Why "Moderates" can kiss my ass

The OP and supporting arguments distill to the idea that unless you are a loyal sheep for the republican party or the democratic party you have no core principles. That, of course, is horseshit.
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shameless racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even thought they got it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option
There is no such thing as a "moderate". That term was invented by liberals who are fearful of the term "Liberal".
One must ask themselves this" When was the last time you heard or saw a self proclaimed moderate ever espouse ANY conservative principle. Now ask yourself how many times you heard a moderate quickly jump to the defense of a liberal or progressive politician or agenda.

I'd have to disagree with you. Basically, I consider myself moderate. When it comes to most issues I tend to side with the conservative point of view, but quite frankly, I have found myself pushed leftwards by the hatred that at one time I would have thought reserved only for liberals.

Liberals always seemed to be the most intolerant people on earth... but then I started reading posts of people with whom I generally agreed and I found that it was not only the liberals that were intolerant.

Now, I tend to find myself wondering WTF happened to the other conservatives? Most of them sound like liberals these days when it comes to conversing with others.

When it comes to my vote, I tend to want to vote Republican because basically, I agree with what they say. On the other hand based on the examples of what Republicans say and do, I cannot in good conscience vote for a Republican any more than I can vote for a Democrat because I can no longer trust the words that come out of Republican mouths.

When it comes to my vote, I tend to want to vote Republican because basically, I agree with what they say. On the other hand based on the examples of what Republicans say and do, I cannot in good conscience vote for a Republican any more than I can vote for a Democrat because I can no longer trust the words that come out of Republican mouths.

That’s been true for a very long time with both parties.
As for Rick Perry by-passing the forum last night....gutless. He took the easy way out. Who did he put to work in Texas.. more illegals? thanks Rick.
Ron Paul has better sense and integrity than most of the "hopefuls". He has my vote if he gets the
nomination. And what the hell did Michelle Bachman say that was so outstanding? That she respects her
husband? Not exactly an earth shaking revelation.
The only time Pubs speak truth is when they are for ruining medicare and pandering to the rich. The founding fathers and everyone else who's responsible believes in compromise. The Nazis were big on no compromise, seems to work great if you want to cause chaos and paralysis and scare the heck out of everyone. Idiot fanatic Pub dupes. Beck/Ryan 2012!!
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shameless racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even thought they got it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

Moderates just can't be trusted. No one should ever trust a person who doesn't take a stand on anything.


Let me add "Independents" too
Actually it's you mindless drones on the extreme fringe who allow yourselves to be programmed by Fascists like your MessiahRushie who can't be trusted. You do not have a mind to think for yourselves, so you parrot the Fascist dogma fed to you by GOP hate radio.

In Fascism there are ONLY two sides, your side and the enemy.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

March 23, 2010
RUSH: Our enemy is now clearly defined. We know who they are and they are anybody with a D beside their name. There's no moderate Democrat. There's no pro-life Democrat. There's no Blue Dog, lap dog, hot dog, back dog Democrat. If it's a D, they are the enemy, and they need to be reacted to as such.

February 10, 2008
RUSH: you do not know the left in this country. You do not know the enemy.

Well I had to finally chime in and cynical Ed you made it so easy....

Is the hatred for Rush on the same level as the disdain for Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, SJ Lee, Waters, etc....?

I have very little time to listen to Rush and when I have, I do not remember anytime that he or his guest host stated their hatred for Capitalism, yet the few liberals I named can not speak the word without going into convulsions, or demanding that the world changes in the snap of their fingers so that everything is fair....

You and your fringe miss the importance of Capitalism and how it's implementation has led to the creation of the greatest country in the history of planet earth, but that's why your a liberal and support the likes of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, etc.... and decry the likes of Rush.....

When you label Rush as a Fascist and ignore the fact that your Boiking wants to implement Socialism in a Capitalist Society, you would be better off to reinsert you head up your ass....
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shameless racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even thought they got it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

I don't claim to be a moderate, but I love it how conservatives like you are embracing a mantra that everyone who is not firmly in your corner is to be shunned.

See how that one works out for you.
You didn't read what was posted. Here it is again. Moderates have no core principles, they waver on every issue. They choose sides based on what they believe to be popular.
IN other words, moderates do not make reasoned decisions nor do they have core beliefs. They go with the flow of what's popular. That's dangerous in that moderates are at best unreliable.
Not "People's" decisions...Just moderates.

Let me explain it to you.

You are an ideologue. Ideologues think inside a box. Ideologues pick and choose what they want to believe. It doesn't matter whether or not what they believe is true. First and foremost, what is most important is fealty to ideology. You are highly prone to confirmation bias. You dismiss empiricism when it contradicts your worldview and embrace it when it confirms your worldview. In effect, your ideology is a chain which limits your understanding of the world. You do not make reasoned decisions. You make ideological decisions. Your ideology means you view the world through a prism. You think in a manner which gives you comfort. You refuse to think in a manner which gives you discomfort because it will upend your ideology. You think in a manner which makes you popular within your tribe. You view those with whom you disagree as the enemy. You look at the world as you want it to be, not as it is.
Yeah yeah yeah. You consider others to be within the paradigm of which YOU choose for them. Hence the use of the term ideologue.
The definition of a moderate is one who picks and chooses. That is the antithesis of having core beliefs. You are no doubt defending the moderate state so therefor you must attempt to identify then marginalize. Guess what? It didn't work.
Your biggest problem is assuming.
Your attempt to marginalize me by making an uninformed conclusion has at best the affect of a flyspeck.
In other words, you know shit stinks and that's all.
"tribe"....Get the fuck out of here.
Here is a test. In your best estimate, how is the world as it is? This ought to be fun.
Please, if this post is what modern middle of the road/ wavering to any shift in popular opinion( definition of a moderate), you can have it.
I will stick to my core beliefs. I have a path. I am my own person. I kowtow to no one nor do I follow a jersey. If anyone I know or am acquainted with ever asked me " How could you vote for...?" My response is as always, "mind your own fucking business".
Perhaps if you spent more time adhering to that philosophy, you'd not be so worried about what you think my world view might be.
Oh, FYI, I don't have a world view. Anyone who does has given themselves license to paint with a broad brush.
In your desperate attempt to appear profound while providing the most presumptuous of psycho analyses from afar, you have only gone to further define the moderate mindset, which is drawing conclusions based on emotions and guesses while having no facts on which to base your conclusions.
Thank you very much for clearing up what it is to be a moderate. Have a nice day.
One word replies are not acceptable on a discussion board. Care to elaborate? Or was that you just slamming the door under the guise of having the last word?
Explain yourself. If you dare.

I'm using metaphor to compare the words you post to the feces that comes out of a horse's ass.
No one asked for a definition of horse shit.
People like you cannot compete in the arena of ideas so you offer up annoyances such as your colorful metaphor.
If you have some sort of disagreement on what I post, then get into the debate and make your rebuttal. Only don't come around here and spew childish one liners.
Take a stand or be silent.
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shameless racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even thought they got it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option


Let me add "Independents" too
Actually it's you mindless drones on the extreme fringe who allow yourselves to be programmed by Fascists like your MessiahRushie who can't be trusted. You do not have a mind to think for yourselves, so you parrot the Fascist dogma fed to you by GOP hate radio.

In Fascism there are ONLY two sides, your side and the enemy.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

March 23, 2010
RUSH: Our enemy is now clearly defined. We know who they are and they are anybody with a D beside their name. There's no moderate Democrat. There's no pro-life Democrat. There's no Blue Dog, lap dog, hot dog, back dog Democrat. If it's a D, they are the enemy, and they need to be reacted to as such.

February 10, 2008
RUSH: you do not know the left in this country. You do not know the enemy.

Well I had to finally chime in and cynical Ed you made it so easy....

Is the hatred for Rush on the same level as the disdain for Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, SJ Lee, Waters, etc....?

I have very little time to listen to Rush and when I have, I do not remember anytime that he or his guest host stated their hatred for Capitalism, yet the few liberals I named can not speak the word without going into convulsions, or demanding that the world changes in the snap of their fingers so that everything is fair....

You and your fringe miss the importance of Capitalism and how it's implementation has led to the creation of the greatest country in the history of planet earth, but that's why your a liberal and support the likes of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, etc.... and decry the likes of Rush.....

When you label Rush as a Fascist and ignore the fact that your Boiking wants to implement Socialism in a Capitalist Society, you would be better off to reinsert you head up your ass....
That would certainly be better than your MessiahRushie and the GOP wanting to implement Fascism. And this is not a "Capitalistic Society" It is a society of Capitalized Gaines and Socialized Risks. Every time Capitalism implodes Society has to bail them out!!!! That is NOT Capitalism.

And no one has ever hated this great country more than your MessiahRushie, who SPITEFULLY said he HOPED all hard working Americans would suffer the loss of their jobs for the crime of voting different from the way HE wanted them to!!!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen
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Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shameless racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even thought they got it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option
There is no such thing as a "moderate". That term was invented by liberals who are fearful of the term "Liberal".
One must ask themselves this" When was the last time you heard or saw a self proclaimed moderate ever espouse ANY conservative principle. Now ask yourself how many times you heard a moderate quickly jump to the defense of a liberal or progressive politician or agenda.

I'd have to disagree with you. Basically, I consider myself moderate. When it comes to most issues I tend to side with the conservative point of view, but quite frankly, I have found myself pushed leftwards by the hatred that at one time I would have thought reserved only for liberals.

Liberals always seemed to be the most intolerant people on earth... but then I started reading posts of people with whom I generally agreed and I found that it was not only the liberals that were intolerant.

Now, I tend to find myself wondering WTF happened to the other conservatives? Most of them sound like liberals these days when it comes to conversing with others.

When it comes to my vote, I tend to want to vote Republican because basically, I agree with what they say. On the other hand based on the examples of what Republicans say and do, I cannot in good conscience vote for a Republican any more than I can vote for a Democrat because I can no longer trust the words that come out of Republican mouths.

If true then as a self proclaimed moderate you are a rare commodity.
Question: because people of the same ilk tend to gravitate to one another and you claiming moderate status, I find it safe to assume you associate with other moderates. Are there any others in your circle who also claim to be moderate AND tend to side with conservatives on certain issues?
I would like to know to what hatred you refer.
Personally, I'd like to take all the folks that vote straight party line, R or D, and put them on a boat to Antartica so the rest of us adults can actually get some stuff done. It's the freaking "Conservatives" that elected DeLay/Frist/Bush that started screwing things up and the freaking "Liberals" that elected Pelosi/Reid/Obama that kept the ball rolling. And none of you will actually do a thing to fix the mess.

So off with all you partisan hacks before someone drops a house on you too. Meanwhile folks like me will be picking the next President.
Actually it's you mindless drones on the extreme fringe who allow yourselves to be programmed by Fascists like your MessiahRushie who can't be trusted. You do not have a mind to think for yourselves, so you parrot the Fascist dogma fed to you by GOP hate radio.

In Fascism there are ONLY two sides, your side and the enemy.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

March 23, 2010
RUSH: Our enemy is now clearly defined. We know who they are and they are anybody with a D beside their name. There's no moderate Democrat. There's no pro-life Democrat. There's no Blue Dog, lap dog, hot dog, back dog Democrat. If it's a D, they are the enemy, and they need to be reacted to as such.

February 10, 2008
RUSH: you do not know the left in this country. You do not know the enemy.

Well I had to finally chime in and cynical Ed you made it so easy....

Is the hatred for Rush on the same level as the disdain for Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, SJ Lee, Waters, etc....?

I have very little time to listen to Rush and when I have, I do not remember anytime that he or his guest host stated their hatred for Capitalism, yet the few liberals I named can not speak the word without going into convulsions, or demanding that the world changes in the snap of their fingers so that everything is fair....

You and your fringe miss the importance of Capitalism and how it's implementation has led to the creation of the greatest country in the history of planet earth, but that's why your a liberal and support the likes of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, etc.... and decry the likes of Rush.....

When you label Rush as a Fascist and ignore the fact that your Boiking wants to implement Socialism in a Capitalist Society, you would be better off to reinsert you head up your ass....
That would certainly be better than your MessiahRushie and the GOP wanting to implement Fascism. And this is not a "Capitalistic Society" It is a society of Capitalized Gaines and Socialized Risks. Every time Capitalism implodes Society has to bail them out!!!! That is NOT Capitalism.

And the largest number of nations that revere freedom are running under Wealth Redistribution, I mean Socialism....:eek::eek::eek:
Well I had to finally chime in and cynical Ed you made it so easy....

Is the hatred for Rush on the same level as the disdain for Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, SJ Lee, Waters, etc....?

I have very little time to listen to Rush and when I have, I do not remember anytime that he or his guest host stated their hatred for Capitalism, yet the few liberals I named can not speak the word without going into convulsions, or demanding that the world changes in the snap of their fingers so that everything is fair....

You and your fringe miss the importance of Capitalism and how it's implementation has led to the creation of the greatest country in the history of planet earth, but that's why your a liberal and support the likes of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, etc.... and decry the likes of Rush.....

When you label Rush as a Fascist and ignore the fact that your Boiking wants to implement Socialism in a Capitalist Society, you would be better off to reinsert you head up your ass....
That would certainly be better than your MessiahRushie and the GOP wanting to implement Fascism. And this is not a "Capitalistic Society" It is a society of Capitalized Gaines and Socialized Risks. Every time Capitalism implodes Society has to bail them out!!!! That is NOT Capitalism.

And the largest number of nations that revere freedom are running under Wealth Redistribution, I mean Socialism....:eek::eek::eek:
Do you mean like the wealth redistribution that comes from bailing out the "Capitalists" when they lose their collective shirts on their get-rich-quick schemes????
That would certainly be better than your MessiahRushie and the GOP wanting to implement Fascism. And this is not a "Capitalistic Society" It is a society of Capitalized Gaines and Socialized Risks. Every time Capitalism implodes Society has to bail them out!!!! That is NOT Capitalism.

And the largest number of nations that revere freedom are running under Wealth Redistribution, I mean Socialism....:eek::eek::eek:
Do you mean like the wealth redistribution that comes from bailing out the "Capitalists" when they lose their collective shirts on their get-rich-quick schemes????

OOPPPS, you missed this to? Catch up cynical Ed, we are in 2011, you missed the bus....
You didn't read what was posted. Here it is again. Moderates have no core principles, they waver on every issue. They choose sides based on what they believe to be popular.
IN other words, moderates do not make reasoned decisions nor do they have core beliefs. They go with the flow of what's popular. That's dangerous in that moderates are at best unreliable.
Not "People's" decisions...Just moderates.

Let me explain it to you.

You are an ideologue. Ideologues think inside a box. Ideologues pick and choose what they want to believe. It doesn't matter whether or not what they believe is true. First and foremost, what is most important is fealty to ideology. You are highly prone to confirmation bias. You dismiss empiricism when it contradicts your worldview and embrace it when it confirms your worldview. In effect, your ideology is a chain which limits your understanding of the world. You do not make reasoned decisions. You make ideological decisions. Your ideology means you view the world through a prism. You think in a manner which gives you comfort. You refuse to think in a manner which gives you discomfort because it will upend your ideology. You think in a manner which makes you popular within your tribe. You view those with whom you disagree as the enemy. You look at the world as you want it to be, not as it is.
Yeah yeah yeah. You consider others to be within the paradigm of which YOU choose for them. Hence the use of the term ideologue.
The definition of a moderate is one who picks and chooses. That is the antithesis of having core beliefs. You are no doubt defending the moderate state so therefor you must attempt to identify then marginalize. Guess what? It didn't work.
Your biggest problem is assuming.
Your attempt to marginalize me by making an uninformed conclusion has at best the affect of a flyspeck.
In other words, you know shit stinks and that's all.
"tribe"....Get the fuck out of here.
Here is a test. In your best estimate, how is the world as it is? This ought to be fun.
Please, if this post is what modern middle of the road/ wavering to any shift in popular opinion( definition of a moderate), you can have it.
I will stick to my core beliefs. I have a path. I am my own person. I kowtow to no one nor do I follow a jersey. If anyone I know or am acquainted with ever asked me " How could you vote for...?" My response is as always, "mind your own fucking business".
Perhaps if you spent more time adhering to that philosophy, you'd not be so worried about what you think my world view might be.
Oh, FYI, I don't have a world view. Anyone who does has given themselves license to paint with a broad brush.
In your desperate attempt to appear profound while providing the most presumptuous of psycho analyses from afar, you have only gone to further define the moderate mindset, which is drawing conclusions based on emotions and guesses while having no facts on which to base your conclusions.
Thank you very much for clearing up what it is to be a moderate. Have a nice day.

Dude, if you're going to get all offended when others assume what you think, don't assume what others think.

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