Why is Comey the only one who said Mifsud is a Russian agent ?

Bill Barr is looking into Joseph Mifsud, who according to ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes is the key to unraveling Spygate.

It is believed Joseph Mifsud was a spy who was sent by the FBI to tie George Papadopoulos to Russia.

Comey and Mueller appear to have lied about him being a Russian asset, rather, he may have been working for Comey's FBI.

As Congressman Nunes pointed out during Mueller’s hearing, Joseph Mifsud lied to the feds three times yet he was never charged with any crimes. Why is that? Likely because he's a Western Intelligence Insider.

The Democrat-media complex is terrified that Bill Barr and John Durham traveled to Italy to meet with foreign officials in their Spygate probe.
It is believed Joseph Mifsud was a spy who was sent by the FBI to tie George Papadopoulos to Russia.

Mifsud is a RUSSIAN spy/asset who has since disappeared
Not according to the Mueller report.

The Mueller report, which essentially repeats the grandiose “Statement of the Offense” that the special counsel included with the comparatively minor false-statement charge to which Papadopoulos pled guilty. Carefully parsed, this narrative stops short of alleging that the Trump adviser actually collaborated with a Russian agent. Rather, it claims that Papadopoulos engaged in a lot of twaddle with Mifsud, who he had reason to suspect might be a Russian agent.

It is virtually certain that Mifsud was not a Russian agent. Whether he was an asset for any intelligence service, we cannot say with certainty at this point. But we can say that he had close contacts of significance with British intelligence, and with other Western governments.

Mifsud has also long been associated with Claire Smith, a prominent British diplomat who served for years on Britain’s Joint Intelligence Committee, which answers directly to the prime minister. Ms. Smith was also a member of the United Kingdom’s Security Vetting Appeals Panel, which reviews denials of security clearances to government employees. During her career in the British foreign service, Smith worked with Mifsud at three different academic institutions: the London Academy of Diplomacy (which trained diplomats and government officials, some of them sponsored by the U.K.’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the British Council, or by their own governments), the University of Stirling, in Scotland, and Link Campus University in Rome, where Mifsud first met Papadopoulos. The campus is a well-known draw for diplomats and intelligence officials — the CIA holds conferences there, the FBI holds agent-training sessions there, and former U.S. intelligence officials teach there.

In Rome on March 14, Papadopoulos met Joseph Mifsud. The Maltese professor gravitated to his fellow Link University lecturers and professors, who include senior Western diplomats and intelligence officials from a number of NATO countries, especially Italy and the United Kingdom. Mifsud also taught at the University of Stirling and the London Academy of Diplomacy. That is to say, if Mifsud had actually been a Russian agent, he was situated to be one of the most successful in history.

There is no proof that Mifsud is a Russian agent — Mueller never alleged such a thing, either when Papadopoulos was charged or in the special counsel’s final report, which concluded that there was no Trump–Russia conspiracy.

Here is what we do know: The United States government has never charged Joseph Mifsud. It has never accused him of being an agent of Russia. It took no steps to arrest him despite opportunities to do so. In fact, the FBI interviewed Mifsud and, when he denied Papadopoulos’s claim that he had told the young Trump adviser that Russia had Hillary emails, the Bureau let him go. Special Counsel Mueller never alleged that Mifsud’s denial was a false statement.

That’s a pretty a curious way to treat the “Russian agent” who was the rationale for the incumbent administration’s use of foreign counterintelligence powers to investigate the presidential campaign of its political opposition, no?

'Ball of Collusion' Book Excerpt: The Bogus Story That Launched a ‘Collusion’ Probe | National Review
It is believed Joseph Mifsud was a spy who was sent by the FBI to tie George Papadopoulos to Russia.

Mifsud is a RUSSIAN spy/asset who has since disappeared
Actually, he may have been sent by US intelligence against the Trump Campaign.


The full story of the plot by the FBI and the CIA, along with others in the Obama administration, to swing the 2016 election to Hillary Clinton and then, having failed at that, to disable President Trump’s administration, has not yet been told. U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation represents the best hope that most if not all of the true story will come out.

Durham seems to be making a lot of progress. Roger Simon notes that two cell phones belonging to international man of mystery Joseph Mifsud apparently have been found and are in the possession of the Department of Justice. This is a big deal, in part because Mifsud apparently has disappeared–something that seems like it should attract a lot more attention from America’s “reporters.”

General Michael Flynn still hasn’t been sentenced, and his new, highly-aggressive lawyer is asking for the phones, alleging that they contain exculpatory evidence. General Flynn never should have been prosecuted, and it would be poetic justice if Robert Mueller’s abusive prosecution of Flynn contributes, ultimately, to the unraveling of the Democrats’ scheme to bring down Donald Trump.
It is believed Joseph Mifsud was a spy who was sent by the FBI to tie George Papadopoulos to Russia.

Mifsud is a RUSSIAN spy/asset who has since disappeared
If we want the lamestream media's spin, we can watch
Roswell Rachel or special agent Anderson Pooper.
You are getting the retard media spin and repeating it.

There was no spygate. And really that's not an issue any more.
It is believed Joseph Mifsud was a spy who was sent by the FBI to tie George Papadopoulos to Russia.

Mifsud is a RUSSIAN spy/asset who has since disappeared
If we want the lamestream media's spin, we can watch
Roswell Rachel or special agent Anderson Pooper.
You are getting the retard media spin and repeating it.

There was no spygate. And really that's not an issue any more.
Sure Huckleberry. Whatever you say,.
Carefully parsed, this narrative stops short of alleging that the Trump adviser actually collaborated with a Russian agent. Rather, it claims that Papadopoulos engaged in a lot of twaddle with Mifsud, who he had reason to suspect might be a Russian agent.

Thanks for that distinction without a difference
Carefully parsed, this narrative stops short of alleging that the Trump adviser actually collaborated with a Russian agent. Rather, it claims that Papadopoulos engaged in a lot of twaddle with Mifsud, who he had reason to suspect might be a Russian agent.

Thanks for that distinction without a difference
Dirty Bob Mueller knew he wasn't a Russian agent as Lying Comey claimed, that's why he worded it so carefully.

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