Why is congress exempt from obamacare?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
Will one of you obama-loving libs please explain why you condone congress being exempt from obamacare while it is being shoved up our backsides?
After they passed it, the found out what was in it when their unpaid interns read it to them.
Will one of you obama-loving libs please explain why you condone congress being exempt from obamacare while it is being shoved up our backsides?

You're talking to the people who go batshit crazy over a CEO's million dollar salary, but don't utter a peep over an entertainer's multi million dollar movie contract.

People who go into hysterics about an oil company's %17.2 tax rate, but are delighted GE pays %0.

People who ALLEGEDLY sexually harrassed women and had an affair are people of the worst sort if they're republicans, but any sort of deviancy or perversion is a private matter when they're a democrook.

You don't really think you're going to get a logical response from a bed wetter do you?
All rich people are exempt from ObamaCare. ObamaCare is for the involuntarily uninsured.
No liberal has even attempted to address that issue. Time after time, the subject gets completely ignored by the posters here and the liberal media. The audacity of Obama and the Dems is astonishing on this point. They are pushing this on the little people with no regard to the hardships it will cause, and are already causing, yet they have the nerve to decide that they do not have to follow this law. It's not good enough for them. They do not want their privacy invaded. They do not want to pay the high costs. Suffering the hardships is something expected of us little people, not our royal dictators. We will pay dearly for their inability to do their jobs and make wise decisions for the country. We now have a threat hanging over our heads. Even those who cannot afford insurance must buy it or else!! There will be fines (which the sleazy administration calls 'unnecessary taxes') and Pelosi thinks jail time would be fair for those poor people who cannot buy insurance or pay the fines.

As my sig line states:

"Listen this is simply not fair to these employees. They are federal employees.” Congressman John Larson [D – CT] on why it’s unfair to force politicians and staffers to participate in Obamacare.
Yet somehow these assholes think it is fair for other Americans, no matter how hard they are already struggling! Seriously, liberals, why is it okay for the government to force us to do something with threat of fines or jail, yet have the gall to just excuse themselves from having to deal with it? You all know it's bad. I think there must be a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing here. They pretend to be benevolent, but are really radicals who are cheering the downfall of this great country. They play the game well. They have Alinsky's rules for radicals memorized and are quick to use the tactics that they know will destroy us. The method most commonly used is ridiculing anyone who speaks out against the radical policies. They pretend that it's because we don't care about people and then call us names, like greedy, and hope to make those against the radicals look like the radicals. Too many dumbed down idiots buy into it.

The ones who care about this country are those who are fighting to get back to following the constitution and stomping out the far left ideas that have destroyed many countries before us.
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They know exactly what hardships and expenses go with Obamacare. The entire point is to make the system so expensive, top heavy, and unusable that average Americans demand Single Payer Insurance. It was specifically built to do that.
It should be law that there would be NO waivers whatsoever. But just who would pass that law? :confused: It may be hard to introduce or vote for that bill but I would guess they would be voted back into office again and again! :lol:
The ACA requires employees of Congress to buy their insurance through the federal health insurance exchange.

So what's this about being exempt?

I am asking as someone who believes ObamaCare is a disaster. But let's get the facts straight. Define "exempt".
The ACA requires employees of Congress to buy their insurance through the federal health insurance exchange.

So what's this about being exempt?

I am asking as someone who believes ObamaCare is a disaster. But let's get the facts straight. Define "exempt".

exempt from paying higher costs for keeping their same healthcare coverage...

GUESS who is footing the bill for their extra costs.....?

too bad Obummercare won't do the same for you...
Will one of you obama-loving libs please explain why you condone congress being exempt from obamacare while it is being shoved up our backsides?

No one does. So lets start there.

Why do they do it? The same reasons they are allowed to vote themselves pay increases. Because they are full of shit
screamingeagle can't answer the question honestly.

No, Congress is not exempt.
Will one of you obama-loving libs please explain why you condone congress being exempt from obamacare while it is being shoved up our backsides?

No one does. So lets start there.

Why do they do it? The same reasons they are allowed to vote themselves pay increases. Because they are full of shit

Now a rational person would expect that since you know that, you would reject obozocare and endorse the republicrat endeavors to get rid of it.

Yet not only have you failed to do that, you reject every critical word uttered against the moonbat messiah and continue to support democrook political whores who stand in the way of repealing this obamanation.

Will one of you obama-loving libs please explain why you condone congress being exempt from obamacare while it is being shoved up our backsides?

No one does. So lets start there.

Why do they do it? The same reasons they are allowed to vote themselves pay increases. Because they are full of shit

Now a rational person would expect that since you know that, you would reject obozocare and endorse the republicrat endeavors to get rid of it.

Yet not only have you failed to do that, you reject every critical word uttered against the moonbat messiah and continue to support democrook political whores who stand in the way of repealing this obamanation.


Even tho you say I should support repubs to get rid of it you haven't laid out why. You just say I should because to you it would be rational.

Repubs plan is to toss it first THEN think of a solution. No thanks, that bait and switch wont work unless you have something to present as an alternative

I have no idea what you are saying in that last paragraph, theres adjectives and a verb or two but definitely English-esque.

Maybe you meant to quote someone else..
screamingeagle can't answer the question honestly.

No, Congress is not exempt.

wrong, they are keeping the same pays-all plan that they had, and we taxpayers are covering the additional cost. They voted a taxpayer funded subsidy for themselves and their staffs.

check it out, snake. you are wrong.

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