoting hate instead of trying to learn the truth.

Remember a parable? God to a man: "I'll give you everything you want, but your neighbor will get twice more than yourself. So, make a wish". And the man said: "Pluck my eye out." Cooperation with Russia would have benefited your country a lot more than confrontation. And only the Swamp keeps benefiting from confrontation, not American people like yourself.

Russia is NOT your enemy, your own Establishment&Elites are.

I'm surprised Putin didn't send Harry Reid a bouquet of floweqrs when he lied about Romney's taxes on the senate floor.

Romney was aware that Russia was going to be a problem, even if Obama didn't.

If Penelope isn't careful she is going to get her Putin Bobblehead Dildo permanently lodged in her ass.

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