Why Obama may win...

One further point..
Those of you that voted for Obama because he was the first black President.. consider how your vote is based on your opinions that are FORMED by information you receive.
Where that information comes from is SLANTED by the majority of sources favoring Obama!
But consider the facts.
1) Worst economy in years.. 2) Iran ..3) Russia all lining up against the USA.
and Obama seemingly intent on class warfare and destruction of our economy.
BUT do you hear that from the MSM???

Quit whining.

There's nothing more pathetic than a conservative whining about how unfair life is.
To be fair, the "Coultergeist" doesn't seem to be all that influential anymore and even SHE has come out against the Newtster.

I think the problem with Coulter, like Glen Beck, is that she descended so far into her schtick that she became an object of self-parody.

Right now, her column is only carried in a handful of newspapers, no major ones.
Obama might win because people like Mitt/Newt/Cain/Perry have made the case that "anyone can beat Obama" so the quality of the Republican candidate does not matter... Outside of the minority (but a large minority) in the Rep party that care to only beat Obama , other Reps as well as Independents and Dems will not vote for an Idiot Republican, in fact an idiot would inspire them to vote Obama...

The statement “anyone one of us would make a far better President than Obama” is a ridiculous and pathetic platform to run on, yet people like Newt say it over and over and over…
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Obama might win because people like Mitt/Newt/Cain/Perry have made the case that "anyone can beat Obama" so the quality of the Republican candidate does not matter... Outside of the minority (but a large minority) in the Rep party that care to only beat Obama , other Reps as well as Independents and Dems will not vote for an Idiot Republican, in fact an idiot would inspire them to vote Obama...

The statement “anyone one of us would make a far better President than Obama” is a ridiculous and pathetic platform to run on, yet people like Newt say it over and over and over…

The thing is, there's truth to it.

At the end of the day, even Obama admits that this election will be a referendum on how people are feeling about the job he's doing.

(He said a much on 60 Minutes last night.)

Now, my own opinion is that we need to elect a person who is not crazy (which eliminates Bachman and Paul). I reject Romney because I plain don't like the man.

I could live with Santorum or Perry, but I think Newt will be a stronger president because he's played the game for as long as he has.
Bringing the troops home in time for Christmas can't hurt.

Right now, whle the GOP dirty tickersters are busy tearing their fellow GOPers to pieces so, as yet, Obama hasn't been truly targeted.

But expect the GOIP's dirty trickers propaganda machine to go into overdrive once the GOP chooses its candidate.

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