Why is everyone afraid of finger-pointing...?

There are all kinds of fundamentalist, extremist Christian leaders too. We don't stop them. You want to be ignorant, you want to hate. You don't want to know the truth.

God, this tired, lame liberal argument again. Sit down and write a list of people murdered by Muslim extremists over the last few decades. Now sit down and write a list of people murdered by Christian extremists over the last few decades.

And to eliminate another tired, lame liberal argument before it happens, McVey wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion.

Just because there aren't Christian extremist going around killing people, does not mean that there are not extremist in every religion. And if you don't believe that then you are just naive.
1. wrong comparison.....i never raped anybody before......radical Islamics HAVE killed thousands of Americans...not to mention many bombings of innocents in Europe and elsewhere...

So you get judged as an individual but Muslims must be judged as a monolithic group? You may not have raped, but white Christian males have and do.

what major 'religion' besides Islam condones raping and killing the 'infidel'......?

I implore you to find in the Qua-ran where it condones raping infidels. Killing them yes, but raping them no. And Jews also would be okay with killing those who did not convert. Although in both Judaism and Islam, there can be a tax levied on non-believers, if they do not submit to the religion.
It seems all over in the media that everyone (except BO/Axelrod blaming the Tea Party) is tippy-toeing around saying who they think bombed the Boston Marathon....why the hell is that...?

Have we been fighting a War or not....? Do we have enemies or not....? Why can't anyone finger-point to our enemies...? they deserve every frikkin finger-pointing we can give them....or are we that idiotical PC....?

Why is it media people can't rightly point out as suspects the Islamic radicals...?
...after all...they are the ones who already bombed the Twin Towers and killed 3,000 of our people.....as far as I'm concerned they can be blamed automatically for any bombing over the next 100 years.....:evil:

if it turns out to not be them but some other anti-Americans.....oh well too bad....

The logical profile, taking all into consideration, would be to look for someone who looks like Tim McVeigh.

There ya go SE, some finger pointing for you. Veiled though it may be, we all know what NY is getting at...

What I'm getting at is that a logical objective assessment of the timing and nature of the attack leads one to logically point fingers at domestic rightwing terrorism.

In case you missed it, the OP was complaining that fingerpointing is NOT occurring. I was accommodating his lament.
It seems all over in the media that everyone (except BO/Axelrod blaming the Tea Party) is tippy-toeing around saying who they think bombed the Boston Marathon....why the hell is that...?

Have we been fighting a War or not....? Do we have enemies or not....? Why can't anyone finger-point to our enemies...? they deserve every frikkin finger-pointing we can give them....or are we that idiotical PC....?

Why is it media people can't rightly point out as suspects the Islamic radicals...?
...after all...they are the ones who already bombed the Twin Towers and killed 3,000 of our people.....as far as I'm concerned they can be blamed automatically for any bombing over the next 100 years.....:evil:

if it turns out to not be them but some other anti-Americans.....oh well too bad....

The logical profile, taking all into consideration, would be to look for someone who looks like Tim McVeigh.

There ya go SE, some finger pointing for you. Veiled though it may be, we all know what NY is getting at...

yes....fine by me if he wants to fingerpoint homegrown nutballs...i'm not saying it couldn't be one....just dont' try to shut up those of us who fingerpoint radical Islamists as logical suspects....else explain why we have military in the ME....?

oh wait.....BO won the war didn't he....? :lol:
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So you get judged as an individual but Muslims must be judged as a monolithic group? You may not have raped, but white Christian males have and do.

what major 'religion' besides Islam condones raping and killing the 'infidel'......?

I implore you to find in the Qua-ran where it condones raping infidels. Killing them yes, but raping them no. And Jews also would be okay with killing those who did not convert. Although in both Judaism and Islam, there can be a tax levied on non-believers, if they do not submit to the religion.

killing infidels is OK.....but raping them is not....? :cuckoo:

obviously leaders of Islam read it differently....

Considering that in late November last year, when many Egyptians were protesting President Morsi’s Sharia-heavy constitution and the Muslim Brotherhood responded by paying gangs and thugs to rape protesting women in the streets, anecdotes like the above are becoming commonplace. Indeed, to appreciate the regularization of sexual harassment and rape in Egypt, consider the words of popular Salafi preacher Abu Islam, who openly, and very sarcastically, blamed the victims:

“They tell you women are a red line. They tell you that naked women—who are going to Tahrir Square because they want to be raped—are a red line! And they ask Mursi and the Brotherhood to leave power!” Abu Islam added that these women activists are going to Tahrir Square not to protest but to be sexually abused because they had wanted to be raped. “They have no shame, no fear and not even feminism. Practice your feminism, sheikha! It is a legitimate right for you to be a woman,” he said. “And by the way, 90 percent of them are crusaders [i.e. Christian Copts] and the remaining 10 percent are widows who have no one to control them. You see women talking like monsters,” he added.

Is this Islam’s idea of peace? It must be as I hear no one speaking out against these atrocities. Instead, I see Islamic men putting forth and sagely nodding in agreement: “They had it coming.” This is also happening here in the United States. The media squelches it and the Progressive Left silently condones it by ignoring it or screaming ‘racism’ when it is brought into the light of day. Liberalism and Islam – the rapist’s best friend.

We have set loose the Islamic Dogs of War. They are using gang-rape to subjugate infidels and those that resist. Will we meekly submit to our women being defiled? Where are the warriors to defend them? Every rapist should immediately be executed and violently. It is a sad statement that we even have to discuss this and that this is being allowed to happen. Is this what we want for our daughters, mothers and all other women we care about? Women are not spoils of war and evil needs to be met with commensurate force. We need to start doing what is right no matter how difficult, unpopular or ‘final’ it is. Just what don’t we understand about being at war with radical Islam?

Islamic Dogs of War ? The Use Of Gang-Rape to Subjugate Infidels and Those that Resist
There are all kinds of fundamentalist, extremist Christian leaders too. We don't stop them. You want to be ignorant, you want to hate. You don't want to know the truth.

God, this tired, lame liberal argument again. Sit down and write a list of people murdered by Muslim extremists over the last few decades. Now sit down and write a list of people murdered by Christian extremists over the last few decades.
Yeah....how convenient.....limiting it to....


I laughed out loud. What a moron.
1. wrong comparison.....i never raped anybody before......radical Islamics HAVE killed thousands of Americans...not to mention many bombings of innocents in Europe and elsewhere...

So you get judged as an individual but Muslims must be judged as a monolithic group? You may not have raped, but white Christian males have and do.

not all muslims are terrorists, but the vast majority of terrorists are muslims. Why is that simple truth so hard for you libtards to grasp?

Typically, oppression breeds terrorism, and Muslim countries are a breeding ground for oppression.
There are all kinds of fundamentalist, extremist Christian leaders too. We don't stop them. You want to be ignorant, you want to hate. You don't want to know the truth.

God, this tired, lame liberal argument again. Sit down and write a list of people murdered by Muslim extremists over the last few decades. Now sit down and write a list of people murdered by Christian extremists over the last few decades.

And to eliminate another tired, lame liberal argument before it happens, McVey wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion.

Just because there aren't Christian extremist going around killing people, does not mean that there are not extremist in every religion. And if you don't believe that then you are just naive.

The topic of the discussion was fundamentalist Muslims killing people. So your comment while true is completely irrelevant to the discussion.
If you want a basis for 'fingerpointing', ask yourself this,

does the attack look more like the work of a Bin Laden, or an Eric Rudolph?

Does it look more like NYC September 2001, or Oklahoma City April 1995?

Be objective.
It seems all over in the media that everyone (except BO/Axelrod blaming the Tea Party) is tippy-toeing around saying who they think bombed the Boston Marathon....why the hell is that...?

Have we been fighting a War or not....? Do we have enemies or not....? Why can't anyone finger-point to our enemies...? they deserve every frikkin finger-pointing we can give them....or are we that idiotical PC....?

Why is it media people can't rightly point out as suspects the Islamic radicals...?
...after all...they are the ones who already bombed the Twin Towers and killed 3,000 of our people.....as far as I'm concerned they can be blamed automatically for any bombing over the next 100 years.....:evil:

if it turns out to not be them but some other anti-Americans.....oh well too bad....

Why is everyone afraid of finger-pointing...?

It has nothing to do with being ‘afraid,’ simply an understanding that in the United States one is innocent until proven guilty, including Muslims.

It’s respect for the rule of law, something you and other conservatives clearly don’t understand.
However, when one is under attack by a group of people, say, MUSLIMS, then one is justified when one takes precautions to defend oneself from them.
I think it's very important to know what side one is on.

It's very silly to be on the Muslims' side!!

You'd be sorry if you had to live under their oppressions.

Get on the side of Western Civilization and the Enlightenment! You are so on the wrong side if you are rooting for the Muslims. We need you. Join us.

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