Why My Family Came to America


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Over the past several decades, however, immigration policy has become confused, unfocused, and dysfunctional. America lacks a simple system to attract the qualified immigrants who can help our economy and contribute to our nation. Millions of unlawfully present immigrants are undermining America’s core principle of the rule of law, while the legal naturalization process isn’t working as well as it should. Large-scale immigration without effective assimilation threatens social cohesion, along with America’s civic culture and common identity. This is particularly true when immigrants are assimilated into the welfare state rather than into a society of opportunity.

It is high time for an immigration policy that serves immigrants and citizens alike. As an important part of this, we must find ways to reform our legal immigration system to create a process that is truly fair, orderly, and efficient. Indeed, currently there are close to 4.5 million individuals waiting in line to come to this country legally—and some have been waiting for as long as 24 years.

Why My Family Came to America | Immigration Reform
Why My Family Came to America

I presume that in the case of my paternal GF it was because he wwas encouraged to leave.

Apparently the Austro Hapsburger's and he were not on good terms.
What the "Gang of Eight" (both Republicans and Democrats) are doing is flat out criminal. And neither of them have good intentions. They are both doing it to curry favor with the hispanic voting block. It's a damn shame we have so few men and women of integrity serving as representatives. You could literally count on one hand.

Everything outlined in that article was dead-on. But you'll never see any of it happen because it's not about what's best for this country. It's only about winning votes.
You have just gave a perfect why your family should pack you up and go home. Your family broke the immigration system that was working fine until you entered illegally or overstayed your visas. Our immigration system is fair, orderly and efficient because it allowed almost a million in legally a year plus asylum seekers and refugees and highly skilled workers and enough farm workers but they make a dollar and go on to the inner cities into flop houses and take jobs and lower wages. A million is given citizenship each year also. IF you come in legally the system would work.
Illegals under cut legals who have been waiting in line legally. If 11.9 million were not here illegally we could have let 11.9 million in legally. Our immigration system is not broken and people who broke it cannot fix it. Illegal aliens.
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as far as illegals go ....ask yourself this question ....is it good for national security if we don't know who they are ??
You have just gave a perfect why your family should pack you up and go home. Your family broke the immigration system that was working fine until you entered illegally or overstayed your visas. Our immigration system is fair, orderly and efficient because it allowed almost a million in legally a year plus asylum seekers and refugees and highly skilled workers and enough farm workers but they make a dollar and go on to the inner cities into flop houses and take jobs and lower wages. A million is given citizenship each year also. IF you come in legally the system would work.

First off - who in the hell are you talking to? Can you learn to use the "quote" button so we know who you are addressing?

Second, please see your comments above that have been highlighted. Can you learn to slow down and form coherent sentences so we know what the hell you are saying? "You have just gave"? Seriously? That would be "you have just GIVEN". And "a million is given"? Come on... "A million ARE given".
as far as illegals go ....ask yourself this question ....is it good for national security if we don't know who they are ??

Since when do dumbocrats like Barack Obama give a flying fig about national security? Look how many attacks we've already suffered under Barack Obama.

Bill Clinton gutted defense while we suffered more terrorist attacks during his Administration than all other presidents in U.S. history combined. Barack Obama is following that incompetent strategy.

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