Why I now support President Trump

John Shaw

Gold Member
Jul 22, 2017
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

. Who said that fixing anything was gonna be easy ?? So the liberals put the country into the crapper, and the one who tries to unplug the toilet gets all the blame ?? Problem for you is that no one is buying what you're selling anymore ...... Might as well support Trump, it's all you got left.
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

. Who said that fixing anything was gonna be easy ?? So the liberals put the country into the crapper, and the one who tries to unplug the toilet gets all the blame ?? Problem for you is that no one is buying what you're selling anymore ...... Might as well support Trump, it's all you got left.

The liberals had a lot of help from the Rinos... who still dominate the capital hill. We will see whether they will manage to tell the health care lobby to go fuck themselves.
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

. Who said that fixing anything was gonna be easy ?? So the liberals put the country into the crapper, and the one who tries to unplug the toilet gets all the blame ?? Problem for you is that no one is buying what you're selling anymore ...... Might as well support Trump, it's all you got left.

You know, I was having a conversation with my dear ol' mum about the boomers' complicity in the ills of this country a few months back. She said, "Oh, you can't blame all of us. It's the really rich people who are fucking everyone over."

But I disagreed. I said to her, "And who was filling Capitol Hill with such shitters all this time?" Everyday boomers, that's who.

So, while I suppose it's true that most boomers are probably oblivious, I still look forward to their suffering. Friends and family included. The more painful for them, the better.

And by the way, what happened to the Trump supporters' "drain the swamp", "screw Goldman Sachs" mentality? Now they love the swamp monsters Trump puts in office and can't get enough of their wealthy overlords. So confusing.
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.


Trump ran on getting rid of it and he won the election. If there was any truth to what you say about the recipients of Commie Care, they wouldn't have voted for Trump, now would they?
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

. Who said that fixing anything was gonna be easy ?? So the liberals put the country into the crapper, and the one who tries to unplug the toilet gets all the blame ?? Problem for you is that no one is buying what you're selling anymore ...... Might as well support Trump, it's all you got left.

You know, I was having a conversation with my dear ol' mum about the boomers' complicity in the ills of this country a few months back. She said, "Oh, you can't blame all of us. It's the really rich people who are fucking everyone over."

But I disagreed. I said to her, "And who was filling Capitol Hill with such shitters all this time?" Everyday boomers, that's who.

So, while I suppose it's true that most boomers are probably oblivious, I still look forward to their suffering. Friends and family included. The more painful for them, the better.

And by the way, what happened to the Trump supporters' "drain the swamp", "screw Goldman Sachs" mentality? Now they love the swamp monsters Trump puts in office and can't get enough of their wealthy overlords. So confusing.
. They love the swamp monsters because Trump is getting them to switch teams or else. They work for us now. So how about that ??
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

First, I like most of the changes in this tax bill. But, it's still mostly tax cuts for the rich, such as allowing the rich to profit by millions of dollars on capital gains without paying a penny in taxes (the inheritance loophole, see ignorant fuctkard complaints about the "death tax"). I think the tax bill is good mostly because it lays the groundwork for future improvements to the tax code.

The Obamacare penalty hasn't been repealed. In two years, it will be reduced to zero. Zero and repealed are two different things. It's like if someone has a key to your house and they tell you they've agreed not to enter, rather than return the key as you wanted. Second, this still leaves mandated coverage for insurance companies, which will cause a crises once people are no longer compelled to buy insurance.

The tax bill doesn't fix a problem with the Obamacare tax penalty, it only lays the foundation for congress to properly address the penalty, and pre-existing condition coverage, in the future.
I agree with you, you are confused. I don't know why you single out the Baby boomers for screwing up Capitol Hill or for that matter even putting Donald Trump in office. There are plenty of baby boomer age people who are Liberal. You are angry at the wrong people.
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

Maybe John you might consider there never was a health crisis?
And there never were 160 million people with "pre-existing conditions"?

I agree with you, you are confused. I don't know why you single out the Baby boomers for screwing up Capitol Hill or for that matter even putting Donald Trump in office. There are plenty of baby boomer age people who are Liberal. You are angry at the wrong people.

I don't think so.

Tick tock. Time will not be kind to y'all. Neither will we be.
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.


Enjoy yourself for now, Trump has ensured that he will be a one-term president now that he's forced everyone's health insurance premiums to go up. That is, if he doesn't resign first. Next indictment from Mueller: Jared Kushner.
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.


Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

Maybe John you might consider there never was a health crisis?
View attachment 167643

We have a large number of people approaching retirement age who can't really afford to retire. Many will look to rely on Medicaid, which won't be there for them. Same with SS. So I'm not sure how that isn't a problem.
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

Maybe John you might consider there never was a health crisis?
View attachment 167643

We have a large number of people approaching retirement age who can't really afford to retire. Many will look to rely on Medicaid, which won't be there for them. Same with SS. So I'm not sure how that isn't a problem.

What do you know about Medicare/SS?
I bet you are one of those people that don't know that your employer contributes an equal amount as you do to Medicare/SS.
I bet you don't know that when more people are working ....wow... guess what? More money goes into Medicare/SS.
I bet you also don't know this recent fact...
Working Past 70: Americans Can’t Seem to Retire
U.S. seniors are employed at the highest rates in 55 years.
A number of factors are keeping older Americans in the workforce. Many are healthier and living longer than previous generations. Some decide not to fully retire because they enjoy their jobs or just want to stay active and alert.

Others need the money. The longer you work, the easier it is to afford a comfortable retirement. Longer lives and rising health care costs have made retirement more expensive at the same time that stagnant wages and the decline of the traditional pension have made it harder to save enough.
Working Past 70: Americans Can’t Seem to Retire

I know at my age of 74 being in business is keeping me mentally sharper...hence my able to retort your lame comments!
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

Maybe John you might consider there never was a health crisis?
View attachment 167643

We have a large number of people approaching retirement age who can't really afford to retire. Many will look to rely on Medicaid, which won't be there for them. Same with SS. So I'm not sure how that isn't a problem.

What do you know about Medicare/SS?
I bet you are one of those people that don't know that your employer contributes an equal amount as you do to Medicare/SS.
I bet you don't know that when more people are working ....wow... guess what? More money goes into Medicare/SS.
I bet you also don't know this recent fact...
Working Past 70: Americans Can’t Seem to Retire
U.S. seniors are employed at the highest rates in 55 years.
A number of factors are keeping older Americans in the workforce. Many are healthier and living longer than previous generations. Some decide not to fully retire because they enjoy their jobs or just want to stay active and alert.

Others need the money. The longer you work, the easier it is to afford a comfortable retirement. Longer lives and rising health care costs have made retirement more expensive at the same time that stagnant wages and the decline of the traditional pension have made it harder to save enough.
Working Past 70: Americans Can’t Seem to Retire

I know at my age of 74 being in business is keeping me mentally sharper...hence my able to retort your lame comments!

I know that I fucking pay for it, and probably will never see a penny in return.

So fuck you, you old ****. How dare you lambast me, You boomers have never given a damn about your own descendants, and have, rather, done everything in your power to ruin their future. That includes the democrats and the republicans. I hate them all.

We will get back at you, one way or another. Enjoy the mental sharpness while you can.
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.


I like what he is doing and Trump should not stop. Keep going Trump.

Let see who will control senate, congress and WH in next elections. Can’t wait.
Simply because I love what he is doing to our healthcare system, with the repeal of the mandate and Medicaid cuts coming up next. I can't wait to see the boomers cry that they can't afford their medicine anymore. It will bring tears of joy to my eyes to watch them suffer.

Thank you, republican congress and President Trump, for completely betraying the boomers that put you into office. Whatever else happens, I know I'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the retirement crisis coming round the bend.

Boomer voting patterns are responsible for the decades of bullshit. Let them suffer.
I agree with you, you are confused. I don't know why you single out the Baby boomers for screwing up Capitol Hill or for that matter even putting Donald Trump in office. There are plenty of baby boomer age people who are Liberal. You are angry at the wrong people.

I don't think so.

Tick tock. Time will not be kind to y'all. Neither will we be.
"Neither will we be?" I get it, so you will be throwing grannies off the cliff. Good to know, when we get to that certain age I'll be sure to ammo up.
I agree with you, you are confused. I don't know why you single out the Baby boomers for screwing up Capitol Hill or for that matter even putting Donald Trump in office. There are plenty of baby boomer age people who are Liberal. You are angry at the wrong people.

I don't think so.

Tick tock. Time will not be kind to y'all. Neither will we be.
"Neither will we be?" I get it, so you will be throwing grannies off the cliff. Good to know, when we get to that certain age I'll be sure to ammo up.

No one wants to kill your old ass. It's just that, no one's gonna want to help y'all, either. And newsflash; old people need help.
I agree with you, you are confused. I don't know why you single out the Baby boomers for screwing up Capitol Hill or for that matter even putting Donald Trump in office. There are plenty of baby boomer age people who are Liberal. You are angry at the wrong people.

I don't think so.

Tick tock. Time will not be kind to y'all. Neither will we be.
"Neither will we be?" I get it, so you will be throwing grannies off the cliff. Good to know, when we get to that certain age I'll be sure to ammo up.


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