Merkel’s Government “Deliberately Helped” Terrorist Escape Justice, U.S. Attorney General Says


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The United States has accused the German government of letting a convicted terrorist escape American justice. Turkish national Adem Yilmaz, responsible for the murder of two U.S. servicemen, was deported to Turkey despite an American extradition request to face trial in a New York court.

“Adem Yilmaz is responsible for the deaths of U.S. servicemembers,” U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell said on Thursday. “This failure to extradite him to the United States violates the terms and spirit of our Extradition Treaty.”

Germany: No Choice But to Reject Terrorist Extradition to US

Germany siding with their Muslim masters, how strange.
The United States has accused the German government of letting a convicted terrorist escape American justice. Turkish national Adem Yilmaz, responsible for the murder of two U.S. servicemen, was deported to Turkey despite an American extradition request to face trial in a New York court.

“Adem Yilmaz is responsible for the deaths of U.S. servicemembers,” U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell said on Thursday. “This failure to extradite him to the United States violates the terms and spirit of our Extradition Treaty.”

Germany: No Choice But to Reject Terrorist Extradition to US

Germany siding with their Muslim masters, how strange.
Germany needs to get some courage on the issue of immigration or the German culture will be wiped from the face of the earth. The Germans are a beautiful peaceful people with a wonderful culture. They have fought to protect it since the day’s of the Roman Empire. God Bless Germany. You were at the forefront in the battle against communism during the Cold War.
The British campaign of bombing civilians in Germany was a war crime.
The rape of German women and children by Soviet troops was disgusting.
The United States has accused the German government of letting a convicted terrorist escape American justice. Turkish national Adem Yilmaz, responsible for the murder of two U.S. servicemen, was deported to Turkey despite an American extradition request to face trial in a New York court.

“Adem Yilmaz is responsible for the deaths of U.S. servicemembers,” U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell said on Thursday. “This failure to extradite him to the United States violates the terms and spirit of our Extradition Treaty.”

Germany: No Choice But to Reject Terrorist Extradition to US

Germany siding with their Muslim masters, how strange.
CIA needs to hunt him down and make him mysteriously disappear.
Germany siding with their Muslim masters, how strange.

Islam already runs Germany, so-called 'police' is coward, highly ineffective and is good for nothing except issuing of traffic thickets due to sped violation or parking.
Germany as a nation is finished, the point of no return is already passed, in ten - twelfth years it will proclaim itself as North Turkey.

Guess who is fault on this movie?
Not the Turkish shooter, the guy who send the movie to the Bild Newspaper.

It can be done nothing anymore, grab popcorn and watch how Germany perishes.

The rape of German women and children by Soviet troops was disgusting.

The allegedly rapes were highly exaggerated by western presstitute 'medias'.
BTW no one raped mostly by Sowjet's Muslim Soldiers woman was killed.
But no one presstitute speaks about the True Genocide of German, the Murder of 2+ millions Germans in the US's Rhine Death Camps after WWII

Good program. American precision bombing of military/industrial targets as aligned with mass civilian extermination. The United States and the United Kingdom were the “good guys” during WW2 Make no doubt about it. The worst crime of all would have been for the Allies to lose the war.
England’s first bombing raid was German ships in harbor. The orders were to hit ships but no docks as this was civilian.

Hitler targeting London changed that.

You confuse today’s technology with that of 1943. Hundreds of bombers were sent to bomb a target. If they hit within a mile the mission was deemed to be a success.

Hitler also built mega guns to shell civilian cities in England across the channel as well.
Good program. American precision bombing of military/industrial targets as aligned with mass civilian extermination. The United States and the United Kingdom were the “good guys” during WW2 Make no doubt about it. The worst crime of all would have been for the Allies to lose the war.
England’s first bombing raid was German ships in harbor. The orders were to hit ships but no docks as this was civilian.

Hitler targeting London changed that.

You confuse today’s technology with that of 1943. Hundreds of bombers were sent to bomb a target. If they hit within a mile the mission was deemed to be a success.

Hitler also built mega guns to shell civilian cities in England across the channel as well.
Agreed my friend. But still...I have reservations about targeting civilians. Because the Nazis did it in Rotterdam, Warsaw, and London...that does not make it acceptable for the western allies to do it. I don’t see how the campaign of Sir Harris accelerated the end of the war.

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