Why progressives should surrender their ideology, swallow their pride, and get onboard


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The indisputable, undeniable fact is that capitalism has been wholly responsible for raising the standard of living for all of mankind. For thousands of years, mankind toiled in misery under Kings and Queens. In 1776, Americans rise up and defeat the British. They implement a republic politically and capitalism economically.

Shortly there after, mankind sees the boom of the indisutrial revolution. Products are produced faster and cheaper. These products drastically improve the quality of life (tractors and other farm equipment result in more food being brought to market faster and at less cost, resulting in less famine and better nutrition - resulting in healthier humans who live longer).

That trend has continued in every sector (healthcare, technology, agriculture, etc.). Experts predict that by 2050, machines will do ALL of our work for us. Even healthcare. All doctors and nurses will be robots functioning off of AI. WIth connections to the internet and data being shared in real time, they will be able to triage faster, treat faster, and with less mistakes. Once robots are handling the work - healthcare will be free for all. And it is scalable too. While we simply don’t have the brain power in people to produce enough doctors for current demand, we will be able to manufacture an infinite number of robots to meet demand. Universal healthcare coverage at no cost with no wait.

So why should progressives embrace capitalism now? Becaus the sooner we can reach these achievements - the sooner that progressives can realize their dream of being coddled from cradle to grave without having to produce anything in return for society. I am certain that if progressives were to stop obstructing and were to support a true constitutional conservative agenda, we could cut that 2050 date by a minimum of a decade (and most likely by more).

Because government and government intervention has failed so miserably - the free market is now tackling healthcare (powerhouses such as Google, Amazon, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett). The faster we get the failed left-wing ideology out of the way, the faster these great minds can innovate and bring to market the solutions to everything that progressives want.

How Google Plans To Use AI To Reinvent The $3 Trillion US Healthcare Industry
Google is a great company. I hope Trump’s war on tech doesn’t derail their plans
President Trump has fostered success for ALL companies. And many are joining Google in this endeavor.

The more we can help them succeed - the more we will all benefit.
As Andrew Wilkow has said for many years "Socialism is for the people...not the socialist"!
A video recently surfaced of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, once democratically elected but now clinging to power through brute force and fraud elections, eating at one of the most expensive restaurants in the world.
The citizens of Venezuela can't even get toilet paper. They are hunting stray cats and dogs to keep them from starving to death. And here sits the advocate of socialism dining at their most exclusive restaurant.

Some Are More Equal Than Others in Socialist Venezuela
Wait . Liberals are against capitalism?

Why do cons always start threads wh false premises .?
Wait . Liberals are against capitalism?
Bernie Sanders didn’t finish second for your party’s nomination (and that’s with your DNC admitting they rigged the process) because all of you are a bunch of devout capitalists.
Why do cons always start threads wh false premises .?
I think a more important question would be - why are left-wing lunatics (redundant - I know) incapable of believing reality.
Wait . Liberals are against capitalism?
Bernie Sanders didn’t finish second for your party’s nomination (and that’s with your DNC admitting they rigged the process) because all of you are a bunch of devout capitalists.
Why do cons always start threads wh false premises .?
I think a more important question would be - why are left-wing lunatics (redundant - I know) incapable of believing reality.
Here’s a metaphor you may just understand:

A progressive is like a customer who says “hey, let’s try that new restaurant on 5th tonight.”

A conservative is a like a customer who says “Nope! I want the same diner as last time and I’m having the #5 like ALWAYS.”
Here’s a metaphor you may just understand:

A progressive is like a customer who says “hey, let’s try that new restaurant on 5th tonight.”

A conservative is a like a customer who says “Nope! I want the same diner as last time and I’m having the #5 like ALWAYS.”
A progressive is like a customer who says “hey, try that new restaurant on 5th tonight, or I'll have you arrested, thrown in jail, and confiscate all your property.”

Here’s a metaphor you may just understand:

A progressive is like a customer who says “hey, let’s try that new restaurant on 5th tonight.”

A conservative is a like a customer who says “Nope! I want the same diner as last time and I’m having the #5 like ALWAYS.”
A progressive is like a customer who says “hey, try that new restaurant on 5th tonight, or I'll have you arrested, thrown in jail, and confiscate all your property.”

Conservative fix: “you are different from me and I don’t understand it so I am going to throw a tantrum til you go away.”
Wait . Liberals are against capitalism?
Bernie Sanders didn’t finish second for your party’s nomination (and that’s with your DNC admitting they rigged the process) because all of you are a bunch of devout capitalists.
Why do cons always start threads wh false premises .?
I think a more important question would be - why are left-wing lunatics (redundant - I know) incapable of believing reality.

You are simply displaying ignorance. Sanders is a social Democrat not a socialist.

Bernie Sanders Is a Social Democrat, Not a Democratic Socialist - The Atlantic
Here’s a metaphor you may just understand:

A progressive is like a customer who says “hey, let’s try that new restaurant on 5th tonight.”

A conservative is a like a customer who says “Nope! I want the same diner as last time and I’m having the #5 like ALWAYS.”
There is an old, wise saying: “if it’s not broke, don’t ‘fix’ it”
Here’s a metaphor you may just understand:

A progressive is like a customer who says “hey, let’s try that new restaurant on 5th tonight.”

A conservative is a like a customer who says “Nope! I want the same diner as last time and I’m having the #5 like ALWAYS.”
A progressive is like a customer who says “hey, try that new restaurant on 5th tonight, or I'll have you arrested, thrown in jail, and confiscate all your property.”

Conservative fix: “you are different from me and I don’t understand it so I am going to throw a tantrum til you go away.”
I'm not a "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to man anymore), comrade.

You are simply displaying ignorance. Sanders is a social Democrat not a socialist.

Bernie Sanders Is a Social Democrat, Not a Democratic Socialist - The Atlantic
Only a fuck’n lefty can deny what a fellow lefty says about THEMSELVES.

Bernie Sanders: I’m a proud SOCIALIST

Seawytch: No he’s not

Bernie Sanders: Uh...yes I am

Seawytch: No, he’s not

Bernie Sanders: I think I know what I believe

Seawytch: But you don’t believe in socialism

Fuck. Unbelievable. These bat-shit crazies did the exact same thing with Obama. MaObama would call himself a marxist, the left would say “no he’s not”.
Here’s a metaphor you may just understand:

A progressive is like a customer who says “hey, let’s try that new restaurant on 5th tonight.”

A conservative is a like a customer who says “Nope! I want the same diner as last time and I’m having the #5 like ALWAYS.”
There is an old, wise saying: “if it’s not broke, don’t ‘fix’ it”
Don’t fix it huh? So we shouldn’t fix our crumbing infrastructure, our wages being way behind on the cost of living, and broken and terrible healthcare system?

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