Why Mac and all supposed Moderates are DOA in todays politics!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
At this point in history, somewhere around 30% of the voting population are independent, supposed moderates. Actually, it might be closer to 35%, but for this exercise in political reality, we will use 30%.

So what we then have is about 70% who are NOT moderates, and what defines these people? 1/2 of these 70% believe the other side has gone to far, such as CRT, green new deal, etc, and the list goes on. They want America put back on solid footing, and point to everything that happens when these policies are put in place.

The other 1/2 of the 70% believe we have not gone far enough. They want to transform America into another state of being, plain and simple. They wish to continue down the path they see as the correct one, even if they aren't sure where we are heading, but to revert back to where we were in any form, is not acceptable.

So what does that have to do with moderates and Independents who would be happy to stop the bickering and just maintain status quo?

Who from either side of the 70% would vote in a primary for a moderate, or a 3rd party candidate? If the majority of Americans want to push for reversal, or push to continue, moderates and 3rd party people are DOA. A moderate (think Mansion or Sinema, or possibly even Cheney) could vote either way for either side. That is a no-no! How can you push forward, or push backwards; depending upon your political wishes, if your person could vote with the opposition, and no matter which side of the aisle you are on, you honestly believe this is the question of our time? Let us be real here-------->if installed in congress, they are going to vote, and if you aren't sure which way they would vote and belong to the 70%, why would you cast a ballot for them? Congress is going to ignore legislation from them unless it fits into one side or the others agenda, and yet it would be their duty to vote on legislation that had nothing to do what they ran on.

If you want to see how both sides of the 70% view moderates, just revisit the vitriol over Mansion, Sinema, Murkowski, and Mcain, and others who voted in favor of the other sides ideas, and all the vitriol was from their own side of the aisle.

In closing, let me say that this thread is NOT about which side of the 70% is correct. What it IS about is why these moderates can get no traction whatsoever, and as long as the current state of politics stays in its current form, they will continue to be unable to. Let us all be honest--------> By party, we know 90 to 95% of the time which way they will vote on any given issue, but the moderates/and or Independent candidates......we have no idea which way they will cast their vote. If you believe in either "we have gone to far," or "we have not gone far enough," that makes these people DOA at the ballot box. We could elect an Independent as President in 24, and they would NOT be able to govern. Congress would be in total control of the country, or the new President would have to align his or herself with one or the other political partys to get anything done, which puts us right back where we started.

The surprising thing is------------>the supporters of these Independents or 3rd party candidates continue to politically "spit into the wind," and when it blows back into their faces, they blame it on the rest of us! REALITY.........it is NOT us, it is you! Instead of picking one of the big 2 and exerting your influence over them by your numbers and getting some sort of control, you take the easy way out and get a bunch of like minded people who you do not have to politically persuade through logic and dialogue, and accomplish absolutely NOTHING but possibly make yourself feel good.

We seen how fast Trump took over the GOP. We also seen how fast a group called the "squad" influences almost everything the Democrats do today. And you people? Sitting on the sidelines with zero input because you are...........what....scared to try to influence either party by your voting power? Shame on you, in fact, double shame on you!
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I took all their asses to the woodshed.

I suspect you won't be hearing from any of them until at least early this evening.
None of the people you listed are actually "moderates." The fact that they've held elected political offices in DC for multiple terms means they are de facto compromised by the political lobbies they sell their souls to in order to generate the warchest needed to fund a successful campaign for federal congressional seats. That is one of the glaring symptoms of the broken system which applies to the entire lot in both chambers of Congress.

You define moderate as someone who wants to maintain the status quo. By that standard I'm a moderate because in my political philosophy it would be ideal if Congress didn't pass any new legislation, as 99% of new legislation is completely unnecessary and exists solely to enrich the special interest groups who fund the campaign coffers of the people passing the legislation, and those in their close circles. The entire legislative process has become first and foremost a race to raid the Treasury, to the detriment of everyday Americans.
Well that was a odd exercise totally divorced from reality.

The fact of the matter is everyone in their heart of hearts wants to be on a "team" even if they don't admit it.

Now to be on said team Independents have to go for either dem or gop as there is no other viable choice because 'moderates' of either stripe is a myth born of the weak.

So when they go for said team and someone gigs them they get pissed. It's simple human nature.

The answer lies with a viable third party not run by moon-bats....Say by a Rand Paul type figure.

I myself claim to be a Independent but only so far as I don't carry party water......It's just that I've not seen a dem worth voting for in 40+ years.....In retrospect I do wish Gore had won though....W was a fuckin' disaster and went a long way towards ripping the soul out of our Republic with his expansion of the .gov..
At this point in history, somewhere around 30% of the voting population are independent, supposed moderates. Actually, it might be closer to 35%, but for this exercise in political reality, we will use 30%.

So what we then have is about 70% who are NOT moderates, and what defines these people? 1/2 of these 70% believe the other side has gone to far, such as CRT, green new deal, etc, and the list goes on. They want America put back on solid footing, and point to everything that happens when these policies are put in place.

The other 1/2 of the 70% believe we have not gone far enough. They want to transform America into another state of being, plain and simple. They wish to continue down the path they see as the correct one, even if they aren't sure where we are heading, but to revert back to where we were in any form, is not acceptable.

So what does that have to do with moderates and Independents who would be happy to stop the bickering and just maintain status quo?

Who from either side of the 70% would vote in a primary for a moderate, or a 3rd party candidate? If the majority of Americans want to push for reversal, or push to continue, moderates and 3rd party people are DOA. A moderate (think Mansion or Sinema, or possibly even Cheney) could vote either way for either side. That is a no-no! How can you push forward, or push backwards; depending upon your political wishes, if your person could vote with the opposition, and no matter which side of the aisle you are on, you honestly believe this is the question of our time? Let us be real here-------->if installed in congress, they are going to vote, and if you aren't sure which way they would vote and belong to the 70%, why would you cast a ballot for them? Congress is going to ignore legislation from them unless it fits into one side or the others agenda, and yet it would be their duty to vote on legislation that had nothing to do what they ran on.

If you want to see how both sides of the 70% view moderates, just revisit the vitriol over Mansion, Sinema, Murkowski, and Mcain, and others who voted in favor of the other sides ideas, and all the vitriol was from their own side of the aisle.

In closing, let me say that this thread is NOT about which side of the 70% is correct. What it IS about is why these moderates can get no traction whatsoever, and as long as the current state of politics stays in its current form, they will continue to be unable to. Let us all be honest--------> By party, we know 90 to 95% of the time which way they will vote on any given issue, but the moderates/and or Independent candidates......we have no idea which way they will cast their vote. If you believe in either "we have gone to far," or "we have not gone far enough," that makes these people DOA at the ballot box. We could elect an Independent as President in 24, and they would NOT be able to govern. Congress would be in total control of the country, or the new President would have to align his or herself with one or the other political partys to get anything done, which puts us right back where we started.

The surprising thing is------------>the supporters of these Independents or 3rd party candidates continue to politically "spit into the wind," and when it blows back into their faces, they blame it on the rest of us! REALITY.........it is NOT us, it is you! Instead of picking one of the big 2 and exerting your influence over them by your numbers and getting some sort of control, you take the easy way out and get a bunch of like minded people who you do not have to politically persuade through logic and dialogue, and accomplish absolutely NOTHING but possibly make yourself feel good.

We seen how fast Trump took over the GOP. We also seen how fast a group called the "squad" influences almost everything the Democrats do today. And you people? Sitting on the sidelines with zero input because you are...........what....scared to try to influence either party by your voting power? Shame on you, in fact, double shame on you!
It has nothing to do with not wanting to exert influence. It has to do with how elections are conducted in the US. The primary system is broken because most states go by the winner take all concept. Meaning in order to get the nomination within your own party it usually doesn't pay to be moderate. The incentive is to run to the extremes. This prevents moderation.

Second, there is the electoral college. This skews the incentives again. You can, and Republicans have got a perfectly winnable strategy without ever trying to get the popular vote.

Third, you have the media, who know both left and right, but especially right, that moderation doesn't create add revenue.

Fourth, you have the way elections are funded. You need to fundraise. It's easier to get money if you paint the other side as an existential threat than by crafting well-thought-out policy decisions for the benefit of all. Compromise doesn't get the big bucks.
None of the people you listed are actually "moderates." The fact that they've held elected political offices in DC for multiple terms means they are de facto compromised by the political lobbies they sell their souls to in order to generate the warchest needed to fund a successful campaign for federal congressional seats. That is one of the glaring symptoms of the broken system which applies to the entire lot in both chambers of Congress.

You define moderate as someone who wants to maintain the status quo. By that standard I'm a moderate because in my political philosophy it would be ideal if Congress didn't pass any new legislation, as 99% of new legislation is completely unnecessary and exists solely to enrich the special interest groups who fund the campaign coffers of the people passing the legislation, and those in their close circles. The entire legislative process has become first and foremost a race to raid the Treasury, to the detriment of everyday Americans.

Well, the thing that screwed our system up was the 17th amendment. The peoples House was so the people of this countrys voice could be heard through their representatives. The Senate was made exclusively so that states concerns could be addressed. The state legislators chose the 2 senators for their state, and the senators job was to vote the will of the state legislators, not their own will.

States "best outcome" in a vote would tie; in many cases, red and blue states together in a "same" political outcome in more instances than you might think. After the 17th amendment, it became political party over what was best for the state that the senator represented, along with the senator having to run in the general election when his/her term was up.....ergo, being lobbied with donations. As soon as Senators realized that it was their will, and not the will of state legislators that created which way they voted, all bets were off. Just remember, it was not important before the change which party the senators were from, because if they did not vote the will of the state legislators, they would be removed from office post haste by the states.
Well, the thing that screwed our system up was the 17th amendment. The peoples House was so the people of this countrys voice could be heard through their representatives. The Senate was made exclusively so that states concerns could be addressed. The state legislators chose the 2 senators for their state, and the senators job was to vote the will of the state legislators, not their own will.

States "best outcome" in a vote would tie; in many cases, red and blue states together in a "same" political outcome in more instances than you might think. After the 17th amendment, it became political party over what was best for the state that the senator represented, along with the senator having to run in the general election when his/her term was up.....ergo, being lobbied with donations. As soon as Senators realized that it was their will, and not the will of state legislators that created which way they voted, all bets were off. Just remember, it was not important before the change which party the senators were from, because if they did not vote the will of the state legislators, they would be removed from office post haste by the states.
Great point
Well that was a odd exercise totally divorced from reality.

The fact of the matter is everyone in their heart of hearts wants to be on a "team" even if they don't admit it.

Now to be on said team Independents have to go for either dem or gop as there is no other viable choice because 'moderates' of either stripe is a myth born of the weak.

So when they go for said team and someone gigs them they get pissed. It's simple human nature.

The answer lies with a viable third party not run by moon-bats....Say by a Rand Paul type figure.

I myself claim to be a Independent but only so far as I don't carry party water......It's just that I've not seen a dem worth voting for in 40+ years.....In retrospect I do wish Gore had won though....W was a fuckin' disaster and went a long way towards ripping the soul out of our Republic with his expansion of the .gov..
Actually, Gore did win. The SCOTUS stole the election and gave it to Dubya.

And neither the Left nor the Democrats decide to attack the Capitol over it either.

Actually, Gore did win. The SCOTUS stole the election and gave it to Dubya.

And neither the Left nor the Democrats decide to attack the Capitol over it either.

The majority of Americans had a lot more respect for the .gov back then.....Remember?

W's bunch (Cheney in particular) went a long way to destroy that goodwill.....It will never be recovered.
Actually, Gore did win. The SCOTUS stole the election and gave it to Dubya.

And neither the Left nor the Democrats decide to attack the Capitol over it either.

Lol, all lies. The media reported the Florida polls were closed which was a lie cause Florida is in two time zones. Bush won you commies lost.
At best a large L Libertarian.....Basically dem shills all.
Partisans are so funny. Anyone who criticizes Republicans is a Democrat, and anyone who criticizes Democrats is a Republican. Jesus, get over it. Not everyone is stuck in your two-party clusterfuck.

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