Why I Parted Ways With The Right

more ad hom - is this where I act surprised?

Point proven YET AGAIN.

In reality you have no clue what I have or have not "bought into." In fact, I didn't even read the OP's article - I simply chimed in with why I have parted company with the right. So you make assumptions and attack your own assumptions about me rather than the real issue or even a real representation of my position.

Very typical - and very sad. Underscores EXACTLY what I've been saying.

Nodoginafight--right now a kitten is kicking your arse. You digging your political IQ deeper & deeper into a hole--with these continual comments & ABSOLUTELY no substance.

If you cannot debate people on these boards with FACTS--& links to those FACTS--why are you even here taking all this punishment?--:cuckoo::cuckoo:

These political boards were never meant to be a mud-slinging contest--they are here to inform & educate. Believe me, you're not an educator you're a mud-slinger.

"Facts" (talking points) and links to those "Facts" (talking points) are a dime a dozen on the internet and they prove NOTHING

The true value of these boards lay the OPINION of the poster, not the capability of sheep to find links to the talking points that they consider to be 'fact'.

So far, I am scoring this 'debate' in favor of no-dog.....

No link required, it is just my humble opinion.

LOL - yeah, where was that link supporting

Yeah & you & Dog in a fight are certainly two peas in a pod-when it comes to political IQ's of below 70.

If you take a look at the responses from the right on this thread, you get a very clear picture of why I parted ways with the right. The right has lost it's direction, it's vocabulary, and it's intellectual foundation.

They've tried to replace those with fear, hate, and bumper-sticker slogans.

It's plenty for some - but not me.

Actually, i think all this thread demonstrates is the left's refusual to actually address the positions of the right, but rather their continual attempts to mischaracterize and attack the right on baseless allegations.
If you take a look at the responses from the right on this thread, you get a very clear picture of why I parted ways with the right. The right has lost it's direction, it's vocabulary, and it's intellectual foundation.

They've tried to replace those with fear, hate, and bumper-sticker slogans.

It's plenty for some - but not me.

and so IF you are saying i guess that the left,has not lost its direction,its vocabulary and still has its intellectual foundation?.....and they have not replaced it with fear,hate and bumper sticker slogans?......if so, you are still lost Nodog.....
Ah, if this is all true, why didn't Bush and Cheney fix the problem?

because as it has been said by myself and a dozen others in many threads....both parties are all sucking the same teat....BIG MONEY....they only care about what they can get out of a deal....if it doesnt benefit them or the party,drag your feet,make it look like we are doing something,but do what needs to be done to not get it done.....the party not in power at the time will play the bad guys.....

Nail... Head... nice, squarely placed hit Mr. Dresden

i just cant see why the Party hangers cant see that....its allways the OTHER party,not mine....blind fools i say....every damed one of them...
If you take a look at the responses from the right on this thread, you get a very clear picture of why I parted ways with the right. The right has lost it's direction, it's vocabulary, and it's intellectual foundation.

They've tried to replace those with fear, hate, and bumper-sticker slogans.

It's plenty for some - but not me.


here is an example of what i said a while back.....RW=party hangeron.....
Ahhh ... the dreaded "I'm rubber, you're glue?" defence. Never held much water with me. The fact that their are idiots (imho) at both extremes doesn't excuse or justify those on the far right.

The existence of "truthers" doesn't make "birthers" any more intelligent.

but the trouble is.....you did not say this in your post.....its all the "BAD RIGHTIES"....its funny how all those like you who make these kinda posts...."i used to be a Republican but.....never ever say the left aint no better,until called on it,then its "yea they have their faults too"...it just tells me.....you were never a Republican Nodog....
If you take a look at the responses from the right on this thread, you get a very clear picture of why I parted ways with the right. The right has lost it's direction, it's vocabulary, and it's intellectual foundation.

They've tried to replace those with fear, hate, and bumper-sticker slogans.

It's plenty for some - but not me.

Actually, i think all this thread demonstrates is the left's refusual to actually address the positions of the right, but rather their continual attempts to mischaracterize and attack the right on baseless allegations.


You guys just can't imagine why anyone would leave your party. Totally clueless. Thats why you continue to lose elections

You guys just can't imagine why anyone would leave your party. Totally clueless. Thats why you continue to lose elections

Actually, I can easily imagine why someone would leave my party. They merely have to disagree with what we stand for.

Now, when someone says "This is why I left your party" and then begins a list that inaccurately describes or outright lies about what we believe in. And then that person begins calling names and trying to malign us with absolutely no support for their accusations. And finally, when they then join sides with a group doing exactly what they are whining about, just worse. It's a pretty damn good indication that they were never part of our party to begin with.

You guys just can't imagine why anyone would leave your party. Totally clueless. Thats why you continue to lose elections

so by your logic....in 2000, 2004 and all the legislative elections nobody wanted the dems....and the dems sucked....

if you look at it historically, this is nothing but cyclical politics...watch, in 2010 repubs will gain the majority
because as it has been said by myself and a dozen others in many threads....both parties are all sucking the same teat....BIG MONEY....they only care about what they can get out of a deal....if it doesnt benefit them or the party,drag your feet,make it look like we are doing something,but do what needs to be done to not get it done.....the party not in power at the time will play the bad guys.....

Nail... Head... nice, squarely placed hit Mr. Dresden

i just cant see why the Party hangers cant see that....its allways the OTHER party,not mine....blind fools i say....every damed one of them...

DITTO--the problem with this country today--is partisan politics. What is more than obvious--is often ignored--if it's your party that did it.

That is exactly why I am a registered independent--& in that way I can blast both parties--& hope in the future that you will join me--because one thing is for certain--we are all Americans & what government does effects all of us regardless of party affiliation.

And if you want to take back control of our government change your party affliliation to independent--& you will in turn rock Washinton's world.
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Nodoginafight--right now a kitten is kicking your arse. You digging your political IQ deeper & deeper into a hole--with these continual comments & ABSOLUTELY no substance.

If you cannot debate people on these boards with FACTS--& links to those FACTS--why are you even here taking all this punishment?--:cuckoo::cuckoo:

These political boards were never meant to be a mud-slinging contest--they are here to inform & educate. Believe me, you're not an educator you're a mud-slinger.

"Facts" (talking points) and links to those "Facts" (talking points) are a dime a dozen on the internet and they prove NOTHING

The true value of these boards lay the OPINION of the poster, not the capability of sheep to find links to the talking points that they consider to be 'fact'.

So far, I am scoring this 'debate' in favor of no-dog.....

No link required, it is just my humble opinion.

LOL - yeah, where was that link supporting

Yeah & you & Dog in a fight are certainly two peas in a pod-when it comes to political IQ's of below 70.


So with your question marks--I guess this means again that I was apeaking above your brains---:lol::lol:

Hey turn back on something that has anything to do with main stream media--like what's going on with Tiger Woods--& I am certain you'll get it--:lol::lol:

Anything to do with what happened & how to the millions of unemployed in this country is way--way beyond your comprehension.

You guys just can't imagine why anyone would leave your party. Totally clueless. Thats why you continue to lose elections

so by your logic....in 2000, 2004 and all the legislative elections nobody wanted the dems....and the dems sucked....

if you look at it historically, this is nothing but cyclical politics...watch, in 2010 repubs will gain the majority

Personally, I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times. I became disenchanted with the Gingrich Republicans in the mid 90's and haven't voted for a Republican President since.

I am still a registered Republican

You guys just can't imagine why anyone would leave your party. Totally clueless. Thats why you continue to lose elections

so by your logic....in 2000, 2004 and all the legislative elections nobody wanted the dems....and the dems sucked....

if you look at it historically, this is nothing but cyclical politics...watch, in 2010 repubs will gain the majority

Personally, I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times. I became disenchanted with the Gingrich Republicans in the mid 90's and haven't voted for a Republican President since.

I am still a registered Republican

Right Winger--you never voted for conservatism in your entire life. I have read your posts for the last several months--& HEY nice TRY. You're also the one who used to defend Nancy Pelosi-&-now you're calling for her resignation.

Don't do this--Just inform yourself--change your party status to Independent--& freakin scare the hell out of Washington buerocrats on BOTH sides of the isle.

Because in the end it's us against Washington assholes--regardless of what party we belong too.
so by your logic....in 2000, 2004 and all the legislative elections nobody wanted the dems....and the dems sucked....

if you look at it historically, this is nothing but cyclical politics...watch, in 2010 repubs will gain the majority

Personally, I voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times. I became disenchanted with the Gingrich Republicans in the mid 90's and haven't voted for a Republican President since.

I am still a registered Republican

Right Winger--you never voted for conservatism in your entire life. I have read your posts for the last several months--& HEY nice TRY. You're also the one who used to defend Nancy Pelosi-&-now you're calling for her resignation.

Don't do this--Just inform yourself--change your party status to Independent--& freakin scare the hell out of Washington buerocrats on BOTH sides of the isle.

Because in the end it's us against Washington assholes--regardless of what party we belong too.

Not true

I was a big fan of Reagan. Unfortunately, the party of Reagan took a gigantic turn towards extremism and left me with a feeling of "why would I want these people representing me?" I became repulsed by the growing influence of the Rush Limbaughs over the George Wills. It became more of a party of screaming insults, fear mongering and social conservatism.
I never left the party...but it became evident that they had left me.

I personally don't have a problem with Pelosi. If her district wants to elect her it is fine with me. I just don't think she is the best the Democrats have to offer and the party would be better off without her as Speaker. Reid can stay but he is also ill-suited for his position
10. Hatred for President Obama that goes far beyond simply criticizing his policies, into racism, hate speech, and bizarre conspiracy theories (see: witch doctor pictures, tea parties, Birthers, Michelle Malkin, Fox News, World Net Daily, Newsmax, and every other right wing source)

you lost me at Racism.

but then again.. you fail to realize that the Left Criticized and made out Bush to be the worst guy ever.. and i mean ever..

So no need to cry about people talking crap about Obama..

the left criticized Bush because he lied to the American people in order to start a war that was unnecessary. And he left Obama with a plate full of shit. He deserved the criticism he received. I have been alive for six decades and Dubya is the ONLY president that I can confidently claim to be smarter than.

He was an affable moron with name recognition crowned king by the republican elite desperate to end the Clinton era and NONE of them are willing to admit that they screwed up when they did so.
10. Hatred for President Obama that goes far beyond simply criticizing his policies, into racism, hate speech, and bizarre conspiracy theories (see: witch doctor pictures, tea parties, Birthers, Michelle Malkin, Fox News, World Net Daily, Newsmax, and every other right wing source)

you lost me at Racism.

but then again.. you fail to realize that the Left Criticized and made out Bush to be the worst guy ever.. and i mean ever..

So no need to cry about people talking crap about Obama..

the left criticized Bush because he lied to the American people in order to start a war that was unnecessary. And he left Obama with a plate full of shit. He deserved the criticism he received. I have been alive for six decades and Dubya is the ONLY president that I can confidently claim to be smarter than.

He was an affable moron with name recognition crowned king by the republican elite desperate to end the Clinton era and NONE of them are willing to admit that they screwed up when they did so.

Agree. It is not the same

To say you dislike Bush because he lied and brought the US into an unnecessary war, engaged in torture and lead us into a severe recession is not that same as saying you hate Obama because he is trying to pass a healthcare plan
the left criticized Bush because he lied to the American people in order to start a war that was unnecessary. And he left Obama with a plate full of shit. He deserved the criticism he received. I have been alive for six decades and Dubya is the ONLY president that I can confidently claim to be smarter than.

He was an affable moron with name recognition crowned king by the republican elite desperate to end the Clinton era and NONE of them are willing to admit that they screwed up when they did so.

generally agree with your take on GWB with the following comments:

1. Everyone voted for the Iraq War. Tenet (a Clinton appointee) provided the intelligence and called it a "slam dunk". Bush did not lie, the CIA gave the intelligence as verified by the Brits.

2. The plate full of shit was deserved by the dems who screwed-up the financial system by giving loans to the unqualified.
Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far - BusinessWeek

3. Dubya may not have been the brightest guy to live in the WH, but both he and his dad had no clue how to manage the country to help the middle-class. Both left the country in recession instead of managing things correctly.

4. Part of the problem <thankfully> is that Bush was not King, and he could only work with Congress to the same extent that Obama is now limited to. Both parties moved US factories overseas to get money from lobbyists. I don't recall either party whining about how many factories were being moved to China???? They BOTH suck.
the left criticized Bush because he lied to the American people in order to start a war that was unnecessary. And he left Obama with a plate full of shit. He deserved the criticism he received. I have been alive for six decades and Dubya is the ONLY president that I can confidently claim to be smarter than.

He was an affable moron with name recognition crowned king by the republican elite desperate to end the Clinton era and NONE of them are willing to admit that they screwed up when they did so.

generally agree with your take on GWB with the following comments:

1. Everyone voted for the Iraq War. Tenet (a Clinton appointee) provided the intelligence and called it a "slam dunk". Bush did not lie, the CIA gave the intelligence as verified by the Brits.

2. The plate full of shit was deserved by the dems who screwed-up the financial system by giving loans to the unqualified.
Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far - BusinessWeek

3. Dubya may not have been the brightest guy to live in the WH, but both he and his dad had no clue how to manage the country to help the middle-class. Both left the country in recession instead of managing things correctly.

4. Part of the problem <thankfully> is that Bush was not King, and he could only work with Congress to the same extent that Obama is now limited to. Both parties moved US factories overseas to get money from lobbyists. I don't recall either party whining about how many factories were being moved to China???? They BOTH suck.

Again--while Americans are so thouroughly involved with "siding with their own party" whom whose politicians NEVER admit FAULT--they forget that this current economic collapse is because of Government.--both sides democrat & republican.

You;re right--Bush inherited all of the intellgence from the Clinton administration-including John Kerry who was on the Senate Intelligence committee during this time who stated he "voted for the invasion of Iraq--before he voted against it--:lol::lol: 99% of Democrats who voted to invade Iraq, including Hillary Clinton--ran like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship once no WMD was found in Iraq.

When Americans finally realise that campaign speeches are only speeches & promises are frequently broken. When Americans finally realise that what we are told--is not necessarily true--& when Americans finally realise that we as hard-working--tax paying Americans--- that there really is no free lunch--no matter how many politicians promise us that--& when we finally realise--that it is WE that control this country--& that we will not put up with Washington D.C as it iis, we will not see progress.

Promises from politicians are dust in the wind.


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10. Hatred for President Obama that goes far beyond simply criticizing his policies, into racism, hate speech, and bizarre conspiracy theories (see: witch doctor pictures, tea parties, Birthers, Michelle Malkin, Fox News, World Net Daily, Newsmax, and every other right wing source)

you lost me at Racism.

but then again.. you fail to realize that the Left Criticized and made out Bush to be the worst guy ever.. and i mean ever..

So no need to cry about people talking crap about Obama..

the left criticized Bush because he lied to the American people in order to start a war that was unnecessary. And he left Obama with a plate full of shit. He deserved the criticism he received. I have been alive for six decades and Dubya is the ONLY president that I can confidently claim to be smarter than.

He was an affable moron with name recognition crowned king by the republican elite desperate to end the Clinton era and NONE of them are willing to admit that they screwed up when they did so.

Agree. It is not the same

To say you dislike Bush because he lied and brought the US into an unnecessary war, engaged in torture and lead us into a severe recession is not that same as saying you hate Obama because he is trying to pass a healthcare plan


How fucked up are these people?

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