CDZ Why is socialilsm so attractive to younger voters?

Well, to begin with it is like the old adage....'if a socialist understood economics he would not be a socialist'

Albert Einstein was 70 when he wrote this (in 1949). He was neither young, inexperienced, or unintelligent.

Why Socialism? | Albert Einstein | Monthly Review


For the sake of simplicity, in the discussion that follows I shall call “workers” all those who do not share in the ownership of the means of production—although this does not quite correspond to the customary use of the term. The owner of the means of production is in a position to purchase the labor power of the worker. By using the means of production, the worker produces new goods which become the property of the capitalist. The essential point about this process is the relation between what the worker produces and what he is paid, both measured in terms of real value. Insofar as the labor contract is “free,” what the worker receives is determined not by the real value of the goods he produces, but by his minimum needs and by the capitalists’ requirements for labor power in relation to the number of workers competing for jobs. It is important to understand that even in theory the payment of the worker is not determined by the value of his product.

Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.

The situation prevailing in an economy based on the private ownership of capital is thus characterized by two main principles: first, means of production (capital) are privately owned and the owners dispose of them as they see fit; second, the labor contract is free. Of course, there is no such thing as a pure capitalist society in this sense. In particular, it should be noted that the workers, through long and bitter political struggles, have succeeded in securing a somewhat improved form of the “free labor contract” for certain categories of workers. But taken as a whole, the present day economy does not differ much from “pure” capitalism.

Production is carried on for profit, not for use. There is no provision that all those able and willing to work will always be in a position to find employment; an “army of unemployed” almost always exists. The worker is constantly in fear of losing his job. Since unemployed and poorly paid workers do not provide a profitable market, the production of consumers’ goods is restricted, and great hardship is the consequence. Technological progress frequently results in more unemployment rather than in an easing of the burden of work for all. The profit motive, in conjunction with competition among capitalists, is responsible for an instability in the accumulation and utilization of capital which leads to increasingly severe depressions. Unlimited competition leads to a huge waste of labor, and to that crippling of the social consciousness of individuals which I mentioned before.

This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career.

I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to remember that a planned economy is not yet socialism. A planned economy as such may be accompanied by the complete enslavement of the individual. The achievement of socialism requires the solution of some extremely difficult socio-political problems: how is it possible, in view of the far-reaching centralization of political and economic power, to prevent bureaucracy from becoming all-powerful and overweening? How can the rights of the individual be protected and therewith a democratic counterweight to the power of bureaucracy be assured?

Clarity about the aims and problems of socialism is of greatest significance in our age of transition. Since, under present circumstances, free and unhindered discussion of these problems has come under a powerful taboo, I consider the foundation of this magazine to be an important public service.
Well, to begin with it is like the old adage....'if a socialist understood economics he would not be a socialist'

Because academia that they are forced to attend and the media indoctrinates them

Add to the fact that they are young and no nothing about economics or how the world works and what you are left with are a bunch of socialists.
Socialism is attractive to the upper-crust elitist liberals and progressives because slumming is a form of catharsis. It makes them feel less guilty about having all the wonderful things they have.

Of course, the 150 million or so people who were murdered by variants of socialism would vehemently disagree with them, if they could.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?
Since Reagan left us with a top rate of 28%.
Well, to begin with it is like the old adage....'if a socialist understood economics he would not be a socialist'

Because academia that they are forced to attend and the media indoctrinates them

Add to the fact that they are young and no nothing about economics or how the world works and what you are left with are a bunch of socialists.
There are the educated who know the difference between socialism and communism, and then there are GOP doops like you.
Why are weed, partying all night, and souped up muscle cars so important to kids? Same reason as socialism is...lack of maturity.
Which answers the next question as to why liberals obsess on the “youth vote”...the smallest cohort out there.
Socialism is attractive to the upper-crust elitist liberals and progressives because slumming is a form of catharsis. It makes them feel less guilty about having all the wonderful things they have.

Of course, the 150 million or so people who were murdered by variants of socialism would vehemently disagree with them, if they could.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Riight...where does the money come from, Super-Dupe?
Not enough from the rich, who have the lowest tax rate of the rich in any country By far.
Why are weed, partying all night, and souped up muscle cars so important to kids? Same reason as socialism is...lack of maturity.
Which answers the next question as to why liberals obsess on the “youth vote”...the smallest cohort out there.
More like lack of being brainwashed by the greedy idiot GOP rich, super duper drone.
Socialism is attractive to the upper-crust elitist liberals and progressives because slumming is a form of catharsis. It makes them feel less guilty about having all the wonderful things they have.

Of course, the 150 million or so people who were murdered by variants of socialism would vehemently disagree with them, if they could.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?

True. The top ten percent earners in this country pay something like 70 percent of the government's income tax revenue.
Socialism is attractive to the upper-crust elitist liberals and progressives because slumming is a form of catharsis. It makes them feel less guilty about having all the wonderful things they have.

Of course, the 150 million or so people who were murdered by variants of socialism would vehemently disagree with them, if they could.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Riight...where does the money come from, Super-Dupe?
Not enough from the rich, who have the lowest tax rate of the rich in any country By far.

And that my friends, is why Led Zeppelin and The Beatles became American Citizens. And they kept a lotta money, too. Whole lotta money, Whole lotta money.

70%+ tax rate sucks.
Socialism is attractive to the upper-crust elitist liberals and progressives because slumming is a form of catharsis. It makes them feel less guilty about having all the wonderful things they have.

Of course, the 150 million or so people who were murdered by variants of socialism would vehemently disagree with them, if they could.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?

True. The top ten percent earners in this country pay something like 70 percent of the government's income tax revenue.
They also make 70% of the income, more and more all the time the last 35 years of GOP rule...
Socialism is attractive to the upper-crust elitist liberals and progressives because slumming is a form of catharsis. It makes them feel less guilty about having all the wonderful things they have.

Of course, the 150 million or so people who were murdered by variants of socialism would vehemently disagree with them, if they could.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Riight...where does the money come from, Super-Dupe?
Not enough from the rich, who have the lowest tax rate of the rich in any country By far.

And that my friends, is why Led Zeppelin and The Beatles became American Citizens. And they kept a lotta money, too. Whole lotta money, Whole lotta money.

70%+ tax rate sucks.
That was when America worked for the non rich. Great job Thomas GOP scumbags and silly dupes... Cutting taxes on the rich and services for the rest equals Banana Republic after a while we're getting there...
Socialism is attractive to the upper-crust elitist liberals and progressives because slumming is a form of catharsis. It makes them feel less guilty about having all the wonderful things they have.

Of course, the 150 million or so people who were murdered by variants of socialism would vehemently disagree with them, if they could.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?

True. The top ten percent earners in this country pay something like 70 percent of the government's income tax revenue.
The income tax is now a propaganda tool for for the giveaway to the rich GOP. We have never had such inequality.
Socialism is attractive to the upper-crust elitist liberals and progressives because slumming is a form of catharsis. It makes them feel less guilty about having all the wonderful things they have.

Of course, the 150 million or so people who were murdered by variants of socialism would vehemently disagree with them, if they could.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?

True. The top ten percent earners in this country pay something like 70 percent of the government's income tax revenue.
They also make 70% of the income, more and more all the time the last 35 years of GOP rule...

Socialism is attractive to the upper-crust elitist liberals and progressives because slumming is a form of catharsis. It makes them feel less guilty about having all the wonderful things they have.

Of course, the 150 million or so people who were murdered by variants of socialism would vehemently disagree with them, if they could.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?

True. The top ten percent earners in this country pay something like 70 percent of the government's income tax revenue.
The income tax is now a propaganda tool for for the giveaway to the rich GOP. We have never had such inequality.

Duly noted that FrancoFuck is of the opinion that just because people make a little more money that they should get hammered to death with taxes.

PS: Franco is a faggot.
Because they are indoctrinated by hard left winger propogandists and don't know better.
That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?

True. The top ten percent earners in this country pay something like 70 percent of the government's income tax revenue.
They also make 70% of the income, more and more all the time the last 35 years of GOP rule...

That's not socialism, that is communism,, dope. Another stupid thred where the dupes don't know the difference. Socialism is always democratic communism never.
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?

True. The top ten percent earners in this country pay something like 70 percent of the government's income tax revenue.
The income tax is now a propaganda tool for for the giveaway to the rich GOP. We have never had such inequality.

Duly noted that FrancoFuck is of the opinion that just because people make a little more money that they should get hammered to death with taxes.

PS: Franco is a faggot.
Seriously what is wrong with you, hater Dupe. LOL! The poor Rich You dupes just adore... Getting 99% of New Wealth while wrecking the country. Great job! The Heat getting to you down there. Come to beautiful cool Western New York. You appear to hate everyone LOL... You need a good democratic tax cut and cheap training for your nephews and better roads to save on repairs on your car. How about a 5 week vacation and
have great health care for 9% of your salary in taxes... All that or keep kissing greedy idiot Mega rich GOP ass. Oh no more illegals coming in or working. Get a grip
The Democratic party betrayed the White Working Class and the recognition of that gave birth to today's populism in America which of course allowed Donald Trump to win the Presidency.

Inequality in wages and salaries exploded under the democrats.... Jobs and whole factories were transferred overseas. The more the stock market rose the more the white working class was crushed by globalization.

And all of this has occurred exactly as Democrats engineered it. Stuff happens, they say. The truth hurts ...doesn't it? Especially for the diehard democrats.

The elite professional class, in the 1950s one of the Republican party’s most reliable constituencies, became the very heart of the Democrats by the 1990s. The party of labor morphed into the party of lawyers. This didn’t happen by accident.

In his new book “Listen, Liberal, Or Whatever Happened to the Party of the People,” progressive commentator Thomas Frank (author of “What’s the Matter With Kansas?”) says Democrats need to take a good long look in the mirror if they want answers to why blue-collar workers are feeling abandoned and even infuriated by what used to be their party.

Blue-collar voters are now backing Donald Trump, who is sketching out the problem with America in exactly the terms they agree with: Jobs are going to Mexico, unchecked illegal immigration and free trade are driving down the wages of working-class Americans, or costing them their jobs outright.

There is some enticing evidence for Frank’s claim that Democrats deliberately shunned American workers. He points to a 1971 manifesto by Democratic strategist Frederick Dutton, who wrote that workers had become the enemy because they were “the principal group arrayed against the forces of change.”

The Colorado Democrat Gary Hart, one of the many elected to Congress in 1974 as a reaction to Watergate, called his standard stump speech “The End of the New Deal” and President Jimmy Carter’s adviser Alfred Kahn wrote, “I’d love the Teamsters to be worse off. I’d love the automobile workers to be worse off. . . . I want to eliminate a situation in which certain protected workers in industries insulated from competition can increase their wages much more rapidly than the average.”

The centrist Democratic Leadership Council announced a “postindustrial, global economy” as it re-arranged the party to be friendly to business and trade, and President Bill Clinton, deregulated finance via repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and passage of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which Frank blames for the Enron debacle and the 2008 banking crisis.

Such changes made the champagne flow for the urban professionals even as the workers were left parched. In a 1993 episode that Frank identifies as a turning point, the Clinton administration did nothing to help striking workers at two big plants in Decatur, Ill. On the scene, a worker turned to Frank and said this was labor’s last stand: “If we don’t do it, then the middle class as we know it in this country will die. There will be two classes, and it will be the very, very poor and the very, very rich.”

From the bestselling author of What’s the Matter With Kansas, a scathing look at the failures of liberal politics, a book that helps explain the shocking outcome of the 2016 presidential election

It is a widespread belief among liberals that if only Democrats can continue to dominate national elections, if only those awful Republicans are beaten into submission, the country will be on the right course.

But this is to fundamentally misunderstand the modern Democratic Party. Drawing on years of research and first-hand reporting, Frank points out that the Democrats have done little to advance traditional liberal goals: expanding opportunity, fighting for social justice, and ensuring that workers get a fair deal. Indeed, they have scarcely dented the free-market consensus at all. This is not for lack of opportunity: Democrats have occupied the White House for sixteen of the last twenty-four years, and yet the decline of the middle class has only accelerated. Wall Street gets its bailouts, wages keep falling, and the free-trade deals keep coming.

With his trademark sardonic wit and lacerating logic, Frank's Listen, Liberal lays bare the essence of the Democratic Party's philosophy and how it has changed over the years. A form of corporate and cultural elitism has largely eclipsed the party's old white working-class commitment, he finds. For certain favored groups, this has meant prosperity. But for the nation as a whole, it is a one-way ticket into the abyss of inequality. In this critical election year, Frank recalls the Democrats to their historic goals-the only way to reverse the ever-deepening rift between the rich and the poor in America.


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The Democratic party betrayed the White Working Class and the recognition of that gave birth to today's populism in America which of course allowed Donald Trump to win the Presidency.

Inequality in wages and salaries exploded under the democrats.... Jobs and whole factories were transferred overseas. The more the stock market rose the more the white working class was crushed by globalization.

And all of this has occurred exactly as Democrats engineered it. Stuff happens, they say. The truth hurts ...doesn't it? Especially for the diehard democrats.

The elite professional class, in the 1950s one of the Republican party’s most reliable constituencies, became the very heart of the Democrats by the 1990s. The party of labor morphed into the party of lawyers. This didn’t happen by accident.

In his new book “Listen, Liberal, Or Whatever Happened to the Party of the People,” progressive commentator Thomas Frank (author of “What’s the Matter With Kansas?”) says Democrats need to take a good long look in the mirror if they want answers to why blue-collar workers are feeling abandoned and even infuriated by what used to be their party.

Blue-collar voters are now backing Donald Trump, who is sketching out the problem with America in exactly the terms they agree with: Jobs are going to Mexico, unchecked illegal immigration and free trade are driving down the wages of working-class Americans, or costing them their jobs outright.

There is some enticing evidence for Frank’s claim that Democrats deliberately shunned American workers. He points to a 1971 manifesto by Democratic strategist Frederick Dutton, who wrote that workers had become the enemy because they were “the principal group arrayed against the forces of change.”

The Colorado Democrat Gary Hart, one of the many elected to Congress in 1974 as a reaction to Watergate, called his standard stump speech “The End of the New Deal” and President Jimmy Carter’s adviser Alfred Kahn wrote, “I’d love the Teamsters to be worse off. I’d love the automobile workers to be worse off. . . . I want to eliminate a situation in which certain protected workers in industries insulated from competition can increase their wages much more rapidly than the average.”

The centrist Democratic Leadership Council announced a “postindustrial, global economy” as it re-arranged the party to be friendly to business and trade, and President Bill Clinton, deregulated finance via repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and passage of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which Frank blames for the Enron debacle and the 2008 banking crisis.

Such changes made the champagne flow for the urban professionals even as the workers were left parched. In a 1993 episode that Frank identifies as a turning point, the Clinton administration did nothing to help striking workers at two big plants in Decatur, Ill. On the scene, a worker turned to Frank and said this was labor’s last stand: “If we don’t do it, then the middle class as we know it in this country will die. There will be two classes, and it will be the very, very poor and the very, very rich.”

From the bestselling author of What’s the Matter With Kansas, a scathing look at the failures of liberal politics, a book that helps explain the shocking outcome of the 2016 presidential election

It is a widespread belief among liberals that if only Democrats can continue to dominate national elections, if only those awful Republicans are beaten into submission, the country will be on the right course.

But this is to fundamentally misunderstand the modern Democratic Party. Drawing on years of research and first-hand reporting, Frank points out that the Democrats have done little to advance traditional liberal goals: expanding opportunity, fighting for social justice, and ensuring that workers get a fair deal. Indeed, they have scarcely dented the free-market consensus at all. This is not for lack of opportunity: Democrats have occupied the White House for sixteen of the last twenty-four years, and yet the decline of the middle class has only accelerated. Wall Street gets its bailouts, wages keep falling, and the free-trade deals keep coming.

With his trademark sardonic wit and lacerating logic, Frank's Listen, Liberal lays bare the essence of the Democratic Party's philosophy and how it has changed over the years. A form of corporate and cultural elitism has largely eclipsed the party's old white working-class commitment, he finds. For certain favored groups, this has meant prosperity. But for the nation as a whole, it is a one-way ticket into the abyss of inequality. In this critical election year, Frank recalls the Democrats to their historic goals-the only way to reverse the ever-deepening rift between the rich and the poor in America.
What a pile of crap LOL. Inequality has grown since Reagan. Under GOP dominance and tax rates give away to the rich and cuts in services for the rest.
The Democratic party betrayed the White Working Class and the recognition of that gave birth to today's populism in America which of course allowed Donald Trump to win the Presidency.

Inequality in wages and salaries exploded under the democrats.... Jobs and whole factories were transferred overseas. The more the stock market rose the more the white working class was crushed by globalization.

And all of this has occurred exactly as Democrats engineered it. Stuff happens, they say. The truth hurts ...doesn't it? Especially for the diehard democrats.

The elite professional class, in the 1950s one of the Republican party’s most reliable constituencies, became the very heart of the Democrats by the 1990s. The party of labor morphed into the party of lawyers. This didn’t happen by accident.

In his new book “Listen, Liberal, Or Whatever Happened to the Party of the People,” progressive commentator Thomas Frank (author of “What’s the Matter With Kansas?”) says Democrats need to take a good long look in the mirror if they want answers to why blue-collar workers are feeling abandoned and even infuriated by what used to be their party.

Blue-collar voters are now backing Donald Trump, who is sketching out the problem with America in exactly the terms they agree with: Jobs are going to Mexico, unchecked illegal immigration and free trade are driving down the wages of working-class Americans, or costing them their jobs outright.

There is some enticing evidence for Frank’s claim that Democrats deliberately shunned American workers. He points to a 1971 manifesto by Democratic strategist Frederick Dutton, who wrote that workers had become the enemy because they were “the principal group arrayed against the forces of change.”

The Colorado Democrat Gary Hart, one of the many elected to Congress in 1974 as a reaction to Watergate, called his standard stump speech “The End of the New Deal” and President Jimmy Carter’s adviser Alfred Kahn wrote, “I’d love the Teamsters to be worse off. I’d love the automobile workers to be worse off. . . . I want to eliminate a situation in which certain protected workers in industries insulated from competition can increase their wages much more rapidly than the average.”

The centrist Democratic Leadership Council announced a “postindustrial, global economy” as it re-arranged the party to be friendly to business and trade, and President Bill Clinton, deregulated finance via repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and passage of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which Frank blames for the Enron debacle and the 2008 banking crisis.

Such changes made the champagne flow for the urban professionals even as the workers were left parched. In a 1993 episode that Frank identifies as a turning point, the Clinton administration did nothing to help striking workers at two big plants in Decatur, Ill. On the scene, a worker turned to Frank and said this was labor’s last stand: “If we don’t do it, then the middle class as we know it in this country will die. There will be two classes, and it will be the very, very poor and the very, very rich.”

From the bestselling author of What’s the Matter With Kansas, a scathing look at the failures of liberal politics, a book that helps explain the shocking outcome of the 2016 presidential election

It is a widespread belief among liberals that if only Democrats can continue to dominate national elections, if only those awful Republicans are beaten into submission, the country will be on the right course.

But this is to fundamentally misunderstand the modern Democratic Party. Drawing on years of research and first-hand reporting, Frank points out that the Democrats have done little to advance traditional liberal goals: expanding opportunity, fighting for social justice, and ensuring that workers get a fair deal. Indeed, they have scarcely dented the free-market consensus at all. This is not for lack of opportunity: Democrats have occupied the White House for sixteen of the last twenty-four years, and yet the decline of the middle class has only accelerated. Wall Street gets its bailouts, wages keep falling, and the free-trade deals keep coming.

With his trademark sardonic wit and lacerating logic, Frank's Listen, Liberal lays bare the essence of the Democratic Party's philosophy and how it has changed over the years. A form of corporate and cultural elitism has largely eclipsed the party's old white working-class commitment, he finds. For certain favored groups, this has meant prosperity. But for the nation as a whole, it is a one-way ticket into the abyss of inequality. In this critical election year, Frank recalls the Democrats to their historic goals-the only way to reverse the ever-deepening rift between the rich and the poor in America.
The point is Reagan cut the highest rate from 70% to 28% and it has stay below 40 ever since. NOT ENOUGH!
Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?

True. The top ten percent earners in this country pay something like 70 percent of the government's income tax revenue.
They also make 70% of the income, more and more all the time the last 35 years of GOP rule...

Socialism is just fair capitalism perhaps nationalization of Health and energy, with a good safety net, like every other successful modern country. 5 week vacations good health care good day care family leave paid, cheap training and College, good infrastructure have the rich paying more than the middle class in taxes. You people are brainwashed Twits.

Since when doesn't the rich pay more then the middle class?

True. The top ten percent earners in this country pay something like 70 percent of the government's income tax revenue.
The income tax is now a propaganda tool for for the giveaway to the rich GOP. We have never had such inequality.

Duly noted that FrancoFuck is of the opinion that just because people make a little more money that they should get hammered to death with taxes.

PS: Franco is a faggot.
Seriously what is wrong with you, hater Dupe. LOL! The poor Rich You dupes just adore... Getting 99% of New Wealth while wrecking the country. Great job! The Heat getting to you down there. Come to beautiful cool Western New York. You appear to hate everyone LOL... You need a good democratic tax cut and cheap training for your nephews and better roads to save on repairs on your car. How about a 5 week vacation and
have great health care for 9% of your salary in taxes... All that or keep kissing greedy idiot Mega rich GOP ass. Oh no more illegals coming in or working. Get a grip
You are attempting to discuss with the unhinged. When money and riches are the highest good and measure of human worthiness, the sickness is too ingrained to be rationally dislodged.
There is no blindness like the willing refusal to see. When children insist on playing with their feces, the sight and odor of it repulses. Better to work around them and do one's best to see that the malady does not spread.
P.S. Out with the two party dictatorship.

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