Why isnt Ariana Grande considered to be in Black Face?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This girl is a white girl, but she has darkened her skin to pass as black, or at least it looks that way.


Or Kimmel

Or Jimmy Fallon

Or Robert Downey Jr

I could go on and on, but why are some people gang tackled for black face and others oare not?

Jeebus, Meghan Kelley merely mentioned it and got fired.
Is it about the context in which it was done in that makes the difference or by whom it is being done by, and in what context it is being spoken in that makes the difference ??
Or, white face Dave. Of course the double standard Of the tard is obvious.

Blacks are a vulgar people.

Is it about the context in which it was done in that makes the difference or by whom it is being done by, and in what context it is being spoken in that makes the difference ??

if by "context" you mean, "opportunity to slam good people for no reason to make examples of them, and terrorize the rest, thus advancing the lefty agenda"

then yes. "Context" does matter.
she can do whatever she wants--she's a little hottie --hot!

Kimmel and Fallon are jackass hypocrites
Avowed Liberal/Progressive Democrat entertainers can be RACIST as it is supposed to be "funny", or artistic.

The Donut Licker (Arianna Grande) is a sick, twisted, mentally ill little girl. She should get help.
Avowed Liberal/Progressive Democrat entertainers can be RACIST as it is supposed to be "funny", or artistic.

The Donut Licker (Arianna Grande) is a sick, twisted, mentally ill little girl. She should get help.
I love them that way
This girl is a white girl, but she has darkened her skin to pass as black, or at least it looks that way.

She is still recovering from the licking a donut incident.
She can lick my donuts and talk trash all she likes.

Doood. There is not enough brain bleach. Cut that shit out.
You don't like donuts?

The visual of Ariana Grande and Bart Simpson is not something anyone will recover from.
Everyone should start wearing blackface and keep wearing it until all the black racists either stop crying like bottle fed infantile morons and silly sniveling white Snowflakes kill themselves or deport themselves in shrieking whining mobs to Mexico.
Is it about the context in which it was done in that makes the difference or by whom it is being done by, and in what context it is being spoken in that makes the difference ??

if by "context" you mean, "opportunity to slam good people for no reason to make examples of them, and terrorize the rest, thus advancing the lefty agenda"

then yes. "Context" does matter.
Within a "Context", meaning what ever context it is delivered in...... If makes one feel good about themselves or the target to feel the same afterwards, then that's just one context, but there are many to be found within a point that's trying to be sent or made when a message is being sent or delivered.......... A person being ridiculed or mocked might not like it very much if blackface is placed into a bad context.

I guess with some in Hollyweird, it's all about finding the easy target to make fun of maybe, yet it's all depending on the context it's done in, even though the target wouldn't agree if were asked to be made fun of in these ways, they might attempt it anyway in order to show how harmless it is or how stupid it all can be.

Then in some cases Hollyweird is attempting to show the bully that his or her efforts to destroy someone isn't going to work, because the character Hollyweird then creates in the situation, shows and enforces the old adage of sticks and stones might break my bones, but your words will NEVER hurt me.

Drunken with power, and self serving egotosm gets the best of people sometimes, and that is why the bully becomes blind in the hurt they might cause others when decide to do certain things in life like mocking and ridiculing people in certain ways.

Now many have laughed madly when comedians make fun of just about anything known to man in life, and this is usually because it takes serious subjects, and shows just how crazy the acts found in the content might be, therefore watering it all down in order to de-escalate the situations.

The content is usually directed at the perpetrator, whom may have been bullying someone, and to show that someone just how stupid and idiotic the perp really is in life, and that it should never harm the person being bullied because they will then see (by the mocking of the bully by the comedian, and the comedian placing his or herself in the position of the one being bullied or mocked), just how stupid and pathetic the bully really is in life.

Otherwise just smile (play dumb), and be kind to the bully, and you shall Heep coals of fire upon their heads. Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord.
Everyone of these people should resign from the office they were elected to and I`ll never vote for one of them again. Thanks for the info Dullblade.
The double standards of the left comes out again and they don't even bother to hide the hypocrisy.
They have no moral authority, no intellectual honesty and no shame in simply lying when it suits them.

So the left is self selecting and in order to be one of the gang you must not mind lying whenever it suites you political
needs. That's how you serve the Stalinist collective.

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