Why Isn't 20,000 Border Patrol Agents Enough

Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

You cant be this ignorant. First subtract administration, which in DC is enormous. Trumo would clean it up but you guys would cry when a gov job gets removed.
Second anwall would mean we wouldn't need as many people.......so wall would be cheaper
Cannot have wall and NOT hire thousands more border agents to patrol it....can't have one without the other.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

You cant be this ignorant. First subtract administration, which in DC is enormous. Trumo would clean it up but you guys would cry when a gov job gets removed.
Second anwall would mean we wouldn't need as many people.......so wall would be cheaper
Border Patrol officers serve near the borders not in DC.

Increasing the number of officers is a mute point due to the agency's worst retention rate of any federal law enforcement agency and the agency's inability to recruit candidates. Starting pay is less than in most cities where both living and working conditions are better. Where field duty in most federal law enforcement is a temporary assignment to a another city, field duty in the border patrol means the real field, tracking illegals through the desert or mountains, dealing with weather and hostile terrain that is often more dangerous than those they pursue.

Most border patrol officers are Latino. It is not uncommon for these officers to have friends, neighbors, and even relatives who are illegally in the country. As one officer said, "when you look at someone you catch, you often see someone just like a neighbor, a schoolmate or a relative. Being a Hispanic border patrol officer or ICE agent does not garner much respect in the Latino community. They are reviled by many in their own community as traitors and are cajoled by illegal aliens they capture with entreaties of cross-border brotherhood. Yet, in the non-Hispanic community, they are looked on with suspicion. It is a difficult job but if you're a Latino, it can be doublely difficult.
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Why would they register? [Illegal aliens]

After an interview, an ID card is issued giving the individual a temporary work permit.

Talking Points
The Immigration Bill Goes Down
Monday, June 11, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

The Senate completely blew this. They're at fault. The American people don't want an 800 page immigration bill loaded with a bunch of bullfeathers. The folks want clarity and a fair deal.

So it's no surprise the Senate's deal collapsed into chaos. And that is a bad thing for America, because now we'll have more of the same. Millions of people trying to sneak into the country and the feds having no idea who is here and what they're doing.

So right now, I'm going to give you the No Spin immigration solution. It is simple because, as you know, I am a simple man. There are just four components:

1) secure the southern border with 700, not 300 miles of barrier, double the border patrol and back them up with 10,000 National Guards people. That would effectively shut down human and drug smuggling from Mexico.

2) require all illegal aliens in the country right now to register at the post office with Homeland Security. After registering, they would be given a tamper proof ID card, designating their status and their right to work temporarily in the USA. If the illegal aliens do not register, it's a criminal felony. Right now sneaking across the border is a civil action. Remember that. Subjecting the person to immediate deportation or jail time. The criminal penalty goes way up

3) Any business that hires an illegal worker who doesn't have a tamper proof ID card faces draconian fines and possible prison time for the executives.

4) Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who's helping America and who isn't.

Under that banner, no illegal alien who commits a crime while here would be allowed to stay. Also under that program, no welfare of any kind would be paid to folks here illegally. They'd have to work for their living.

Now that is a fair immigration plan that I believe would be acceptable to most Americans. It would also allow the feds to quickly build a database, so Homeland Security would know the extent of the alien intrusion, which we don't know now.

Again, any illegal alien who didn't cooperate with the new law would immediately become an outlaw. And immediate action could be taken against that non-citizen who doesn't comply. That would end the sanctuary city madness and give the federal government more tools to regain control over this out of control situation.

So there you have it — a fair plan to give good people a chance to stay here and earn citizenship down the road -- but a plan that also protects Americans. The No Spin immigration plan is, again, one page and not 800 pages. And it would work.

And that's "The Memo."
Cannot have wall and NOT hire thousands more border agents to patrol it....can't have one without the other.
Trump said the wall would stop them. So if the wall stops them, why do we need more border patrol officers?
Border Patrol officers serve near the borders not in DC.

Increasing the number of officers is a mute point due to the agency's worst retention rate of any federal law enforcement agency and the agency's inability to recruit candidates. Starting pay is less than in most cities where both living and working conditions are better. Where field duty in most federal law enforcement is a temporary assignment to a another city, field duty in the border patrol means the real field, tracking illegals through the desert or mountains, dealing with weather and hostile terrain that is often more dangerous than those they pursue.

Most border patrol officers are Latino. It is not uncommon for these officers to have friends, neighbors, and even relatives who are illegally in the country. As one officer said, "when you look at someone you catch, you often see someone just like a neighbor, a schoolmate or a relative. Being a Hispanic border patrol officer or ICE agent does not garner much respect in the Latino community. They are reviled by many in their own community as traitors and are cajoled by illegal aliens they capture with entreaties of cross-border brotherhood. Yet, in the non-Hispanic community, they are looked on with suspicion. It is a difficult job but if you're a Latino, it can be doublely difficult

Making the job considerably safer by having a wall/fence/barrier to aid them in their job. That will help in retention along with a pay increase.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

You cant be this ignorant. First subtract administration, which in DC is enormous. Trumo would clean it up but you guys would cry when a gov job gets removed.
Second anwall would mean we wouldn't need as many people.......so wall would be cheaper

Flopper isn't ignorant, he's a troll. He doesn't believe the garbage he throws out there but just enjoys wrestling in the mud.
Why would they register? [Illegal aliens]

After an interview, an ID card is issued giving the individual a temporary work permit.

Talking Points
The Immigration Bill Goes Down
Monday, June 11, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

The Senate completely blew this. They're at fault. The American people don't want an 800 page immigration bill loaded with a bunch of bullfeathers. The folks want clarity and a fair deal.

So it's no surprise the Senate's deal collapsed into chaos. And that is a bad thing for America, because now we'll have more of the same. Millions of people trying to sneak into the country and the feds having no idea who is here and what they're doing.

So right now, I'm going to give you the No Spin immigration solution. It is simple because, as you know, I am a simple man. There are just four components:

1) secure the southern border with 700, not 300 miles of barrier, double the border patrol and back them up with 10,000 National Guards people. That would effectively shut down human and drug smuggling from Mexico.

2) require all illegal aliens in the country right now to register at the post office with Homeland Security. After registering, they would be given a tamper proof ID card, designating their status and their right to work temporarily in the USA. If the illegal aliens do not register, it's a criminal felony. Right now sneaking across the border is a civil action. Remember that. Subjecting the person to immediate deportation or jail time. The criminal penalty goes way up

3) Any business that hires an illegal worker who doesn't have a tamper proof ID card faces draconian fines and possible prison time for the executives.

4) Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who's helping America and who isn't.

Under that banner, no illegal alien who commits a crime while here would be allowed to stay. Also under that program, no welfare of any kind would be paid to folks here illegally. They'd have to work for their living.

Now that is a fair immigration plan that I believe would be acceptable to most Americans. It would also allow the feds to quickly build a database, so Homeland Security would know the extent of the alien intrusion, which we don't know now.

Again, any illegal alien who didn't cooperate with the new law would immediately become an outlaw. And immediate action could be taken against that non-citizen who doesn't comply. That would end the sanctuary city madness and give the federal government more tools to regain control over this out of control situation.

So there you have it — a fair plan to give good people a chance to stay here and earn citizenship down the road -- but a plan that also protects Americans. The No Spin immigration plan is, again, one page and not 800 pages. And it would work.

And that's "The Memo."
Those illegally in the country will not register. This was been tried before when amnesty was offered and very few applied. They certainly would not register now when it could lead to their deportation. The primary reason these people will not register is because they do not trust government, particular those from Central America who see people from the government as being little better than the criminals they fled from. No matter what you might promise most of them will not believe you. They will believe that when they register they be arrested and deported.

Most illegal immigrants in the country have lived here for 10 years or more. They have good jobs. They pay their taxes, speak the language, know the customs, have children, many being US citizens They are not going to believe that this country would deport them.

Contrary to the American beliefs, most foreigners are not just dying to come to America and make it their home. Many illegal immigrants are here to work a year or so and return home, or visit their girl friend, or family members. They don't want to live permanently in the US because this is not their home. They don't understand the language, the people or the customs. These people are certainly not going to take a chance by registering so they might become a permanent fixture.

Finally, the simple immigration solution you propose would be much more than 800 pages for many reasons. First off our laws would make it impossible to use the National Guard permanently at the border fully functioning as the border patrol does. Since it's permanent, the status, limits, and funding would have to be addressed. Second, you could not deport people for not registering without changing a bunch of laws and adding a new offence which would create even more legal considerations. Then there's your Z Vista that some group from the federal government will decide on who goes and who states. Who would make up that group, what would be their qualifications, how long do they serve, what criteria do they use in making their decision, what procedures would be followed, what is the appeal process, what is to done with US children, etc.. I've already generated 400 pages, and we haven't even got started.

Our legal system is complex because we seek to protect both the innocent as well as guilty. We set down the requirements of law because we don't want decisions made arbitrarily. If we don't do this the law is applied neither fairly nor equally.
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Why would they register? [Illegal aliens]

After an interview, an ID card is issued giving the individual a temporary work permit.

Talking Points
The Immigration Bill Goes Down
Monday, June 11, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

The Senate completely blew this. They're at fault. The American people don't want an 800 page immigration bill loaded with a bunch of bullfeathers. The folks want clarity and a fair deal.

So it's no surprise the Senate's deal collapsed into chaos. And that is a bad thing for America, because now we'll have more of the same. Millions of people trying to sneak into the country and the feds having no idea who is here and what they're doing.

So right now, I'm going to give you the No Spin immigration solution. It is simple because, as you know, I am a simple man. There are just four components:

1) secure the southern border with 700, not 300 miles of barrier, double the border patrol and back them up with 10,000 National Guards people. That would effectively shut down human and drug smuggling from Mexico.

2) require all illegal aliens in the country right now to register at the post office with Homeland Security. After registering, they would be given a tamper proof ID card, designating their status and their right to work temporarily in the USA. If the illegal aliens do not register, it's a criminal felony. Right now sneaking across the border is a civil action. Remember that. Subjecting the person to immediate deportation or jail time. The criminal penalty goes way up

3) Any business that hires an illegal worker who doesn't have a tamper proof ID card faces draconian fines and possible prison time for the executives.

4) Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who's helping America and who isn't.

Under that banner, no illegal alien who commits a crime while here would be allowed to stay. Also under that program, no welfare of any kind would be paid to folks here illegally. They'd have to work for their living.

Now that is a fair immigration plan that I believe would be acceptable to most Americans. It would also allow the feds to quickly build a database, so Homeland Security would know the extent of the alien intrusion, which we don't know now.

Again, any illegal alien who didn't cooperate with the new law would immediately become an outlaw. And immediate action could be taken against that non-citizen who doesn't comply. That would end the sanctuary city madness and give the federal government more tools to regain control over this out of control situation.

So there you have it — a fair plan to give good people a chance to stay here and earn citizenship down the road -- but a plan that also protects Americans. The No Spin immigration plan is, again, one page and not 800 pages. And it would work.

And that's "The Memo."
Those illegally in the country will not register. This was been tried before when amnesty was offered and very few applied. They certainly would not register now when it could lead to their deportation. The primary reason these people will not register is because they do not trust government, particular those from Central America who see people from the government as being little better than the criminals they fled from. No matter what you might promise most of them will not believe you. They will believe that when they register they be arrested and deported.

Most illegal immigrants in the country have lived here for 10 years or more. They have good jobs. They pay their taxes, speak the language, know the customs, have children, many being US citizens They are not going to believe that this country would deport them.

Contrary to the American beliefs, most foreigners are not just dying to come to America and make it their home. Many illegal immigrants are here to work a year or so and return home, or visit their girl friend, or family members. They don't want to live permanently in the US because this is not their home. They don't understand the language, the people or the customs. These people are certainly not going to take a chance by registering so they might become a permanent fixture.

Finally, the simple immigration solution you propose would be much more than 800 pages for many reasons. First off our laws would make it impossible to use the National Guard permanently at the border fully functioning as the border patrol does. Since it's permanent, the status, limits, and funding would have to be addressed. Second, you could not deport people for not registering without changing a bunch of laws and adding a new offence which would create even more legal considerations. Then there's your Z Vista that some group from the federal government will decide on who goes and who states. Who would make up that group, what would be their qualifications, how long do they serve, what criteria do they use in making their decision, what procedures would be followed, what is the appeal process, what is to done with US children, etc.. I've already generated 400 pages, and we haven't even got started.

this is horseshit., why because they never leave. If what you say is true, U wouldn't have to press one for english

And if you dont follow the law to get in, how can WE trust you to follow it once you're here?
Why would they register? [Illegal aliens]

After an interview, an ID card is issued giving the individual a temporary work permit.

Talking Points
The Immigration Bill Goes Down
Monday, June 11, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

The Senate completely blew this. They're at fault. The American people don't want an 800 page immigration bill loaded with a bunch of bullfeathers. The folks want clarity and a fair deal.

So it's no surprise the Senate's deal collapsed into chaos. And that is a bad thing for America, because now we'll have more of the same. Millions of people trying to sneak into the country and the feds having no idea who is here and what they're doing.

So right now, I'm going to give you the No Spin immigration solution. It is simple because, as you know, I am a simple man. There are just four components:

1) secure the southern border with 700, not 300 miles of barrier, double the border patrol and back them up with 10,000 National Guards people. That would effectively shut down human and drug smuggling from Mexico.

2) require all illegal aliens in the country right now to register at the post office with Homeland Security. After registering, they would be given a tamper proof ID card, designating their status and their right to work temporarily in the USA. If the illegal aliens do not register, it's a criminal felony. Right now sneaking across the border is a civil action. Remember that. Subjecting the person to immediate deportation or jail time. The criminal penalty goes way up

3) Any business that hires an illegal worker who doesn't have a tamper proof ID card faces draconian fines and possible prison time for the executives.

4) Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who's helping America and who isn't.

Under that banner, no illegal alien who commits a crime while here would be allowed to stay. Also under that program, no welfare of any kind would be paid to folks here illegally. They'd have to work for their living.

Now that is a fair immigration plan that I believe would be acceptable to most Americans. It would also allow the feds to quickly build a database, so Homeland Security would know the extent of the alien intrusion, which we don't know now.

Again, any illegal alien who didn't cooperate with the new law would immediately become an outlaw. And immediate action could be taken against that non-citizen who doesn't comply. That would end the sanctuary city madness and give the federal government more tools to regain control over this out of control situation.

So there you have it — a fair plan to give good people a chance to stay here and earn citizenship down the road -- but a plan that also protects Americans. The No Spin immigration plan is, again, one page and not 800 pages. And it would work.

And that's "The Memo."
Those illegally in country will not register. This was been tried before when amnesty was offered and very few applied. The primary reason is these people do not trust government, particular those from Central America who see people from the government as being little better than the criminals they fled from. No matter what you might promise most of them will not believe you. They will believe when they register they be arrested.

Most illegal immigrants in the country have lived here for 10 years or more. They have good jobs. They pay their taxes, speak the language, know the customs, have children, many being US citizens They are not going to believe that this country would deport them.

Contrary to the American beliefs, most foreigners are not just dying to come to America and make it their home. Many illegal immigrants are here to work a year or so and return home, or visit their girl friend, or family members. The don't want to live permanently in the US because this is not their home. They don't understand the language, the people or the customs. These people are certainly not going to take a chance on by registering so they might become a permanent fixture.

Finally, the simple immigration solution you propose would be much more than 800 pages for many reasons. First off our laws would make it impossible to use the National Guard permanently at the border fully functioning as the border patrol does. Since it's permanent, the status, limits, and funding would have to be addressed. Second, you could not deport people for not registering without changing a bunch of laws and adding a new offence which would create even more legal considerations. Then there's your Z Vista that some group from the federal government will decide on who goes and who states. Who would make up that group, what would be their qualifications, how long do they serve, what criteria do they use in making their decision, what procedures would be followed, what is the appeal process, what is to done with US children, etc.. I've already generated 400 pages, and we haven't even got started.

Go figure, I am not surprised that all you can do is whine and complain.

Illegal aliens, who have been here the longest, and with the best jobs would be the first to register. They have the most to lose. After the first 1,000 are arrested and deported, the rest would start to believe. Criminals are not going to register, so when they get picked up without proper ID, there is no loss.

As for the length, the only reason they are so long today (how long is our constitution?) is so that no one reads it and it can and is interpreted any which way.
Why would they register? [Illegal aliens]

After an interview, an ID card is issued giving the individual a temporary work permit.

Talking Points
The Immigration Bill Goes Down
Monday, June 11, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

The Senate completely blew this. They're at fault. The American people don't want an 800 page immigration bill loaded with a bunch of bullfeathers. The folks want clarity and a fair deal.

So it's no surprise the Senate's deal collapsed into chaos. And that is a bad thing for America, because now we'll have more of the same. Millions of people trying to sneak into the country and the feds having no idea who is here and what they're doing.

So right now, I'm going to give you the No Spin immigration solution. It is simple because, as you know, I am a simple man. There are just four components:

1) secure the southern border with 700, not 300 miles of barrier, double the border patrol and back them up with 10,000 National Guards people. That would effectively shut down human and drug smuggling from Mexico.

2) require all illegal aliens in the country right now to register at the post office with Homeland Security. After registering, they would be given a tamper proof ID card, designating their status and their right to work temporarily in the USA. If the illegal aliens do not register, it's a criminal felony. Right now sneaking across the border is a civil action. Remember that. Subjecting the person to immediate deportation or jail time. The criminal penalty goes way up

3) Any business that hires an illegal worker who doesn't have a tamper proof ID card faces draconian fines and possible prison time for the executives.

4) Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who's helping America and who isn't.

Under that banner, no illegal alien who commits a crime while here would be allowed to stay. Also under that program, no welfare of any kind would be paid to folks here illegally. They'd have to work for their living.

Now that is a fair immigration plan that I believe would be acceptable to most Americans. It would also allow the feds to quickly build a database, so Homeland Security would know the extent of the alien intrusion, which we don't know now.

Again, any illegal alien who didn't cooperate with the new law would immediately become an outlaw. And immediate action could be taken against that non-citizen who doesn't comply. That would end the sanctuary city madness and give the federal government more tools to regain control over this out of control situation.

So there you have it — a fair plan to give good people a chance to stay here and earn citizenship down the road -- but a plan that also protects Americans. The No Spin immigration plan is, again, one page and not 800 pages. And it would work.

And that's "The Memo."
Those illegally in the country will not register. This was been tried before when amnesty was offered and very few applied. They certainly would not register now when it could lead to their deportation. The primary reason these people will not register is because they do not trust government, particular those from Central America who see people from the government as being little better than the criminals they fled from. No matter what you might promise most of them will not believe you. They will believe that when they register they be arrested and deported.

Most illegal immigrants in the country have lived here for 10 years or more. They have good jobs. They pay their taxes, speak the language, know the customs, have children, many being US citizens They are not going to believe that this country would deport them.

Contrary to the American beliefs, most foreigners are not just dying to come to America and make it their home. Many illegal immigrants are here to work a year or so and return home, or visit their girl friend, or family members. They don't want to live permanently in the US because this is not their home. They don't understand the language, the people or the customs. These people are certainly not going to take a chance by registering so they might become a permanent fixture.

Finally, the simple immigration solution you propose would be much more than 800 pages for many reasons. First off our laws would make it impossible to use the National Guard permanently at the border fully functioning as the border patrol does. Since it's permanent, the status, limits, and funding would have to be addressed. Second, you could not deport people for not registering without changing a bunch of laws and adding a new offence which would create even more legal considerations. Then there's your Z Vista that some group from the federal government will decide on who goes and who states. Who would make up that group, what would be their qualifications, how long do they serve, what criteria do they use in making their decision, what procedures would be followed, what is the appeal process, what is to done with US children, etc.. I've already generated 400 pages, and we haven't even got started.

this is horseshit., why because they never leave. If what you say is true, U wouldn't have to press one for english

And if you dont follow the law to get in, how can WE trust you to follow it once you're here?
I said most of them have been here for 10 years or longer. I also said many are here only for year or so. You should have learned the difference between most and many by the 3rd grade.

Committing a misdemeanor such as over staying a visa or spitting on the sidewalk does not imply that you will rape and pillage the countryside
Why would they register? [Illegal aliens]

After an interview, an ID card is issued giving the individual a temporary work permit.

Talking Points
The Immigration Bill Goes Down
Monday, June 11, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

The Senate completely blew this. They're at fault. The American people don't want an 800 page immigration bill loaded with a bunch of bullfeathers. The folks want clarity and a fair deal.

So it's no surprise the Senate's deal collapsed into chaos. And that is a bad thing for America, because now we'll have more of the same. Millions of people trying to sneak into the country and the feds having no idea who is here and what they're doing.

So right now, I'm going to give you the No Spin immigration solution. It is simple because, as you know, I am a simple man. There are just four components:

1) secure the southern border with 700, not 300 miles of barrier, double the border patrol and back them up with 10,000 National Guards people. That would effectively shut down human and drug smuggling from Mexico.

2) require all illegal aliens in the country right now to register at the post office with Homeland Security. After registering, they would be given a tamper proof ID card, designating their status and their right to work temporarily in the USA. If the illegal aliens do not register, it's a criminal felony. Right now sneaking across the border is a civil action. Remember that. Subjecting the person to immediate deportation or jail time. The criminal penalty goes way up

3) Any business that hires an illegal worker who doesn't have a tamper proof ID card faces draconian fines and possible prison time for the executives.

4) Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who's helping America and who isn't.

Under that banner, no illegal alien who commits a crime while here would be allowed to stay. Also under that program, no welfare of any kind would be paid to folks here illegally. They'd have to work for their living.

Now that is a fair immigration plan that I believe would be acceptable to most Americans. It would also allow the feds to quickly build a database, so Homeland Security would know the extent of the alien intrusion, which we don't know now.

Again, any illegal alien who didn't cooperate with the new law would immediately become an outlaw. And immediate action could be taken against that non-citizen who doesn't comply. That would end the sanctuary city madness and give the federal government more tools to regain control over this out of control situation.

So there you have it — a fair plan to give good people a chance to stay here and earn citizenship down the road -- but a plan that also protects Americans. The No Spin immigration plan is, again, one page and not 800 pages. And it would work.

And that's "The Memo."
Those illegally in the country will not register. This was been tried before when amnesty was offered and very few applied. They certainly would not register now when it could lead to their deportation. The primary reason these people will not register is because they do not trust government, particular those from Central America who see people from the government as being little better than the criminals they fled from. No matter what you might promise most of them will not believe you. They will believe that when they register they be arrested and deported.

Most illegal immigrants in the country have lived here for 10 years or more. They have good jobs. They pay their taxes, speak the language, know the customs, have children, many being US citizens They are not going to believe that this country would deport them.

Contrary to the American beliefs, most foreigners are not just dying to come to America and make it their home. Many illegal immigrants are here to work a year or so and return home, or visit their girl friend, or family members. They don't want to live permanently in the US because this is not their home. They don't understand the language, the people or the customs. These people are certainly not going to take a chance by registering so they might become a permanent fixture.

Finally, the simple immigration solution you propose would be much more than 800 pages for many reasons. First off our laws would make it impossible to use the National Guard permanently at the border fully functioning as the border patrol does. Since it's permanent, the status, limits, and funding would have to be addressed. Second, you could not deport people for not registering without changing a bunch of laws and adding a new offence which would create even more legal considerations. Then there's your Z Vista that some group from the federal government will decide on who goes and who states. Who would make up that group, what would be their qualifications, how long do they serve, what criteria do they use in making their decision, what procedures would be followed, what is the appeal process, what is to done with US children, etc.. I've already generated 400 pages, and we haven't even got started.

this is horseshit., why because they never leave. If what you say is true, U wouldn't have to press one for english

And if you dont follow the law to get in, how can WE trust you to follow it once you're here?
I said most of them have been here for 10 years or longer. I also said many are here only for year or so. You should have learned the difference between most and many by the 3rd grade.

Committing a misdemeanor such as over staying a visa or spitting on the sidewalk does not imply that you will rape and pillage the countryside

so is it over 10 or under one year? You lefties suck at arguing because you have to be deceptive.
Why would they register? [Illegal aliens]

After an interview, an ID card is issued giving the individual a temporary work permit.

Talking Points
The Immigration Bill Goes Down
Monday, June 11, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

The Senate completely blew this. They're at fault. The American people don't want an 800 page immigration bill loaded with a bunch of bullfeathers. The folks want clarity and a fair deal.

So it's no surprise the Senate's deal collapsed into chaos. And that is a bad thing for America, because now we'll have more of the same. Millions of people trying to sneak into the country and the feds having no idea who is here and what they're doing.

So right now, I'm going to give you the No Spin immigration solution. It is simple because, as you know, I am a simple man. There are just four components:

1) secure the southern border with 700, not 300 miles of barrier, double the border patrol and back them up with 10,000 National Guards people. That would effectively shut down human and drug smuggling from Mexico.

2) require all illegal aliens in the country right now to register at the post office with Homeland Security. After registering, they would be given a tamper proof ID card, designating their status and their right to work temporarily in the USA. If the illegal aliens do not register, it's a criminal felony. Right now sneaking across the border is a civil action. Remember that. Subjecting the person to immediate deportation or jail time. The criminal penalty goes way up

3) Any business that hires an illegal worker who doesn't have a tamper proof ID card faces draconian fines and possible prison time for the executives.

4) Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who's helping America and who isn't.

Under that banner, no illegal alien who commits a crime while here would be allowed to stay. Also under that program, no welfare of any kind would be paid to folks here illegally. They'd have to work for their living.

Now that is a fair immigration plan that I believe would be acceptable to most Americans. It would also allow the feds to quickly build a database, so Homeland Security would know the extent of the alien intrusion, which we don't know now.

Again, any illegal alien who didn't cooperate with the new law would immediately become an outlaw. And immediate action could be taken against that non-citizen who doesn't comply. That would end the sanctuary city madness and give the federal government more tools to regain control over this out of control situation.

So there you have it — a fair plan to give good people a chance to stay here and earn citizenship down the road -- but a plan that also protects Americans. The No Spin immigration plan is, again, one page and not 800 pages. And it would work.

And that's "The Memo."
Those illegally in country will not register. This was been tried before when amnesty was offered and very few applied. The primary reason is these people do not trust government, particular those from Central America who see people from the government as being little better than the criminals they fled from. No matter what you might promise most of them will not believe you. They will believe when they register they be arrested.

Most illegal immigrants in the country have lived here for 10 years or more. They have good jobs. They pay their taxes, speak the language, know the customs, have children, many being US citizens They are not going to believe that this country would deport them.

Contrary to the American beliefs, most foreigners are not just dying to come to America and make it their home. Many illegal immigrants are here to work a year or so and return home, or visit their girl friend, or family members. The don't want to live permanently in the US because this is not their home. They don't understand the language, the people or the customs. These people are certainly not going to take a chance on by registering so they might become a permanent fixture.

Finally, the simple immigration solution you propose would be much more than 800 pages for many reasons. First off our laws would make it impossible to use the National Guard permanently at the border fully functioning as the border patrol does. Since it's permanent, the status, limits, and funding would have to be addressed. Second, you could not deport people for not registering without changing a bunch of laws and adding a new offence which would create even more legal considerations. Then there's your Z Vista that some group from the federal government will decide on who goes and who states. Who would make up that group, what would be their qualifications, how long do they serve, what criteria do they use in making their decision, what procedures would be followed, what is the appeal process, what is to done with US children, etc.. I've already generated 400 pages, and we haven't even got started.

Go figure, I am not surprised that all you can do is whine and complain.

Illegal aliens, who have been here the longest, and with the best jobs would be the first to register. They have the most to lose. After the first 1,000 are arrested and deported, the rest would start to believe. Criminals are not going to register, so when they get picked up without proper ID, there is no loss.

As for the length, the only reason they are so long today (how long is our constitution?) is so that no one reads it and it can and is interpreted any which way.
All I can say is they were offered amnesty and all they had to do is apply and they didn't. Now you think they are going to apply when all they will get is a chance to stay. Not gonna happen.

Quite the contrary, there's just no way to write laws in a very simplified form, without being so general that it's impossible to interpret their meaning in a wide range of circumstances. Much of the complexity of laws is to avoid as you, say "interpreting any which way." All the "where is", "where for", and "being that" puts limits on the law so to keep it from being to general. Also laws should not contradict each other, otherwise the courts can't interpret them so congress limits the law to avoid conflicts or changes the conflicting law. However, one of the primary reasons for the length of bills is congress does not want to give some bureaucrat the power to take as long he wants to make a decision, pay any amount he chooses, fine any amount, ignore redress, or make arbitrary decisions.

And of course laws are long because deals have to be made in order to get laws past. One group of legislators will not support the bill unless it includes environmental requirements and another won't support it unless it addresses funding for another project, etc...
Why would they register? [Illegal aliens]

After an interview, an ID card is issued giving the individual a temporary work permit.

Talking Points
The Immigration Bill Goes Down
Monday, June 11, 2007

By Bill O'Reilly

The Senate completely blew this. They're at fault. The American people don't want an 800 page immigration bill loaded with a bunch of bullfeathers. The folks want clarity and a fair deal.

So it's no surprise the Senate's deal collapsed into chaos. And that is a bad thing for America, because now we'll have more of the same. Millions of people trying to sneak into the country and the feds having no idea who is here and what they're doing.

So right now, I'm going to give you the No Spin immigration solution. It is simple because, as you know, I am a simple man. There are just four components:

1) secure the southern border with 700, not 300 miles of barrier, double the border patrol and back them up with 10,000 National Guards people. That would effectively shut down human and drug smuggling from Mexico.

2) require all illegal aliens in the country right now to register at the post office with Homeland Security. After registering, they would be given a tamper proof ID card, designating their status and their right to work temporarily in the USA. If the illegal aliens do not register, it's a criminal felony. Right now sneaking across the border is a civil action. Remember that. Subjecting the person to immediate deportation or jail time. The criminal penalty goes way up

3) Any business that hires an illegal worker who doesn't have a tamper proof ID card faces draconian fines and possible prison time for the executives.

4) Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who's helping America and who isn't.

Under that banner, no illegal alien who commits a crime while here would be allowed to stay. Also under that program, no welfare of any kind would be paid to folks here illegally. They'd have to work for their living.

Now that is a fair immigration plan that I believe would be acceptable to most Americans. It would also allow the feds to quickly build a database, so Homeland Security would know the extent of the alien intrusion, which we don't know now.

Again, any illegal alien who didn't cooperate with the new law would immediately become an outlaw. And immediate action could be taken against that non-citizen who doesn't comply. That would end the sanctuary city madness and give the federal government more tools to regain control over this out of control situation.

So there you have it — a fair plan to give good people a chance to stay here and earn citizenship down the road -- but a plan that also protects Americans. The No Spin immigration plan is, again, one page and not 800 pages. And it would work.

And that's "The Memo."
Those illegally in country will not register. This was been tried before when amnesty was offered and very few applied. The primary reason is these people do not trust government, particular those from Central America who see people from the government as being little better than the criminals they fled from. No matter what you might promise most of them will not believe you. They will believe when they register they be arrested.

Most illegal immigrants in the country have lived here for 10 years or more. They have good jobs. They pay their taxes, speak the language, know the customs, have children, many being US citizens They are not going to believe that this country would deport them.

Contrary to the American beliefs, most foreigners are not just dying to come to America and make it their home. Many illegal immigrants are here to work a year or so and return home, or visit their girl friend, or family members. The don't want to live permanently in the US because this is not their home. They don't understand the language, the people or the customs. These people are certainly not going to take a chance on by registering so they might become a permanent fixture.

Finally, the simple immigration solution you propose would be much more than 800 pages for many reasons. First off our laws would make it impossible to use the National Guard permanently at the border fully functioning as the border patrol does. Since it's permanent, the status, limits, and funding would have to be addressed. Second, you could not deport people for not registering without changing a bunch of laws and adding a new offence which would create even more legal considerations. Then there's your Z Vista that some group from the federal government will decide on who goes and who states. Who would make up that group, what would be their qualifications, how long do they serve, what criteria do they use in making their decision, what procedures would be followed, what is the appeal process, what is to done with US children, etc.. I've already generated 400 pages, and we haven't even got started.

Go figure, I am not surprised that all you can do is whine and complain.

Illegal aliens, who have been here the longest, and with the best jobs would be the first to register. They have the most to lose. After the first 1,000 are arrested and deported, the rest would start to believe. Criminals are not going to register, so when they get picked up without proper ID, there is no loss.

As for the length, the only reason they are so long today (how long is our constitution?) is so that no one reads it and it can and is interpreted any which way.
All I can say is they were offered amnesty and all they had to do is apply and they didn't. Now you think they are going to apply when all they will get is a chance to stay. Not gonna happen.

Quite the contrary, there's just no way to write laws in a very simplified form, without being so general that it's impossible to interpret their meaning in a wide range of circumstances. Much of the complexity of laws is to avoid as you, say "interpreting any which way." All the "where is", "where for", and "being that" puts limits on the law so to keep it from being to general. Also laws should not contradict each other, otherwise the courts can't interpret them so congress limits the law to avoid conflicts or changes the conflicting law. However, one of the primary reasons for the length of bills is congress does not want to give some bureaucrat the power to take as long he wants to make a decision, pay any amount he chooses, fine any amount, ignore redress, or make arbitrary decisions.

And of course laws are long because deals have to be made in order to get laws past. One group of legislators will not support the bill unless it includes environmental requirements and another won't support it unless it addresses funding for another project, etc...


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