Why is Bruce Springsteen stating the obvious?

Not to slam The Boss, but the same culture that values what Trump thinks also values what Springsteen and Kim Kardashian think.

When your shallow popular culture melds with your politics, you can have a real problem. Trump & Kardashian are both symptoms.

My guess is that Bruce would agree with that.

i disagree. people who think trump is ok and kim kardashian is ok would not think that bruce is ok...

you're confusing celebrity culture with something that has always existed...which is musicians and artists speaking out against what they think is wrong. (or do we need to take out CSNY's old catalogue of music for you?)

so i think ...no, i know...bruce would say that he isn't about celebrity culture. he's someone who was fortunate who feels he has an obligation to speak out against things he sees as wrong. kim kardashian? nothing to do with cultural betterment. donald? not even close to giving a flying about what happens to the people in this country.

and just to illustrate....what bruce does with his money...donates fire engines to his hometown volunteer fire department....raises money for wounded warriors.

what donald and kim do for charity and the betterment of the world?

.......zip, zero, nada....trump even uses his own foundation to settle legal claims and bribe prosecutors.

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