"Why I Defend Socialism" from a Cuban

idiot, it was jfk that gave the go ahead, the failure of it and the lives lost are on him
The Invasion of Cuba was an act of Terror and Infamy by a bully Government not something to be proud of
but jfk is the leftist #2 Pres of all times, right behind that vile fuck fdr

keep that in mind as you vote for more leftist filth
JFK is as leftist as Richard Nixon you are a fucking moron the # 1 fucking moron I have encountered this morning fuck you worthless asshole
jfk sent us to war in VN, got Americans killed, but he's your hero b/c some media outlet told you he was great.

sucks to be dumb, not that I'd know, but it looks like it hurts

JFK sent us to war in VN and LBJ escalated it. The Paris Peace Talks ended VN under RMN.

Read history get informed don't mindlessly tap keyboards
VN would have voted to unify under the Leadership of Vietnamese Patriot Ho Chi Minh... Eisenhower prevented that and set the stage for the war of liberation .... Eisenhower therefore has a share responsibility for what happened subsequently as to JFK
“If the scheduled national elections are held in July 1956, and if the Viet Minh does not prejudice its political prospects, the Viet Minh will almost certainly win,L the CIA notes. [Kolko, 1985, pp. 84] And US President Dwight Eisenhower admits, “I have never talked or corresponded with a person knowledgeable in Indochinese affairs who did not agree that had elections been held as of the time of the fighting, a possible 80 per cent of the population would have voted for the communist Ho Chi Minh as their leader.” [Eisenhower, 1994, pp. 372]
...as to Richard Nixon...he prolonged the war four long years by interfering with LBJ efforts to end the war... Do you have any idea how many US soldiers died during those 4 years who would not have died if Nixon was not a traitor ?this is well documented:
The Lyndon Johnson tapes: Richard Nixon's 'treason' - BBC
George Will Confirms Nixon's Vietnam Treason
Yes, Nixon Scuttled the Vietnam Peace Talks - Politico
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Cuba is marxist socialism that doesn't allow a private sector and doesnt make respect human rights. HOw the fuck can anyone compare social democracy to it??

Pure capitalism has just as many problems.

If you had not noticed, the US recently passed the Patriot Act and NDAA that Obama signed into law enabling government to arrest its citizens without due process. They also attack the private sector daily passing over 40,000 new laws and regulations every year.

Look in that mirror Barak Obama.

From what I hear, Obama is off to Cuba instead of going to Justice Scalia's funeral. For the first time since Cuba turned to Marxist despotism a US president is visiting Cuba.

He must feel like he is going home again.
You are not tying Obama to the Patriot Act are you? A republican president signed THAT into law. You continue with that ambiguous "they" to create your straw man
to insinuate that the Obama administration is attacking the private sector by "passing 40,000 new laws and regulations each year." I wasn't aware that the executive branch could pass ANY laws. I looked in that mirror and I don't see Obama's face...I see yours and it is quite red.

What is sad is you don't recognize that the President is an empty suit. Both parties have put the police state at our very doors through such policies. I make no real distinction between Bush and Obama, they run things pretty much the same. They ignore continued ballooning debt, illegal immigration, and laws such as the Patriot Act and NDAA that treat us more like the enemy that citizens. And lastly, they both continued wars around the world. Enough is enough.

Of course, in your tunnel vision Obama is good and Bush is bad. Whatever.

It is also sad that you don't see laws and regulations as restricting freedom. Equally troubling is your inability to understand that regulations are just as good as a law, the only difference being, regulations are much easier to pass because they bypass the Constitutional process of it being passed by Congress. That was the Executive Branch can begin to implement laws via regulation that are passed by a hand full of non elected bureaucrats who don't have to worry about being elected after passing their dictates.
It is also sad that you don't see laws and regulations as restricting freedom. .

whenever I come to a red light on my way to somewhere I always say look at this traffic law preventing me from the freedom to cross the intersection ...fucking Gubbiment bastards

We crossed the ocean on this raft because we were so desperate to tell you how great our leader Castro is and how much we love socialism.
We crossed the ocean on this raft because we were so desperate

Hey it looks like the plan worked:

How the embargo began: On April 6, 1960, Lester D. Mallory, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, wrote in an internal memorandum: “The majority of Cubans support Castro … The only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship. … every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba.” Mallory proposed “a line of action which … makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.”
Cuba is marxist socialism that doesn't allow a private sector and doesnt make respect human rights. HOw the fuck can anyone compare social democracy to it??

Pure capitalism has just as many problems.

If you had not noticed, the US recently passed the Patriot Act and NDAA that Obama signed into law enabling government to arrest its citizens without due process. They also attack the private sector daily passing over 40,000 new laws and regulations every year.

Look in that mirror Barak Obama.

From what I hear, Obama is off to Cuba instead of going to Justice Scalia's funeral. For the first time since Cuba turned to Marxist despotism a US president is visiting Cuba.

He must feel like he is going home again.
You are not tying Obama to the Patriot Act are you? A republican president signed THAT into law. You continue with that ambiguous "they" to create your straw man
to insinuate that the Obama administration is attacking the private sector by "passing 40,000 new laws and regulations each year." I wasn't aware that the executive branch could pass ANY laws. I looked in that mirror and I don't see Obama's face...I see yours and it is quite red.

What is sad is you don't recognize that the President is an empty suit. Both parties have put the police state at our very doors through such policies. I make no real distinction between Bush and Obama, they run things pretty much the same. They ignore continued ballooning debt, illegal immigration, and laws such as the Patriot Act and NDAA that treat us more like the enemy that citizens. And lastly, they both continued wars around the world. Enough is enough.

Of course, in your tunnel vision Obama is good and Bush is bad. Whatever.

It is also sad that you don't see laws and regulations as restricting freedom. Equally troubling is your inability to understand that regulations are just as good as a law, the only difference being, regulations are much easier to pass because they bypass the Constitutional process of it being passed by Congress. That was the Executive Branch can begin to implement laws via regulation that are passed by a hand full of non elected bureaucrats who don't have to worry about being elected after passing their dictates.
Make pot legal across board. It grows wild anyway and only makes people get the munchies. The high only lasts for four hours at the most and if you can't get up your lazy behind and go to work; survival of the specifies by the fittest.
Cuba is marxist socialism that doesn't allow a private sector and doesnt make respect human rights. HOw the fuck can anyone compare social democracy to it??

Pure capitalism has just as many problems.
Actually there is a thriving legitimate private sector in Cuba where people have set up their own businesses.

That is entirely true, but only in recent years under the right-wing capitalist reforms in recent years.

Before then, the entire country was entirely a trash can of poverty and decline, under left-wing socialist ideology.
Well their government hasnt changed. The BBC sent somebody there a while back and people were setting up restaurants and there was also a thriving housing market with estate agents and all their crap. I fear for Cuba. Access to US markets has not been an unalloyed joy for their neighbours.

Tommy... come on man... I have been active on the forums since 1999. I could not even begin to count the number of times I have heard that the US embargo preventing access to US markets, is the source of all the problems in the Cuban economy. They have been blaming the US for all their problems since the 1960s.

Now after all these years, and we're starting to open markets up to Cuba, now you are telling me that access to US markets is harming Cuba?

Can't you left-wingers get together and figure out your ideology on this? We can't be the cause of all Cuba's problems because we placed an embargo on them, AND be the cause of all their problems by opening markets to them.

This is a logical contradiction.
Still haven't seen or heard of one single American Progressive who hopped on an inner tube to head for Fidel and the Workers Paradise.

Not a single one
Cuba is marxist socialism that doesn't allow a private sector and doesnt make respect human rights. HOw the fuck can anyone compare social democracy to it??

Pure capitalism has just as many problems.

If you had not noticed, the US recently passed the Patriot Act and NDAA that Obama signed into law enabling government to arrest its citizens without due process. They also attack the private sector daily passing over 40,000 new laws and regulations every year.

Look in that mirror Barak Obama.

From what I hear, Obama is off to Cuba instead of going to Justice Scalia's funeral. For the first time since Cuba turned to Marxist despotism a US president is visiting Cuba.

He must feel like he is going home again.
You are not tying Obama to the Patriot Act are you? A republican president signed THAT into law. You continue with that ambiguous "they" to create your straw man
to insinuate that the Obama administration is attacking the private sector by "passing 40,000 new laws and regulations each year." I wasn't aware that the executive branch could pass ANY laws. I looked in that mirror and I don't see Obama's face...I see yours and it is quite red.
obama said he would get rid of it, promised to do so 8 years ago

instead, he signed it and made it more powerful.

it's a law with an expiration date, it has to be passed again and again.

so yea, it's also on obama

I will have to research that but if what you say is true, it isn't just Obama, the republican heavy Congress has to pass it over and over for the president to sign it..RIGHT? That makes the cyclic renewal bi-partisan. So why are you blaming Obama only?
Cuba is marxist socialism that doesn't allow a private sector and doesnt make respect human rights. HOw the fuck can anyone compare social democracy to it??

Pure capitalism has just as many problems.

If you had not noticed, the US recently passed the Patriot Act and NDAA that Obama signed into law enabling government to arrest its citizens without due process. They also attack the private sector daily passing over 40,000 new laws and regulations every year.

Look in that mirror Barak Obama.

From what I hear, Obama is off to Cuba instead of going to Justice Scalia's funeral. For the first time since Cuba turned to Marxist despotism a US president is visiting Cuba.

He must feel like he is going home again.
You are not tying Obama to the Patriot Act are you? A republican president signed THAT into law. You continue with that ambiguous "they" to create your straw man
to insinuate that the Obama administration is attacking the private sector by "passing 40,000 new laws and regulations each year." I wasn't aware that the executive branch could pass ANY laws. I looked in that mirror and I don't see Obama's face...I see yours and it is quite red.
obama said he would get rid of it, promised to do so 8 years ago

instead, he signed it and made it more powerful.

it's a law with an expiration date, it has to be passed again and again.

so yea, it's also on obama

I will have to research that but if what you say is true, it isn't just Obama, the republican heavy Congress has to pass it over and over for the president to sign it..RIGHT? That makes the cyclic renewal bi-partisan. So why are you blaming Obama only?
It's public knowledge

and I never blamed just obama, I corrected your false accusation that it was just bush, oh and, with a heavy dem congress, since you need to pass obamas blame around, but no Bushs
Cuba is marxist socialism that doesn't allow a private sector and doesnt make respect human rights. HOw the fuck can anyone compare social democracy to it??

Pure capitalism has just as many problems.
Actually there is a thriving legitimate private sector in Cuba where people have set up their own businesses.

That is entirely true, but only in recent years under the right-wing capitalist reforms in recent years.

Before then, the entire country was entirely a trash can of poverty and decline, under left-wing socialist ideology.
Well their government hasnt changed. The BBC sent somebody there a while back and people were setting up restaurants and there was also a thriving housing market with estate agents and all their crap. I fear for Cuba. Access to US markets has not been an unalloyed joy for their neighbours.
You've hit the nail on the head. The IMF and World Bank agents are just salivating with eagerness to get their hands on Cuba and Cuban resources. Castro and his brother are smart enough to see the usurious trap, but after they are gone...Oh OH.. Cuba may turn into another Haiti....stripped of it's resources and any dignity it had.
Cuba is marxist socialism that doesn't allow a private sector and doesnt make respect human rights. HOw the fuck can anyone compare social democracy to it??

Pure capitalism has just as many problems.
Actually there is a thriving legitimate private sector in Cuba where people have set up their own businesses.

That is entirely true, but only in recent years under the right-wing capitalist reforms in recent years.

Before then, the entire country was entirely a trash can of poverty and decline, under left-wing socialist ideology.
Well their government hasnt changed. The BBC sent somebody there a while back and people were setting up restaurants and there was also a thriving housing market with estate agents and all their crap. I fear for Cuba. Access to US markets has not been an unalloyed joy for their neighbours.
You've hit the nail on the head. The IMF and World Bank agents are just salivating with eagerness to get their hands on Cuba and Cuban resources. Castro and his brother are smart enough to see the usurious trap, but after they are gone...Oh OH.. Cuba may turn into another Haiti....stripped of it's resources and any dignity it had.

Do you realize that nothing has any value, if you don't sell it? Russia for decades had natural resources that were never used, never collected, never processed, never sold, and stayed right where they were.

And the soviet union collasped because why? The IMF and World Bank didn't take their resources did they?

Cuba was in object poverty. Still is for the most part, after 50 years of no one taking their natural resources?

You would rather doom those people to impoverishment for eternity, than see them develop. Pathetic. You people on the left keep claiming you stand for the poor, and then do everything you can possibly do to keep them poor.
Cuba is marxist socialism that doesn't allow a private sector and doesnt make respect human rights. HOw the fuck can anyone compare social democracy to it??

Pure capitalism has just as many problems.

If you had not noticed, the US recently passed the Patriot Act and NDAA that Obama signed into law enabling government to arrest its citizens without due process. They also attack the private sector daily passing over 40,000 new laws and regulations every year.

Look in that mirror Barak Obama.

From what I hear, Obama is off to Cuba instead of going to Justice Scalia's funeral. For the first time since Cuba turned to Marxist despotism a US president is visiting Cuba.

He must feel like he is going home again.
You are not tying Obama to the Patriot Act are you? A republican president signed THAT into law. You continue with that ambiguous "they" to create your straw man
to insinuate that the Obama administration is attacking the private sector by "passing 40,000 new laws and regulations each year." I wasn't aware that the executive branch could pass ANY laws. I looked in that mirror and I don't see Obama's face...I see yours and it is quite red.
obama said he would get rid of it, promised to do so 8 years ago

instead, he signed it and made it more powerful.

it's a law with an expiration date, it has to be passed again and again.

so yea, it's also on obama

I will have to research that but if what you say is true, it isn't just Obama, the republican heavy Congress has to pass it over and over for the president to sign it..RIGHT? That makes the cyclic renewal bi-partisan. So why are you blaming Obama only?
It's public knowledge

and I never blamed just obama, I corrected your false accusation that it was just bush, oh and, with a heavy dem congress, since you need to pass obamas blame around, but no Bushs
Of course it is public knowledge. But public knowledge isn't always accurate. On something like this I compare several credible sources and draw my conclusions from that to make an in depth analysis.

The post that started this line of conversation was not directed to you at all. Votto was the intended target after he seemed to insinuate that Obama was the initial signatory of the Patriot Act. You can't "correct" me on that because what I said is true. To interject and say YOU never blamed Obama is disingenuous since I was initially responding to another poster who DID blame Obama.
Do you realize that nothing has any value, if you don't sell it? Russia for decades had natural resources that were never used, never collected, never processed, never sold, and stayed right where they were.

That is where "conservative's" views and philosophy fails. You place the highest value on material gains and profit. There are other more profound treasures manifested in love of humanity and reciprocal concern for one's fellow man.
Cubans are healthy , have food and shelter, and camaraderie despite attempts by factions within this country to imperil all of that!

Cuba was in object poverty. Still is for the most part, after 50 years of no one taking their natural resources?
I don't see that poverty in Cuba being as stark as that in Appalachia or in many of our large metropolitan centers. I don't see images of people living on the streets scarred by drugs and gun violence or lack of insurance.

You would rather doom those people to impoverishment for eternity, than see them develop. Pathetic. You people on the left keep claiming you stand for the poor, and then do everything you can possibly do to keep them poor.

Do yo live in a place where you don't see any of the 40 million impoverished Americans that dot our bucolic and urban landscapes. Perhaps to you they are mere apparitions unworthy of mentioning. failures who didn't have what takes to make it on their own. IMHO they would be better off in Cuba!
Do you realize that nothing has any value, if you don't sell it? Russia for decades had natural resources that were never used, never collected, never processed, never sold, and stayed right where they were.

That is where "conservative's" views and philosophy fails. You place the highest value on material gains and profit. There are other more profound treasures manifested in love of humanity and reciprocal concern for one's fellow man.
Cubans are healthy , have food and shelter, and camaraderie despite attempts by factions within this country to imperil all of that!

Cuba was in object poverty. Still is for the most part, after 50 years of no one taking their natural resources?
I don't see that poverty in Cuba being as stark as that in Appalachia or in many of our large metropolitan centers. I don't see images of people living on the streets scarred by drugs and gun violence or lack of insurance.

You would rather doom those people to impoverishment for eternity, than see them develop. Pathetic. You people on the left keep claiming you stand for the poor, and then do everything you can possibly do to keep them poor.

Do yo live in a place where you don't see any of the 40 million impoverished Americans that dot our bucolic and urban landscapes. Perhaps to you they are mere apparitions unworthy of mentioning. failures who didn't have what takes to make it on their own. IMHO they would be better off in Cuba!

You are coming across as the most extreme version of ignorant. Yeah, crime is lower in a police state where 'rights' are ignored. This is shocking to who?

If you think Cuban have not been in absolute object poverty, it is only because you are ignorant.

And you people are unbelievably ignorant.


I could post you a million pictures that every informed person knows about Cuba. You people are just Micheal Morons. Don't know jack about what you talk about.

Hospitals without ambulance service.... BUT AT LEAST THEY DON'T NEED INSURANCE!


But at least they don't need insurance!

The worst, and poorest in America, lives a life of luxury compared to most of Cuba.

They can't even get Aspirin, and you are complaining about lacking insurance?
It's funny, every time some idiot tells me Cuba is a workers paradise.... I do some quick research, only about 1 hour this time, and find even more evidence of just how insane it is there...

Massive food shortages. All the state owned socialized 'for the people' farms, provide barely 20% of the food for the population. 80% of Cuba's food is imported even to this day, which of course is impossible because these morons claim we have a blockade which prevents Cuba from getting food. Right?

The average wage in Cuba is $15 a month.

This is another reason why I claim the entire leftist ideology is an ideology of spoiled brats. If you spoil your kids until they are rotten to the core, they will end up leftists. Here we are people whining and complaining about "fight for $15", so they can earn $15 an hour to flip a burger over on a grill, and in Cuba, $15 is how much they earn in a month. The minimum wage burger flipper in America, is like a the life of a top 1% in Cuba.

The opening view at 14 seconds, look in the lower right, you'll see a green front building, side facing the left. But the side of the building facing the camera, is white.... look at it closely.... it's not painted white.... That side of the building collapsed. That's the inner wall of the building. The rest is boarded up.

People LIVE there.


In a country with a massive housing shortage, buildings have been left to decay so badly, right in the middle of Havana, that TREES are growing out of the building.

This is the socialist reality. This is where left-wing ideology leads to. This is the misery and impoverishment, and hopelessness of Bernie Sanders, and all the rest of them.
The worst, and poorest in America, lives a life of luxury compared to most of Cuba.

That is a lie and you know it!

They can't even get Aspirin, and you are complaining about lacking insurance?

You say they can't get aspirin but I say that Cuba;s pharmaceutical productions has benefitted the world and has been instrumental in keeping their economy alive. Not only that, Cuba has a top notch medical school that trains doctors from all over the world providing free tuition, room and board .The only requirement is that the graduates donate their services to underserved countries,

Foolish mortal, I feast upon your ignorance, Behold, the Christ-like altruism conveyed by Castro to the developing world...free of charge... The USA has nothing to compare to this: I think Jesus would approve of Castro far more than anyone in our government.

The mission of ELAM is to make competent and cooperative doctors with the degree of MD (doctor of medicine), the same degree which is offered to medical graduates all over the Americas. The Latin American School of Medicine is officially recognized by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) and the World Health Organization. It is fully accredited by the Medical Board of California, which has the strictest US standards — which means that qualified US graduates of the Latin American School of Medicine are eligible to apply for residency placements in any state of the US.

It is preferred that ELAM students come from the poorest communities with the intent of returning to practice in those areas in their countries. Initially only enrolling students from Latin America and the Caribbean, the school has become open to applicants from impoverished and/or medically underserved areas in the United States and Africa. As part of Cuban international cooperation, ELAM is also training 800 medical doctors from Timor-Leste. [13]

Preference is given to applicants who are financially needy and/or people of color who show the most commitment to working in their poor communities.[4][5][10][14]

Final admissions decisions are made by a committee representing ELAM's faculty and the Cuban Ministry of Public Health.[6]

No aspirin? Who needs it when yo make your own replacement!

In a country with a massive housing shortage, buildings have been left to decay so badly, right in the middle of Havana, that TREES are growing out of the building.

DId you notice how clean the streets in those pictures ar?. Even among dilapidation and flaking decor, cleanliness is evidence that the minds of the people living there are not corrupted by drugs and indifference. That signifies community pride.

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