Why Hillary Will Not Win 2016 Primary


May 23, 2014
Just a short list of why Hillary will not win 2016 Democratic Primary:
1972 front runner Ed Muskie...nomination? NOPE
1976 front runners Mo Udall and Birch Bayh...nomination? NOPE
1984 front runner Walter Mondale...nomination? squeaks in after party establishment intercedes to stop Gary Hart. Speaking of Mr. Hart...
1988 front runner Gary Hart...nomination? NOPE (scandal brought him down...careful Hillary)
1992 front runner Mario Cuomo...nomination? NOPE refused to run. Opened door for the draft dodger.
2004 front runner Howard Dean...nomination? NOPE felled by John Kerry and John Edwards.
2008 front runner Hillary Clinton...nomination? NOPE beaten by ultra liberal Barack Hussein Obama.
So will Hill's get the nomination? the Magic 8 Ball says "Highly Unlikely."
Just a short list of why Hillary will not win 2016 Democratic Primary:
1972 front runner Ed Muskie...nomination? NOPE
1976 front runners Mo Udall and Birch Bayh...nomination? NOPE
1984 front runner Walter Mondale...nomination? squeaks in after party establishment intercedes to stop Gary Hart. Speaking of Mr. Hart...
1988 front runner Gary Hart...nomination? NOPE (scandal brought him down...careful Hillary)
1992 front runner Mario Cuomo...nomination? NOPE refused to run. Opened door for the draft dodger.
2004 front runner Howard Dean...nomination? NOPE felled by John Kerry and John Edwards.
2008 front runner Hillary Clinton...nomination? NOPE beaten by ultra liberal Barack Hussein Obama.
So will Hill's get the nomination? the Magic 8 Ball says "Highly Unlikely."
Hillary will take the 25 million she has raised and run.
Just a short list of why Hillary will not win 2016 Democratic Primary:
1972 front runner Ed Muskie...nomination? NOPE
1976 front runners Mo Udall and Birch Bayh...nomination? NOPE
1984 front runner Walter Mondale...nomination? squeaks in after party establishment intercedes to stop Gary Hart. Speaking of Mr. Hart...
1988 front runner Gary Hart...nomination? NOPE (scandal brought him down...careful Hillary)
1992 front runner Mario Cuomo...nomination? NOPE refused to run. Opened door for the draft dodger.
2004 front runner Howard Dean...nomination? NOPE felled by John Kerry and John Edwards.
2008 front runner Hillary Clinton...nomination? NOPE beaten by ultra liberal Barack Hussein Obama.
So will Hill's get the nomination? the Magic 8 Ball says "Highly Unlikely."

what will you say when she does?
the odds are in her favor .besides the republican have only won two presidential elections since 1992

And they have won the popular vote in only 1 of those 6.

A blue wall has developed that is pretty much impossible for them to break down.
hearing the excuses should be fun.

"The vagina vote"
"Dead Democrats voted"
"Registered Illegals from ALL OVER"
"Pandering to the blahs...."
Oh right, ignore all the mathematical basis of how impractical it is for Hillary to lose the Dem primary....let's just all fantasize how Hillary will lose because she's not left-wing enough for progressive to support, so they'll vote for Jim Webb or Martin O'Malley who are both to the right of her....

It's just dumb....Hillary will win the Dem primary, it's a done deal at this point. The GOP will have to deal with Hillary in the General Election, and that's that. Looking at her numbers with female voters and looking at the GOP bench of all male candidates and yeah, good luck.
Sorry guys, Cankles has too much baggage she carries around in those oversized pantsuits, ( not to mention the BLOOD all over them!)
Damn, reading this is kind of like reading about the Romney landslide that was posted on 2Nov12. Gotta love these GOP'ers that live in an alternative universe.

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