Why I find the Pro Life people hypocrits, esp the GOP that have not


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
expanded Medicaid in their states.
What can women do to prevent a pregnancy-related death?

Many factors influence pregnancy-related health outcomes. It is important for all women of reproductive age to adopt healthy lifestyles (e.g., maintain a healthy diet and weight, be physically active, quit all substance use, prevent injuries) and address any health problems before getting pregnant. Visit your health care provider at recommended and scheduled time periods to discuss if or when you are thinking about getting pregnant. This is important to make sure you receive appropriate medical advice and care, and have healthy pregnancies.

A healthy pregnancy begins before conception and continues with prenatal care, along with early recognition and management of complications if they arise. Health care providers can help women prepare for pregnancy and for any potential problems during pregnancy. Early initiation of prenatal care by pregnant women, and continuous monitoring of pregnancy by health providers, are key to helping to prevent and treat severe pregnancy-related complications.


How Many Uninsured People Who Could Have Been Eligible for Medicaid Are in the Coverage Gap?

Nationally, nearly two and a half million3 poor uninsured adults fall into the “coverage gap” that results from state decisions not to expand Medicaid, meaning their income is above current Medicaid eligibility but below the lower limit for Marketplace premium tax credits. These individuals would be eligible for Medicaid had their state chosen to expand coverage.

Adults left in the coverage gap are spread across the states not expanding their Medicaid programs but are concentrated in states with the largest uninsured populations. More than a quarter of people in the coverage gap reside in Texas, which has both a large uninsured population and very limited Medicaid eligibility (Figure 2). Sixteen percent live in Florida, ten percent in Georgia, and nine percent in North Carolina. There are no uninsured adults in the coverage gap in Wisconsin because the state is providing Medicaid eligibility to adults up to the poverty level under a Medicaid waiver.

The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid

Most of the Pro life people are the Christian right, am I talking about Ryan and Pence and the rest of most of the GOP, yes!!
The insurance industry, scumbag attorneys and big money medical groupies screwed having affordable child birth in the country. The doctors that loved seeing new life come into the world are a thing of the past because they can't afford to keep up with all of the crap. Big biz would rather just import cheap foreign labor rather than support the establish citizens of the country. Talk about bassackwards and to think that whole bag of shit has spread and is in everything now.
So, Democrats claim that obummer left the economy in mighty fine shape. Why then do we need Medicaid expanded? Do ya think?
And, we still have obummercare and PP claims to give excellent prenatal care. What Izzy the problem?
Isn't Planned Parenthood doing this? Oh wait...no they're too busy murdering the unborn

Newsflash to the OP, you can't bitch and moan about babies and health while condoning murdering them
expanded Medicaid in their states.
What can women do to prevent a pregnancy-related death?

Many factors influence pregnancy-related health outcomes. It is important for all women of reproductive age to adopt healthy lifestyles (e.g., maintain a healthy diet and weight, be physically active, quit all substance use, prevent injuries) and address any health problems before getting pregnant. Visit your health care provider at recommended and scheduled time periods to discuss if or when you are thinking about getting pregnant. This is important to make sure you receive appropriate medical advice and care, and have healthy pregnancies.

A healthy pregnancy begins before conception and continues with prenatal care, along with early recognition and management of complications if they arise. Health care providers can help women prepare for pregnancy and for any potential problems during pregnancy. Early initiation of prenatal care by pregnant women, and continuous monitoring of pregnancy by health providers, are key to helping to prevent and treat severe pregnancy-related complications.


How Many Uninsured People Who Could Have Been Eligible for Medicaid Are in the Coverage Gap?

Nationally, nearly two and a half million3 poor uninsured adults fall into the “coverage gap” that results from state decisions not to expand Medicaid, meaning their income is above current Medicaid eligibility but below the lower limit for Marketplace premium tax credits. These individuals would be eligible for Medicaid had their state chosen to expand coverage.

Adults left in the coverage gap are spread across the states not expanding their Medicaid programs but are concentrated in states with the largest uninsured populations. More than a quarter of people in the coverage gap reside in Texas, which has both a large uninsured population and very limited Medicaid eligibility (Figure 2). Sixteen percent live in Florida, ten percent in Georgia, and nine percent in North Carolina. There are no uninsured adults in the coverage gap in Wisconsin because the state is providing Medicaid eligibility to adults up to the poverty level under a Medicaid waiver.

The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid

Most of the Pro life people are the Christian right, am I talking about Ryan and Pence and the rest of most of the GOP, yes!!
The liberals will go out of their way to kill a born or unborn child, but a rapist, murderer or child molester gets chances as many as their rap sheet will hold.. The Mooslim who shot up Fort Hood, 3 meals a day and prays to the east. Harvey Weinstein still walks free. At least Huma's husband, Carlos Danger is serving time for exposing his fruit of the looms to a 15 year old....Hypocrite, thy name is liberal..
Yeah, I don't get it. Pro-lifers and big government health care people should get along fine. They both want government in charge of our personal health care decisions.
expanded Medicaid in their states.
What can women do to prevent a pregnancy-related death?

Many factors influence pregnancy-related health outcomes. It is important for all women of reproductive age to adopt healthy lifestyles (e.g., maintain a healthy diet and weight, be physically active, quit all substance use, prevent injuries) and address any health problems before getting pregnant. Visit your health care provider at recommended and scheduled time periods to discuss if or when you are thinking about getting pregnant. This is important to make sure you receive appropriate medical advice and care, and have healthy pregnancies.

A healthy pregnancy begins before conception and continues with prenatal care, along with early recognition and management of complications if they arise. Health care providers can help women prepare for pregnancy and for any potential problems during pregnancy. Early initiation of prenatal care by pregnant women, and continuous monitoring of pregnancy by health providers, are key to helping to prevent and treat severe pregnancy-related complications.


How Many Uninsured People Who Could Have Been Eligible for Medicaid Are in the Coverage Gap?

Nationally, nearly two and a half million3 poor uninsured adults fall into the “coverage gap” that results from state decisions not to expand Medicaid, meaning their income is above current Medicaid eligibility but below the lower limit for Marketplace premium tax credits. These individuals would be eligible for Medicaid had their state chosen to expand coverage.

Adults left in the coverage gap are spread across the states not expanding their Medicaid programs but are concentrated in states with the largest uninsured populations. More than a quarter of people in the coverage gap reside in Texas, which has both a large uninsured population and very limited Medicaid eligibility (Figure 2). Sixteen percent live in Florida, ten percent in Georgia, and nine percent in North Carolina. There are no uninsured adults in the coverage gap in Wisconsin because the state is providing Medicaid eligibility to adults up to the poverty level under a Medicaid waiver.

The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid

Most of the Pro life people are the Christian right, am I talking about Ryan and Pence and the rest of most of the GOP, yes!!

In effect Obamacare failed.
expanded Medicaid in their states.
What can women do to prevent a pregnancy-related death?

Many factors influence pregnancy-related health outcomes. It is important for all women of reproductive age to adopt healthy lifestyles (e.g., maintain a healthy diet and weight, be physically active, quit all substance use, prevent injuries) and address any health problems before getting pregnant. Visit your health care provider at recommended and scheduled time periods to discuss if or when you are thinking about getting pregnant. This is important to make sure you receive appropriate medical advice and care, and have healthy pregnancies.

A healthy pregnancy begins before conception and continues with prenatal care, along with early recognition and management of complications if they arise. Health care providers can help women prepare for pregnancy and for any potential problems during pregnancy. Early initiation of prenatal care by pregnant women, and continuous monitoring of pregnancy by health providers, are key to helping to prevent and treat severe pregnancy-related complications.


How Many Uninsured People Who Could Have Been Eligible for Medicaid Are in the Coverage Gap?

Nationally, nearly two and a half million3 poor uninsured adults fall into the “coverage gap” that results from state decisions not to expand Medicaid, meaning their income is above current Medicaid eligibility but below the lower limit for Marketplace premium tax credits. These individuals would be eligible for Medicaid had their state chosen to expand coverage.

Adults left in the coverage gap are spread across the states not expanding their Medicaid programs but are concentrated in states with the largest uninsured populations. More than a quarter of people in the coverage gap reside in Texas, which has both a large uninsured population and very limited Medicaid eligibility (Figure 2). Sixteen percent live in Florida, ten percent in Georgia, and nine percent in North Carolina. There are no uninsured adults in the coverage gap in Wisconsin because the state is providing Medicaid eligibility to adults up to the poverty level under a Medicaid waiver.

The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid

Most of the Pro life people are the Christian right, am I talking about Ryan and Pence and the rest of most of the GOP, yes!!

In effect Obamacare failed.

No not at all, except for the GOP's who fought it since inception. Trump is now helping to destroy it.
expanded Medicaid in their states.
What can women do to prevent a pregnancy-related death?

Many factors influence pregnancy-related health outcomes. It is important for all women of reproductive age to adopt healthy lifestyles (e.g., maintain a healthy diet and weight, be physically active, quit all substance use, prevent injuries) and address any health problems before getting pregnant. Visit your health care provider at recommended and scheduled time periods to discuss if or when you are thinking about getting pregnant. This is important to make sure you receive appropriate medical advice and care, and have healthy pregnancies.

A healthy pregnancy begins before conception and continues with prenatal care, along with early recognition and management of complications if they arise. Health care providers can help women prepare for pregnancy and for any potential problems during pregnancy. Early initiation of prenatal care by pregnant women, and continuous monitoring of pregnancy by health providers, are key to helping to prevent and treat severe pregnancy-related complications.


How Many Uninsured People Who Could Have Been Eligible for Medicaid Are in the Coverage Gap?

Nationally, nearly two and a half million3 poor uninsured adults fall into the “coverage gap” that results from state decisions not to expand Medicaid, meaning their income is above current Medicaid eligibility but below the lower limit for Marketplace premium tax credits. These individuals would be eligible for Medicaid had their state chosen to expand coverage.

Adults left in the coverage gap are spread across the states not expanding their Medicaid programs but are concentrated in states with the largest uninsured populations. More than a quarter of people in the coverage gap reside in Texas, which has both a large uninsured population and very limited Medicaid eligibility (Figure 2). Sixteen percent live in Florida, ten percent in Georgia, and nine percent in North Carolina. There are no uninsured adults in the coverage gap in Wisconsin because the state is providing Medicaid eligibility to adults up to the poverty level under a Medicaid waiver.

The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid

Most of the Pro life people are the Christian right, am I talking about Ryan and Pence and the rest of most of the GOP, yes!!

In effect Obamacare failed.

No not at all, except for the GOP's who fought it since inception. Trump is now helping to destroy it.

It's the "law of the land". It isn't working.
The moral of the story with ACA is that you simply can't force sweeping changes on society unless there's clear consensus. Pushing these kinds of laws through with a slim, partisan majority does no good.

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