Why Is Congress Largely Ignoring Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Why Is Congress Ignoring Evidence of A Crime That Threatened / Threatens National Security?

"House investigators concluded that Democratic IT aides made unauthorized access to congressional servers in 2016, allegedly accessing the data of members for whom they did not work, logging in as members of Congress themselves, and covering their tracks, according to a presentation summarizing the findings of a four-month internal probe.

Their behavior mirrored a “classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization,” and they continued even after orders to stop, the briefing materials allege. There are indications that numerous members’ data may have been secretly residing not on their designated servers, but instead aggregated onto one server, according to the briefing and other sources. Authorities said that the entire server was then physically stolen."

WHY, as evidence now shows, did Democratic Leadership 'misrepresent' (LIE) the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft and attempt to cover it up? (More Democrat cover up of foreign enemy crime against the US...)

"When acting on the findings, Democratic leadership appear to have misrepresented the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft, a comparison of the investigators’ findings with Democrats’ recollections and a committee’s public statement shows, leading 44 Democrats to not conduct protective measures typically taken after a breach — including informing constituents whose personal information may have been exposed."

By Democratic Leaders telling their members it was only 'theft' and not an illegal breech perpetrated by terrorist-connected Pakistani spies, the Democrats were in essence helping the Pakistani spies to get away with their crimes!

House Report Concluded Pakistanis Made ‘Unauthorized Access’ To Congressional Servers
Pakistani Spy - Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - Hillary Clinton Campaign Connection?

Obama left the DNC $24 million in Debt, allowing Hillary to 'BUY' the DNC.

DWS was the Chairwoman of the DNC, so, in essence, Hillary 'BOGHT' DWS.

The Pakistani spies worked for DWS, and SHE gave them illegal access to House files and DNC e-mails.

After the entire scandal blew up and DWS was fired, Hillary immediately hired her to come work for her campaign while all but one Pakistani spy fled to Pakistan where they are being given protection.

"House’s Office of the Inspector General, reported under the bold heading “UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS” that “5 shared employee system administrators have collectively logged into 15 member offices and the Democratic Caucus although they were not employed by the offices they accessed.”

"It found indications that a House “server is being used for nefarious purposes and elevated the risk that individuals could be reading and/or removing information” and “could be used to store documents taken from other offices.” The server was that of the House Democratic Caucus, a sister group of the DNC that was run at the time by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra."

...shortly before the election, their alleged behavior got even worse. “During September 2016, shared employee continued to use Democratic Caucus computers in anomalous ways:

  • Logged onto laptop as system administrator
  • Changed identity and logged onto Democratic Caucus server using 17 other user account credentials
  • Some credentials belonged to Members
  • The shared employee did not work for 9 of the 17 offices to which these user accounts belonged.”


"The statements of numerous Democrats indicate that the Democratic staff of the House Administration Committee and other House officials may have withheld information about cybersecurity breaches from members who employed the suspects, and appear to have misled them about the basic nature of the investigation."

Why Is Congress Ignoring Evidence of A Crime That Threatened / Threatens National Security?

"House investigators concluded that Democratic IT aides made unauthorized access to congressional servers in 2016, allegedly accessing the data of members for whom they did not work, logging in as members of Congress themselves, and covering their tracks, according to a presentation summarizing the findings of a four-month internal probe.

Their behavior mirrored a “classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization,” and they continued even after orders to stop, the briefing materials allege. There are indications that numerous members’ data may have been secretly residing not on their designated servers, but instead aggregated onto one server, according to the briefing and other sources. Authorities said that the entire server was then physically stolen."

WHY, as evidence now shows, did Democratic Leadership 'misrepresent' (LIE) the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft and attempt to cover it up? (More Democrat cover up of foreign enemy crime against the US...)

"When acting on the findings, Democratic leadership appear to have misrepresented the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft, a comparison of the investigators’ findings with Democrats’ recollections and a committee’s public statement shows, leading 44 Democrats to not conduct protective measures typically taken after a breach — including informing constituents whose personal information may have been exposed."

By Democratic Leaders telling their members it was only 'theft' and not an illegal breech perpetrated by terrorist-connected Pakistani spies, the Democrats were in essence helping the Pakistani spies to get away with their crimes!

House Report Concluded Pakistanis Made ‘Unauthorized Access’ To Congressional Servers

Because, Sergei, the only spy ring is your boss, vlad and his useful idiots in Donald's administration.

here's a cookie....

Man. In the age of Trump with all the winning, you'd think his supporters would try to focus on the present. You'd think they would be more optimistic and upbeat.

“This is the first I’ve heard about that,” said Missouri Democratic Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver — who employed almost every member of the Awan group — of cybersecurity issues.

“The only thing I’m aware of is that he’s being charged with bank fraud,” Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro, who employed Jamal and is a member of the intelligence committee, told TheDCNF. “Do you have evidence that there’s anything more than a bank investigation? If someone’s given you a document to that effect, please give it to me.”

See, this clown is supposed to have hired almost every member of the Pakistani Spy ring yet had no clue who they were or what they were doing.

Even after they had been banned from the House and an espionage investigation had been opened on them Democrats refused to fire them, and DWS gave them illegal access AGAIN to House files and DNC files / e-mails.

"There is no scenario where the access was appropriate because House members are not allowed to accept services from people not on their payroll and employees are not permitted to log in to servers of members for whom they do not work. The presentation notes that such House polices are codified in law.

But nearly a year later, there have been no criminal charges related to House IT. Two of the suspects were indicted for bank fraud in July after prosecutors said they transferred money from the House bank to Pakistan and tried to flee the country.

There are strong indications that many of the 44 members’ data — including personal information of constituents seeking help — was entirely out of those members’ possession, and instead was stored on the House Democratic Caucus server. The aggregation of multiple members’ data would mean all that data was absconded with (BIG TERM / WORDS MEANING 'STOLEN'), because authorities said
that entire server physically disappeared while it was being monitored by police."

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Mrs. Amran flew back to the US, nobodies ignoring it, it's just being done correctly.
Awan's passport has been taken so he can't leave the country. Other members of the sspy ring fled to Pakistan where they are still being protected by the govt.

Everyone is ignoring your mindless conspiracy theory because it's utter bullshit.

There is no "spy ring".
They down loaded massive amounts of terabytes. This entire sites runs on just 8 terabytes!
It WAS down loaded by group thus qualifies as a " ring". And they had direct access to EVERY Democrats computer or their password. And that gives them access to EVERY government department and agency.

The mindless are the ones ignoring it. The mindless are saying nothing to see here. Yeah, there is something to see and the digging is just begun.
Why Is Congress Largely Ignoring Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring?

Because Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell hate you.
Obama's FBI, who for some reason gave jurisdiction in this case to the Keystone Cop Capitol Police - the dumbasses who let the server disappear WHILE THEY WERE MONITORING IT.

Again, the Obama administration allowed enemies of this country rape, pillage, and steal and get away with it while Democrats were once again trying to cover-up another crime.
Right-Wing U.S. Sites Spread Russian Fake News, Says Sputnik ...
Sep 13, 2017 - “And they get picked up by other American outlets – by Infowars, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of ... like Infowars and Breitbart often repeat stories from Russian state news outlets, with Trump and associates in some cases citing Russian propaganda.
Except, unlike every accusation snowflakes have made - like with the Mueller investigation, evidence actually exists proving all of this.
The mindless are the ones ignoring it. The mindless are saying nothing to see here. Yeah, there is something to see and the digging is just begun.

may I use that paragraph above, every time you morons call the Mueller investigation a "nothing burger"???????................LOL
Why Is Congress Ignoring Evidence of A Crime That Threatened / Threatens National Security?

"House investigators concluded that Democratic IT aides made unauthorized access to congressional servers in 2016, allegedly accessing the data of members for whom they did not work, logging in as members of Congress themselves, and covering their tracks, according to a presentation summarizing the findings of a four-month internal probe.

Their behavior mirrored a “classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization,” and they continued even after orders to stop, the briefing materials allege. There are indications that numerous members’ data may have been secretly residing not on their designated servers, but instead aggregated onto one server, according to the briefing and other sources. Authorities said that the entire server was then physically stolen."

WHY, as evidence now shows, did Democratic Leadership 'misrepresent' (LIE) the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft and attempt to cover it up? (More Democrat cover up of foreign enemy crime against the US...)

"When acting on the findings, Democratic leadership appear to have misrepresented the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft, a comparison of the investigators’ findings with Democrats’ recollections and a committee’s public statement shows, leading 44 Democrats to not conduct protective measures typically taken after a breach — including informing constituents whose personal information may have been exposed."

By Democratic Leaders telling their members it was only 'theft' and not an illegal breech perpetrated by terrorist-connected Pakistani spies, the Democrats were in essence helping the Pakistani spies to get away with their crimes!

House Report Concluded Pakistanis Made ‘Unauthorized Access’ To Congressional Servers

Because, Sergei, the only spy ring is your boss, vlad and his useful idiots in Donald's administration.

here's a cookie....

Because, Sergei, the only spy ring is your boss, vlad and his useful idiots in Donald's administration.

This is the first I’ve heard about that,” said Missouri Democratic Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver — who employed almost every member of the Awan group — of cybersecurity issues."

When the scandal broke, just a little general investigation / background checks revealed the Awans were connected to terrorist Hezbollah:

'the Awans controlled a limited liability corporation called Cars International A (CIA), a car dealership with odd finances that took, but did not repay, a $100,000 loan from one Dr. Ali Al-Attar. According to Raisley, laundering money through used car dealerships is a known Hezbollah tactic.

Raisley also cites a former CIA officer who says Dr. Attar, the man who loaned the Awans car dealership $100,000, “was observed in Beirut, Lebanon conversing with a Hezbollah official” in 2012, shortly after the loan was made.'

So now you have this ass-clown and DWS hiring Hezbollah terrorist-connected 'IT Professionals', giving them illegal access to House servers / files and DNC e-mails? Yet he don't know nothin'.....

I guess, like Hillary, he was too stupid to know he was breaking the law?! :p
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Why Is Congress Largely Ignoring Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring?
Some suggestions about why:
  • Because they aren't given to talking conspiracy theories, most especially not with regard to people who matter little or not at all.
  • Because handling espionage matters falls within the USIC's purview.
  • Because Congress is a political body that isn't well suited to investigating things that have little to no political "red meat" on the bone, so to speak.
  • They have bigger fish to fry, as it were.
  • Because Rosiak's journalism hasn't risen to level of quality and rigor shown by the likes of Maggie Haberman, Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward, and others who, unlike Rosiak, are "no joke."
Why Is Congress Largely Ignoring Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring?

Because Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell hate you.
Obama's FBI, who for some reason gave jurisdiction in this case to the Keystone Cop Capitol Police - the dumbasses who let the server disappear WHILE THEY WERE MONITORING IT.

Again, the Obama administration allowed enemies of this country rape, pillage, and steal and get away with it while Democrats were once again trying to cover-up another crime.

Do you even know what year this is?

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