Why must Obama order steps to "speed" environmental and other regulatory appro


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama's "executive orders.."

Obama also said that he was instructing his staff to move forward on job-creating initiatives without congressional approval where possible.

The White House announced steps to speed environmental and other regulatory approvals for 14 public works projects across the country."


"SPEED UP"???? Obama admits the rules and regulations are slowing down job creation!

Also someone explain WHY Obama continues to blame congress if again in his own words:
Obama also said that he was instructing his staff to move forward on job-creating initiatives without congressional approval where possible.

Maybe Obama is considering how to use the following:

The U.S. Postal Service (which had $3.8 billion subsidy in 2009) selects an average of 1,125 employees daily to sit in empty “standby rooms.”
They are not allowed to work, read, play cards, watch television, or do anything.
The annual cost is $50 million!
Because of the American Postal Workers Union!
(Meanwhile..Total Debt U.S. Postal Services debt:$ 12 billion to the guess who??
Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a government-owned corporation under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, provide the Postal Service revolving credit lines of $4 billion
Source: http://www.usps.com/financials/anrpt10/ar2010_finance_4_029.htm

So why not use these idle employees to help find jobs?

2) Why not use these idle employees to :
--Determine why $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to
drink more responsibly on the job
-- A university study of how much alcohol college freshmen
women require before agreeing to sex!
-- Federal employees cost taxpayers $146 million each year
when they upgrade to business class flights.
-- The government has spent $3 billion to re-sand our nation’s beaches.
-- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining
unused or vacant federal properties.

Think about it... $25 billion on unused or vacant property upkeep!
Surely a few of those 1,125 employees are in areas where those empty or vacant properties are located thus cutting down a little on the $25 billion!

NO CAN'T do that.. NOT allowed in the:
American Postal Workers Union instead $50 million spent for these
1,125 employees just to sit!
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Let's see

I know you understand that environmental regulations are important and wouldn't want to return to pre-1970 America

So.....should OBama hire more EPA engineers to speed the approval process or identify some regulations that he can accelerate?
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The OP is another JRK style troll who bitches when Obama does one thing and bitches when Obama does the opposite.

He needs to be phased out of the 'taken seriously' column.
The OP is another JRK style troll who bitches when Obama does one thing and bitches when Obama does the opposite.

He needs to be phased out of the 'taken seriously' column.

So explain then why Obama keeps bitching about Congress IF he by Executive Order has to do what... "speed up" his own administration?

How can anyone take Obama Seriously when he says one thing and doesn't do anything except travel over 1 million miles making ordinary americans the bad guys to the rest of the world and giving billions to other countries so we can be their BEST OIL customers??


I am all in favor please.. please.. in FAVOR of Obama following Eisenhower's example... PLAY MORE GOLF and get out of Americans way!

Don't continue to put obstacles like this:
1) In Alaska.. EPA postponed Shell's $4 billion exploration all because a plan that describes how supply ships will manage their waste when providing equipment to the drilling site!
EPA's concern? A village of 245 people 70 miles away!
For that the EPA blocked this exploration!
2) How can ANY President wish any American company to go bankrupt?
Obama did!
So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air
That's his EPA he's talking about!

3) How can ANY President 's NLRB thwart job creation??

“Do you think it’s right that Boeing has to close down that plant in South Carolina because it’s non union?” asked host Maria Bartiromo.
Pelosi’s reply: “Yes.”

The minority leader quickly added that she would rather it simply unionize and stay open. But barring unionization, by Pelosi’s reasoning, it should simply shut down.

Boeing is the target of a suit from the National Labor Relations Board, which accused the company of retaliation against a machinists’ union in its decision to open a new plant in South Carolina, a right-to-work state, instead of Washington State.

Pelosi may or may not know that workers at the South Carolina plant in question voted resoundingly (199-68) to decertify their union two years ago.

Government policies that would close the plant for being a non-union shop would simply be punishing those workers for exercising their right to determine union representation for themselves.

“The Administration is trying to foist unions on workers, whether they want them or not, whether union representation would help them or not,” Heritage’s James Sherk noted in response to Pelosi’s statement. As for the more general issue of Boeing’s suit, Sherk called it “a good way of discouraging businesses from building new factories or plants.”
No IAM workers have lost their jobs as a result of our decision to build additional 787 production capacity in North Charleston. In fact, we’ve hired 2,000 additional hourly workers in Puget Sound over the past 18 months, and prospects are good for additional hiring in the years ahead.
Pelosi: South Carolina Boeing Plant Should Unionize or Shut Down

And YOU think Obama DOESN'T Agree with Pelosi???
His NLRB wants Boeing to shut down the plant in South Carolina because the workers WANTING JOBS decertified their UNION CAUSE the UNION was thwarting job creation!
Obama has never made America the bad guys....he just apologized for the ineptness of the Bush administration
Obama has never made America the bad guys....he just apologized for the ineptness of the Bush administration

Bush ineptness examples?

1) $5 trillion in losses due to DOT.com busts started under Clinton and lead to the 2001 RECESSION!

QUESTION: What happened to the $5 trillion in losses? Answer later..

2) Oh a little event that cost $2 trillion to the economy called 9/11 which again if the Gorelick Memo originally put into place so the CIA couldn't share with the FBI the Chinese donations to Clinton in exchange for missile secrets.. which then prevented the CIA sharing 9/11 terrorists data with the FBI..
Question: What brand new $800 billion agency created.. what happened to the $2 trillion in losses?? Answer LATER!

3) By the way did you ever hear about the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS in USA history and the losses of nearly $1 trillion in businesses, jobs, lives, etc.
Of course NOT you don't remember any of that...

ANSWER to where did these $8 trillion in losses go?
AGAINST TAXABLE INCOME that would have been reported as income to the IRS.. BUT instead Subtracted from tax liability!

$200 billion a year loss in IRS/Federal tax revenue starting 2002~!

NOW almost any idiot (other then you..) should KNOW if a budget that originally planned for $200 billion in revenue a year does NOT see that revenue due to Dot.com bust/911/hurricanes... you can't tell me cause
you are not smart enough but others...
TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS if there is a $200 billion a year shortfall AGAIN I have to repeat because YOU all don't evidently remember...
$5 trillion dot.com..$2 trillion 9/11... $1 trillion hurricanes!

WHAT HAPPened then???
Obama has never made America the bad guys....he just apologized for the ineptness of the Bush administration

Bush ineptness examples?

1) $5 trillion in losses due to DOT.com busts started under Clinton and lead to the 2001 RECESSION!

QUESTION: What happened to the $5 trillion in losses? Answer later..

2) Oh a little event that cost $2 trillion to the economy called 9/11 which again if the Gorelick Memo originally put into place so the CIA couldn't share with the FBI the Chinese donations to Clinton in exchange for missile secrets.. which then prevented the CIA sharing 9/11 terrorists data with the FBI..
Question: What brand new $800 billion agency created.. what happened to the $2 trillion in losses?? Answer LATER!

3) By the way did you ever hear about the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS in USA history and the losses of nearly $1 trillion in businesses, jobs, lives, etc.
Of course NOT you don't remember any of that...

ANSWER to where did these $8 trillion in losses go?
AGAINST TAXABLE INCOME that would have been reported as income to the IRS.. BUT instead Subtracted from tax liability!

$200 billion a year loss in IRS/Federal tax revenue starting 2002~!

NOW almost any idiot (other then you..) should KNOW if a budget that originally planned for $200 billion in revenue a year does NOT see that revenue due to Dot.com bust/911/hurricanes... you can't tell me cause
you are not smart enough but others...
TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS if there is a $200 billion a year shortfall AGAIN I have to repeat because YOU all don't evidently remember...
$5 trillion dot.com..$2 trillion 9/11... $1 trillion hurricanes!

WHAT HAPPened then???

Bush started with a surplus and added $5 trillion in debt
Bush lied to the world to invade Iraq
Bush engaged in torture

Yes, America owed the rest of the world an apology for Bush
Obama has never made America the bad guys....he just apologized for the ineptness of the Bush administration

Bush ineptness examples?

1) $5 trillion in losses due to DOT.com busts started under Clinton and lead to the 2001 RECESSION!

What's your point? Is it Bill Clinton's fault that the stock market was up 200% over his entire presidency? Is it Bill Clinton's fault that there was no recession for the entire course of his 8 years as president?
Obama has never made America the bad guys....he just apologized for the ineptness of the Bush administration

Bush ineptness examples?

1) $5 trillion in losses due to DOT.com busts started under Clinton and lead to the 2001 RECESSION!

QUESTION: What happened to the $5 trillion in losses? Answer later..

2) Oh a little event that cost $2 trillion to the economy called 9/11 which again if the Gorelick Memo originally put into place so the CIA couldn't share with the FBI the Chinese donations to Clinton in exchange for missile secrets.. which then prevented the CIA sharing 9/11 terrorists data with the FBI..
Question: What brand new $800 billion agency created.. what happened to the $2 trillion in losses?? Answer LATER!

3) By the way did you ever hear about the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS in USA history and the losses of nearly $1 trillion in businesses, jobs, lives, etc.
Of course NOT you don't remember any of that...

ANSWER to where did these $8 trillion in losses go?
AGAINST TAXABLE INCOME that would have been reported as income to the IRS.. BUT instead Subtracted from tax liability!

$200 billion a year loss in IRS/Federal tax revenue starting 2002~!

NOW almost any idiot (other then you..) should KNOW if a budget that originally planned for $200 billion in revenue a year does NOT see that revenue due to Dot.com bust/911/hurricanes... you can't tell me cause
you are not smart enough but others...
TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS if there is a $200 billion a year shortfall AGAIN I have to repeat because YOU all don't evidently remember...
$5 trillion dot.com..$2 trillion 9/11... $1 trillion hurricanes!

WHAT HAPPened then???

Bush started with a surplus and added $5 trillion in debt
Bush lied to the world to invade Iraq
Bush engaged in torture

Yes, America owed the rest of the world an apology for Bush

What surplus? rosy projections are not impressive. See calif pension fund.

Democrats voted for the war after not being bothered to read the intel, they relied on clintons.

Torture? When did we torture our troops? As they get water boarding training.
Obama has never made America the bad guys....he just apologized for the ineptness of the Bush administration

Bush ineptness examples?

1) $5 trillion in losses due to DOT.com busts started under Clinton and lead to the 2001 RECESSION!

What's your point? Is it Bill Clinton's fault that the stock market was up 200% over his entire presidency? Is it Bill Clinton's fault that there was no recession for the entire course of his 8 years as president?

POINT??? There has been $8 trillion in losses taken against income that would have gone to the federal govt at the rate of $200 billion a year since 2002!
That's the fucking point!
Why are you so stupid not to understand that because of the dot.com NOT clinton's fault. not Bush's fault!
Because of 9/11 CLINTON"s FAULT yes because of the stupid fucking Gorelick memo that prevented the CIA from telling the FBI that Clinton received Chinese donations in exchange for missile secrets.. YES 9/11 was Clinton's FAULT! Idiot!
NO ONE's FAULT that the worst hurricane SEASONS plural!!! Occurred again causing over $1 trillion!
NOT Clinton/Not BUSH BUT reality idiot!
So dot.com/9/11/hurricanes ALL happened and without BUSH's fault causing over $200 billion a year NOT to be paid in TAXES from 2002!

Almost $1 trillion in revenue NOT coming in!
And because idiot TRAITORS like you didn't want the USA to win in Iraq and you along with other traitors ENCOURAGED the enemies 3,000 more lives lost because of YOU and $600 billion spent in Iraq!
The fucking war was WON in less the 4 months but because idiots like you went around saying "War is Lost" USA troops are terrorists.. Troops are nazis, troops kill civilians .. what kind of ignorant dumb shits like you don't get it? YOU don't tell the enemy your guys are the bad guys!
YOU don't encourage the bad guys by say "war is lost!"

GEEZ you demo/liberal/progressives are such IDIOTS!

PROOF?? YOu are writing garbage to influence people like you did here..WHY? Because you think you can influence opinion!

Well those assholes that called our troops "terrorists" or civilian killers, or nazis.. GUESS what idiot... THEY influenced the enemy to continue to kill little kids that were getting candy handed to them by our troops .. with bombs on kids getting the candy!
AND YOU supported that killing! SICK!
Let's see

I know you understand that environmental regulations are important and wouldn't want to return to pre-1970 America

So.....should OBama hire more EPA engineers to speed the approval process or identify some regulations that he can accelerate?

The EPA has killed far far more people than all the wars we ever fought!
Obama has never made America the bad guys....he just apologized for the ineptness of the Bush administration

Bush ineptness examples?

1) $5 trillion in losses due to DOT.com busts started under Clinton and lead to the 2001 RECESSION!

QUESTION: What happened to the $5 trillion in losses? Answer later..
Source plz
2) Oh a little event that cost $2 trillion to the economy called 9/11
Source plz
3) By the way did you ever hear about the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS in USA history and the losses of nearly $1 trillion in businesses, jobs, lives, etc.
Of course NOT you don't remember any of that...
source plz
Let's see

I know you understand that environmental regulations are important and wouldn't want to return to pre-1970 America

So.....should OBama hire more EPA engineers to speed the approval process or identify some regulations that he can accelerate?

The EPA has killed far far more people than all the wars we ever fought!

If not the EPA directly, then environmental regulations generally.

BBC News | AFRICA | Environmentalists threaten malaria fight

Banning DDT alone has caused millions of deaths.
Let's see

I know you understand that environmental regulations are important and wouldn't want to return to pre-1970 America

So.....should OBama hire more EPA engineers to speed the approval process or identify some regulations that he can accelerate?

The EPA has killed far far more people than all the wars we ever fought!

If not the EPA directly, then environmental regulations generally.

BBC News | AFRICA | Environmentalists threaten malaria fight

Banning DDT alone has caused millions of deaths.

The EPA banned DDT first & then we forced other countries to do the same.

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